
context("Testing error checking in C-level matrix sum functions")

## Test internal error checking
mat <- matrix(seq(5), ncol = 10, nrow = 10)
label1 <- rep(seq(2), each = 5)
label2 <- as.factor(seq(100))
label3 <- as.factor(label1)
label4 <- label3
label4[seq(2)] <- 2
label5 <- as.factor(rep(seq(5), each = 2))

test_that(desc = "Testing .rowSumByGroup", {
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroup", mat, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroup", mat, label2))
    res <- .Call("_rowSumByGroup", mat, label3)
    expect_true(all(res == rowsum(mat, label3)))
    res <- .rowSumByGroup(mat, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res == rowsum(mat, label3)))

test_that(desc = "Testing .rowSumByGroupChange", {
    res <- rowsum(mat, label3)
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label2))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat[-1, ], res, label4, label3))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat[, -1], res, label4, label3))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label5))
    res2 <- .Call("_rowSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label3)
    expect_true(all(res2 == rowsum(mat, label4)))
    res <- rowsum(mat, label3)
    res2 <- .rowSumByGroupChange(mat, res, label4, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res2 == rowsum(mat, label4)))

test_that(desc = "Testing .colSumByGroup", {
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroup", mat, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroup", mat, label2))
    res <- .Call("_colSumByGroup", mat, label3)
    expect_true(all(res == t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))))
    res <- .colSumByGroup(mat, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res == t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))))

test_that(desc = "Testing .colSumByGroupChange", {
    res <- t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label2))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat[, -1], res, label4, label3))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label5))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat[-1, ], res, label4, label3))
    res2 <- .Call("_colSumByGroupChange", mat, res, label4, label3)
    expect_true(all(res2 == t(rowsum(t(mat), label4))))
    res <- t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))
    res2 <- .colSumByGroupChange(mat, res, label4, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res2 == t(rowsum(t(mat), label4))))

storage.mode(mat) <- "numeric"
test_that(desc = "Testing .rowSumByGroupNumeric", {
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_rowSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label2))
    res <- .Call("_rowSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label3)
    expect_true(all(res == rowsum(mat, label3)))
    res <- .rowSumByGroupNumeric(mat, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res == rowsum(mat, label3)))

test_that(desc = "Testing .colSumByGroupNumeric", {
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label1))
    expect_error(.Call("_colSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label2))
    res <- .Call("_colSumByGroup_numeric", mat, label3)
    expect_true(all(res == t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))))
    res <- .colSumByGroupNumeric(mat, label3, 2)
    expect_true(all(res == t(rowsum(t(mat), label3))))

# test_that(desc = "Testing fastNormProp Rcpp funtion",{
#   res <- fastNormProp(mat, 0)
#   res2 <- prop.table(mat, 2)
#   expect_true(all(res == res2))
# })
# test_that(desc = "Testing fastNormPropLog Rcpp funtion",{
#   res <- fastNormPropLog(mat, 0)
#   res2 <- log(prop.table(mat, 2))
#   expect_true(all(res == res2))
# })
# test_that(desc = "Testing fastNormPropSqrt Rcpp funtion",{
#   res <- fastNormPropSqrt(mat, 0)
#   res2 <- sqrt(prop.table(mat, 2))
#   expect_true(all(res == res2))
# })

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