
Defines functions prepDataContainer getSampleNames get_conditions_given_selection getMetaSelector selectConditions getSelectInputBox selectedInput getConditionSelectorFromMeta getConditionSelector getMethodDetails debrowsercondselect

Documented in debrowsercondselect getConditionSelector getConditionSelectorFromMeta get_conditions_given_selection getMetaSelector getMethodDetails getSampleNames getSelectInputBox prepDataContainer selectConditions selectedInput

#' debrowsercondselect
#' Condition selection
#' This is not a module. Module construction didn't used here, just use it 
#' as functions not in a module.
#' @param input, input variables
#' @param output, output objects
#' @param session, session 
#' @param data, count data
#' @param metadata, metadata
#' @return main plot
#' @return panel
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- debrowsercondselect()
debrowsercondselect <- function(input = NULL, output = NULL, session = NULL, data = NULL, metadata = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    choicecounter <- reactiveVal(0)
    output$conditionSelector <- renderUI({
        selectConditions(data, metadata, choicecounter(), session, input)
    observeEvent(input$add_btn, {
        choicecounter(choicecounter() + 1)
    observeEvent(input$rm_btn, {
        if (choicecounter() > 0) 
            choicecounter(choicecounter() - 1)
    list(cc = choicecounter)

#' condSelectUI
#' Creates a panel to select samples for each condition
#' @return panel
#' @examples
#'     x <- condSelectUI()
#' @export
condSelectUI<- function () {
    shinydashboard::box(title = "Comparison Selection",
        solidHeader = TRUE, status = "info",  width = NULL, height = NULL, collapsible = TRUE,
        column(12,actionButtonDE("add_btn", "Add New Comparison",styleclass = "primary"),
            actionButtonDE("rm_btn", "Remove", styleclass = "primary"),
            getHelpButton("method", "http://debrowser.readthedocs.io/en/master/deseq/deseq.html"),
            conditionalPanel(condition = ("output.condReady>0"),
            actionButtonDE("startDE", "Start DE", styleclass = "primary")))
#' get the detail boxes after DE method selected 
#' @param num, panel that is going to be shown
#' @param input, user input
#' @examples
#'     x <- getMethodDetails()
#' @export
getMethodDetails <- function(num = 0, input = NULL) {
    if (num > 0)
                (condition <- paste0("input.demethod",num," == 'DESeq2'")),
                getSelectInputBox("fitType", "Fit Type", num, 
                    c("parametric", "local", "mean"), 
                    selectedInput("testType", num, "parametric",
                    input), 3),
                getSelectInputBox("betaPrior", "betaPrior", num, 
                    c(FALSE, TRUE), 
                    selectedInput("betaPrior", num,
                    FALSE, input),2),
                getSelectInputBox("testType", "Test Type", num, 
                    c("LRT", "Wald"),  
                    selectedInput("testType", num, "LRT", input)),
                getSelectInputBox("shrinkage", "Shrinkage", num, 
                    c("None", "apeglm", "ashr", "normal"),
                    selectedInput("shrinkage", num, "None", input))),
                (condition <- paste0("input.demethod",num," == 'EdgeR'")),
                getSelectInputBox("edgeR_normfact", "Normalization", num, 
                    selectedInput("edgeR_normfact", num, "TMM", input), 3),
                column(2,textInput(paste0("dispersion", num), "Dispersion", 
                    value = isolate(selectedInput("dispersion", 
                    num, "0", input) ))),
                getSelectInputBox("edgeR_testType", "Test Type", num, 
                    c("exactTest", "glmLRT"), 
                    selectedInput("edgeR_testType", num,
                    "exactTest", input))),
                (condition <- paste0("input.demethod",num," ==  'Limma'")),
                getSelectInputBox("limma_normfact", "Normalization", num, 
                    selectedInput("limma_normfact", num, "TMM", input), 3),
                getSelectInputBox("limma_fitType", "Fit Type", num,
                    c("ls", "robust"), 
                    selectedInput("limma_fitType", num, "ls", input)),
                getSelectInputBox("normBetween", "Norm. Bet. Arrays", num,
                    c("none", "scale", "quantile", "cyclicloess",
                    "Aquantile", "Gquantile", "Rquantile","Tquantile"),
                    selectedInput("normBetween", num, "none", input))),

#' getConditionSelector
#' Selects user input conditions to run in DESeq.
#' @param num, panel that is going to be shown
#' @param choices, sample list
#' @param selected, selected smaple list
#' @examples
#'     x <- getConditionSelector()
#' @export
getConditionSelector<- function(num=0, choices = NULL, selected = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(choices))
        list(column(6, selectInput(paste0("condition", num),
            label = paste0("Condition ", num),
            choices = choices, multiple = TRUE,
            selected = selected)))

