
Defines functions summitOverlaps mixedOverlaps empiricalOverlaps getBestOverlaps combineOverlaps .overlapStats

Documented in combineOverlaps empiricalOverlaps getBestOverlaps mixedOverlaps summitOverlaps

#' Combine statistics for overlap-based clusters
#' Compute assorted statistics for overlaps between windows and pre-defined genomic regions in a \linkS4class{Hits} object.
#' @param overlaps A \linkS4class{Hits} object produced by \code{\link{findOverlaps}}, 
#' containing overlaps between regions (query) and windows (subject).
#' @param tab A data.frame of (differential binding) statistics for each window.
#' @param o.weights A numeric vector specifying weights for each overlapped window.
#' @param i.weights A numeric vector specifying weights for each individual window.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the wrapped functions.
#' @param region.best An integer vector specifying the window index that is the summit for each region.
#' @param o.summit A logical vector specifying the overlapped windows that are summits, 
#' or a corresponding integer vector of indices for such windows.
#' @param i.summit A logical vector specifying whether an individual window is a summit, 
#' or a corresponding integer vector of indices.
#' @details
#' These functions provide convenient wrappers around \code{\link{combineTests}}, \code{\link{getBestTest}}, 
#' \code{\link{empiricalFDR}}, \code{\link{mixedClusters}} and \code{\link{upweightSummit}} 
#' for handling overlaps between windows and arbitrary pre-specified regions.
#' They accept \linkS4class{Hits} objects produced by running \code{\link{findOverlaps}} 
#' between regions (as the query) and windows (as the subject).
#' Each set of windows overlapping a region is defined as a cluster to compute various statistics.
#' A wrapper is necessary as a window may overlap multiple regions.
#' If so, the multiple instances of that window are defined as distinct \dQuote{overlapped} windows, 
#' where each overlapped window is assigned to a different region.
#' Each overlapped window is represented by a separate entry of \code{overlaps}.
#' In contrast, the \dQuote{individual} window just refers to the window itself, regardless of what it overlaps.
#' This is represented by each row of the \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment} object and the \code{tab} derived from it.
#' The distinction between these two definitions is required to describe the weight arguments.
#' The \code{o.weights} argument refers to the weights for each region-window relationship.
#' This allows for different weights to be assigned to the same window in different regions.
#' The \code{i.weights} argument is the weight of the window itself, and is the same regardless of the region.
#' If both are specified, \code{o.weights} takes precedence.
#' For \code{summitOverlaps}, the \code{region.best} argument is designed to accept the \code{rep.test} field in the output of \code{getBestOverlaps} (run with \code{by.pval=FALSE}).
#' This contains the index for the individual window that is the summit within each region.
#' In contrast, the \code{i.summit} argument indicates whether an individual window is a summit, e.g., from \code{\link{findMaxima}}.
#' The \code{o.summit} argument does the same for overlapped windows, though this has no obvious input within the \code{csaw} pipeline.
#' @return
#' For \code{combineOverlaps}, \code{getBestOverlaps}, \code{empiricalOverlaps} and \code{mixedOverlaps}, 
#' a \linkS4class{DataFrame} is returned from their respective wrapped functions.
#' Each row of the DataFrame corresponds to a region, where regions without overlapped windows are assigned \code{NA} values.
#' For \code{summitOverlaps}, a numeric vector of weights is produced.
#' This can be used as \code{o.weight} in the other two functions.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{combineTests}},
#' \code{\link{getBestTest}},
#' \code{\link{empiricalFDR}} and
#' \code{\link{upweightSummit}},
#' for the underlying functions.
#' \code{\link{findOverlaps}}, to generate the required \linkS4class{Hits} object.    
#' @author
#' Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' bamFiles <- system.file("exdata", c("rep1.bam", "rep2.bam"), package="csaw")
#' data <- windowCounts(bamFiles, width=1, filter=1)
#' of.interest <- GRanges(c('chrA', 'chrA', 'chrB', 'chrC'), 
#'     IRanges(c(1, 500, 100, 1000), c(200, 1000, 700, 1500)))
#' # Making some mock results.
#' N <- nrow(data)
#' mock <- data.frame(logFC=rnorm(N), PValue=runif(N), logCPM=rnorm(N))
#' olap <- findOverlaps(of.interest, rowRanges(data))
#' combineOverlaps(olap, mock)
#' getBestOverlaps(olap, mock)
#' empiricalOverlaps(olap, mock)
#' # See what happens when you don't get many overlaps.
#' getBestOverlaps(olap[1,], mock)
#' combineOverlaps(olap[2,], mock)
#' empiricalOverlaps(olap[1,], mock)
#' # Weighting example, with window-specific weights.
#' window.weights <- runif(N) 
#' comb <- combineOverlaps(olap, mock, i.weight=window.weights)
#' comb <- getBestOverlaps(olap, mock, i.weight=window.weights)
#' comb <- empiricalOverlaps(olap, mock, i.weight=window.weights)
#' # Weighting example, with relation-specific weights.
#' best.by.ave <- getBestOverlaps(olap, mock, by.pval=FALSE)
#' w <- summitOverlaps(olap, region.best=best.by.ave$rep.test)
#' head(w)
#' stopifnot(length(w)==length(olap))
#' combineOverlaps(olap, mock, o.weight=w)
#' # Running summitOverlaps for window-specific summits
#' # (output is still relation-specific weights, though).
#' is.summit <- findMaxima(rowRanges(data), range=100, metric=mock$logCPM)
#' w <- summitOverlaps(olap, i.summit=is.summit)
#' head(w)
#' @keywords testing
#' @name overlapStats

