Man pages for clipper
Gene Set Analysis Exploiting Pathway Topology

clipperDissect the pathway to find the path with the greatest...
clipperAllRootsDissect the pathway to find the path with the greatest...
cliqueMeanTestMean test for cliques.
cliqueMixedTestMean test for cliques.
cliquePairedTestPaired mean test for cliques.
cliqueVarianceTestVariance test for cliques.
deleteEdgeRemove an edge from 'graphNel' object.
easyClipEasy clip analysis.
easyLookSummarize clipper output.
getGraphEntryGenesExtract all the possible entry point (genes with no entering...
getJunctionTreePathsExtract the shortest paths along the junction tree of the...
nameCliquesGenerate clique names from their own elements.
pathwayTestWhole pathway test using qpipf.
plotInCytoscapePlot a pathway graph in Cytoscape highlighting the relevant...
prunePathsSummarize the paths obtained by clipper according to their...
clipper documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:18 p.m.