Man pages for acde
Artificial Components Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes

acArtificial Components for Gene Expression Data
acde-packageArtificial Components Detection of Differentially Expressed...
bcaFDRBCa Confidence Upper Bound for the FDR
fdrFalse Discovery Rate Computation
phytophthoraGene Expression Data for Tomato Plants Inoculated with...
plot.STPPlot Method for Single Time Point Analysis
plot.TCPlot Method for Time Course Analysis
print.STPPrint Method for Single Time Point Analysis
print.TCPrint Method for Time Course Analysis
qvalQ-Values Computation
stpSingle Time Point Analysis for Detecting Differentially...
tcTime Course Analysis for Detecting Differentially Expressed...
acde documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:10 p.m.