#' getConditionSelectorFromMeta
#' Selects user input conditions to run in DESeq from metadata
#' @param metadata, meta data table
#' @param input, input
#' @param index, index
#' @param num, num
#' @param choices, choices
#' @param selected, selected
#' @examples
#'     x <- getConditionSelectorFromMeta()
#' @export
getConditionSelectorFromMeta <- function(metadata = NULL, input = NULL, index = 1, num=0, 
    choices = NULL, selected = NULL) {
     a <- list(column(6, selectInput(paste0("condition", num),
            label = paste0("Condition ", num),
            choices = choices, multiple = TRUE,
            selected = selected)))

     if (!is.null(metadata)){
        selected_meta <- selectedInput("conditions_from_meta", 
            index, NULL, input)
        if (is.null(selected_meta)) selected_meta <- "No Selection"
        if (selected_meta != "No Selection"){
            old_selection <- ""
        if(!is.null(input[[paste0("condition", num)]])){
            selected <- input[[paste0("condition", num)]]
        meta_choices_all <- NULL
        if (!is.null(selected_meta))
            meta_choices_all <- get_conditions_given_selection(metadata,
        if(old_selection != selected_meta){
            if(typeof(meta_choices_all) == "character"){
                meta_choices <- list("There must be exactly 2 groups.")
            } else{
                meta1 <- meta_choices_all[[2 - (num %% 2)]]
                meta_choices <- unlist(meta1, recursive=FALSE)
            selected <- meta_choices
        a <- list(column(6, selectInput(paste0("condition", num),
            label = paste0("Condition ", num),
            choices = choices, multiple = TRUE,
            selected = selected)))

#' selectedInput
#' Selects user input conditions to run in DESeq.
#' @param id, input id
#' @param num, panel that is going to be shown
#' @param default, default text
#' @param input, input params
#' @examples
#'     x <- selectedInput()
#' @export
selectedInput <- function(id = NULL, num = 0, default = NULL, 
    input = NULL) {
    if (is.null(id)) return(NULL)
    m <- NULL
    if (is.null(input[[paste0(id, num)]]))
        m <- default
        m <- input[[paste0(id, num)]]

#' getSelectInputBox
#' Selects user input conditions to run in DESeq.
#' @param id, input id
#' @param name, label of the box
#' @param num, panel that is going to be shown
#' @param choices, sample list
#' @param selected, selected smaple list
#' @param cw, column width
#' @examples
#'     x <- getSelectInputBox()
#' @export
getSelectInputBox <- function(id = NULL, name = NULL, 
                              num = 0, choices = NULL, selected = NULL,
                              cw = 2) {
    if (is.null(id)) return(NULL)
    if (!is.null(choices))
        list(column(cw, selectInput(paste0(id, num),
            label = name,
            choices = choices, multiple = FALSE,
            selected = selected)))

#' selectConditions
#' Selects user input conditions, multiple if present, to be
#' used in DESeq.
#' @param Dataset, used dataset 
#' @param metadata, metadatatable to select from metadata
#' @param choicecounter, choicecounter to add multiple comparisons
#' @param session, session
#' @param input, input params
#' @note \code{selectConditions}
#' @return the panel for go plots;
#' @examples
#'     x<- selectConditions()
#' @export
selectConditions<-function(Dataset = NULL,
                           metadata = NULL,
                           choicecounter = NULL,
                           session = NULL,
                           input = NULL) {
    if (is.null(Dataset)) return(NULL)
    selectedSamples <- function(num){
        if (is.null(input[[paste0("condition", num)]]))
            getSampleNames(colnames(Dataset), num %% 2 )
            input[[paste0("condition", num)]]
    nc <- choicecounter
    if (nc >= 0) {
        allsamples <- getSampleNames( colnames(Dataset), "all" )
        lapply(seq_len(nc), function(i) {

            selected1 <- selectedSamples(2 * i - 1)
            selected2 <- selectedSamples( 2 * i )
            to_return <- list(column(12, getMetaSelector(metadata = metadata, input=input, n = i),
                    getConditionSelectorFromMeta(metadata, input, i,
                        (2 * i - 1), allsamples, selected1),
                    getConditionSelectorFromMeta(metadata, input, i,
                        (2 * i), allsamples, selected2)
                   column(1, helpText(" ")),
                   getSelectInputBox("demethod", "DE Method", i, 
                        c("DESeq2", "EdgeR", "Limma"),
                        selectedInput("demethod", i, "DESeq2", input)),
                   getMethodDetails(i, input)))
            if (!is.null(selectedInput("conditions_from_meta", 
                i, NULL, input)) && selectedInput("conditions_from_meta", 
                i, NULL, input) != "No Selection"){
                facts <- levels(factor(metadata[,selectedInput("conditions_from_meta", 
                     i, NULL, input)]))
                facts <- facts[facts != "" & facts != "NA"]
                if (length(facts) != 2) {
                    showNotification("There must be exactly 2 groups in the selected condition. 
                         Please use NA or space to remove extra sample groups from metadata selection.", 
                         type = "error")
                     updateSelectInput(session, paste0("conditions_from_meta", i), selected="No Selection" )