#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryLength queryHits subjectHits
.overlapStats <- function(overlaps, tab, o.weights=NULL, i.weights=NULL, FUN, ..., rep.fields="rep.test") {
	region.dex <- queryHits(overlaps)
	win.dex <- subjectHits(overlaps)

	# Setting up weights.
	if (is.null(o.weights)) { 
		if (!is.null(i.weights)) {
			o.weights <- i.weights[win.dex]

    output <- FUN(region.dex, tab[win.dex,], weights=o.weights, ...)

	N <- queryLength(overlaps)
    expand.vec <- rep(NA_integer_, N)
    row.dex <- as.integer(rownames(output))
    if (any(N <= 0L | row.dex > N)) { 
        stop("IDs are not within [1, nregions]") 

    expand.vec[row.dex] <- seq_along(row.dex)
    output <- output[expand.vec,,drop=FALSE]
    rownames(output) <- as.character(seq_len(N))

    for (rep in rep.fields) {
        output[[rep]] <- subjectHits(overlaps)[output[[rep]]]


#' @export
#' @rdname overlapStats
combineOverlaps <- function(overlaps, tab, o.weights=NULL, i.weights=NULL, ...) {
	.overlapStats(overlaps, tab, o.weights=o.weights, i.weights=i.weights, FUN=combineTests, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname overlapStats
getBestOverlaps <- function(overlaps, tab, o.weights=NULL, i.weights=NULL, ...) {
	.overlapStats(overlaps, tab, o.weights=o.weights, i.weights=i.weights, FUN=getBestTest, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname overlapStats
empiricalOverlaps <- function(overlaps, tab, o.weights=NULL, i.weights=NULL, ...) {
    .overlapStats(overlaps, tab, o.weights=o.weights, i.weights=i.weights, FUN=empiricalFDR, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname overlapStats
mixedOverlaps <- function(overlaps, tab, o.weights=NULL, i.weights=NULL, ...) {
    .overlapStats(overlaps, tab, o.weights=o.weights, i.weights=i.weights, FUN=mixedClusters, 
        ..., rep.fields=c("rep.up.test", "rep.down.test"))

#' @export
#' @rdname overlapStats
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits 
summitOverlaps <- function(overlaps, region.best, o.summit=NULL, i.summit=NULL) {
	region.dex <- queryHits(overlaps)
	win.dex <- subjectHits(overlaps)

	if (!missing(region.best)) { 
		summit.dex <- region.best[region.dex]
		summits <- !is.na(summit.dex) & win.dex==summit.dex

	} else if (!is.null(o.summit)) {
		if (is.integer(o.summit)) { 
			out <- logical(length(overlaps))
			out[o.summit] <- TRUE
			o.summit <- out
		} else {
		summits <- o.summit

 	} else if (!is.null(i.summit)) { 	
		if (is.integer(i.summit)) { 
			out <- logical(max(win.dex, i.summit))
			out[i.summit] <- TRUE
			i.summit <- out
		summits <- i.summit[win.dex]

	} else {
		stop("either region.best, i.summit or o.summit must be specified")

	upweightSummit(region.dex, summits)

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