
## This software is created by Molecular Genom Analysis Group
## Department of German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg
##  AllGlobals.R
##  Created on: Oct 23, 2008
##      Author: Rudolf Biczok <r.biczok@dkfz-heidelberg.de>
##      Description: Some global definitions

## syntax of ddCt parameters
PARAM.SYNTAX            <- "^-([^-=\\s]+)=([^\\s]+)$"
SUB.PARAM.SYNTAX        <- "^([^-\\s]+)=([^\\s]+)$"

## syntax of the R commandline 
## programm Rscript
SYS.PARAM.SYNTAX        <- "^--([^=\\s]+)=?([^\\s]*)$"

## used columns of data
PRIMARY.INPUT.COLS      <- c("Sample","Detector","Ct");

## Default sample, feature, and Ct column names

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ddCt documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:57 p.m.