#' getMetaSelector
#' Return the sample selection box using meta data table
#' @param metadata, meta data table
#' @param input, input params
#' @param n, the box number
#' @return meta select box
#' @examples
#'     x<-getMetaSelector()
#' @export
getMetaSelector <- function(metadata = NULL, input = NULL, n = 0){		
        df <- metadata
        col_count <- length(colnames(df))		

        list(HTML('<hr style="color: white; border:solid 1px white;">'),
             br(), column(10, selectInput(paste0("conditions_from_meta", 
                 n), label = "Select Meta",
                 choices = as.list(c("No Selection", 
                 multiple = FALSE,
                 selected =  selectedInput("conditions_from_meta",
                 n, "Selection 2", input))))

#' get_conditions_given_selection
#' Return the two set of conditions given the selection of meta select box
#' @param metadata, meta data table
#' @param selection, selection
#' @return meta select box
#' @examples
#'     x<-get_conditions_given_selection()
#' @export
get_conditions_given_selection <- function(metadata = NULL, selection = NULL){		
    if(is.null(metadata)) return(NULL)		
    df <- metadata
    if(selection == "No Selection"){		
    facts <- levels(factor(df[,selection]))
    facts <- facts[facts != "" & facts != "NA"]
    if(length(facts) != 2){		
    } else {
        # Assuming the first column has samples		
        sample_col_name <- colnames(df)[1]		
        condition1 <- facts[1]		
        condition2 <- facts[2]		
        # In case the conditions are integers		
            condition1 <- factor(condition1)		
            condition2 <- factor(condition2)	

        condition1_filtered <- df[df[,selection] == condition1, ]		
        a <- condition1_filtered[,sample_col_name]		

        condition2_filtered <- df[df[,selection] == condition2, ]		
        b <- condition2_filtered[,sample_col_name]	

        both_groups <- list(a, b)

#' getSampleNames
#' Prepares initial samples to fill condition boxes.  
#' it reads the sample names from the data and splits into two. 
#' @param cnames, sample names in the header of a dataset
#' @param part, c(1,2). 1=first half and 2= second half
#' @return sample names.
#' @examples
#'     x<-getSampleNames()
#' @export
getSampleNames <- function(cnames = NULL, part = 1) {
    if (is.null(cnames)) return(NULL)
    startpos <- 1
    endpos <- length(cnames)
    if (part == 1)
        endpos <- floor(endpos / 2) 
    else if (part == 0)
        startpos <- floor(endpos / 2) + 1
    cn <- cnames[startpos:endpos]
    m <- as.list(NULL)
    for (i in seq(cn)) {
        m[[i]] <- cn[i]

#' prepDataContainer
#' Prepares the data container that stores values used within DESeq.
#' @param data, loaded dataset
#' @param counter, the number of comparisons
#' @param input, input parameters
#' @return data
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     x <- prepDataContainer()
prepDataContainer <- function(data = NULL, counter=NULL, 
                              input = NULL) {
    if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
    inputconds <- reactiveValues(demethod_params = list(), conds = list(), dclist = list())

    inputconds$conds <- list()
    for (cnt in seq(1:(2*counter))){
        inputconds$conds[cnt] <- list(isolate(input[[paste0("condition",cnt)]]))
    #Get parameters for each method
    inputconds$demethod_params <- NULL
    for (cnt in seq(1:counter)){
        if (isolate(input[[paste0("demethod",cnt)]]) == "DESeq2"){
            inputconds$demethod_params[cnt] <- paste(
                isolate(input[[paste0("shrinkage",cnt)]]), sep=",")
        else if (isolate(input[[paste0("demethod",cnt)]]) == "EdgeR"){
            inputconds$demethod_params[cnt]<- paste(
                isolate(input[[paste0("edgeR_testType",cnt)]]), sep=",")
        else if (isolate(input[[paste0("demethod",cnt)]]) == "Limma"){
            inputconds$demethod_params[cnt] <- paste(
                isolate(input[[paste0("normBetween",cnt)]]), sep=",")
    for (i in seq(1:counter))
        conds <- c(rep(paste0("Cond", 2*i-1), 
                   rep(paste0("Cond", 2*i), length(inputconds$conds[[2*i]])))
        cols <- c(paste(inputconds$conds[[2*i-1]]), 
        params <- unlist(strsplit(inputconds$demethod_params[i], ","))
        withProgress(message = 'Running DE Algorithms', detail = inputconds$demethod_params[i], value = 0, {
            initd <- callModule(debrowserdeanalysis, paste0("DEResults",i), data = data, 
                  columns = cols, conds = conds, params = params)
            if (!is.null(initd$dat()) && nrow(initd$dat()) > 1){
                inputconds$dclist[[i]] <- list(conds = conds, cols = cols, init_data=initd$dat(), 
                    demethod_params = inputconds$demethod_params[i])

    if(length(inputconds$dclist) <1) return(NULL)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

debrowser documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 2 a.m.