Man pages for gwascat
representing and modeling data in the EMBL-EBI GWAS catalog

bindcadd_snvbind CADD scores of Kircher et al. 2014 to a GRanges instance
chklocsreturn TRUE if all named SNPs with locations in both the...
ebicat_2020_04_30serialized gwaswloc instance from april 30 2020, sample of...
g17SMSnpMatrix instance from chr17
get_cached_gwascatuse BiocFileCache to retrieve and keep an image of the tsv...
getRsidsgeneric snp name retrieval
getRsids-gwaswloc-methodspecific snp name retrieval
getTraitsgeneric trait retrieval
getTraits-gwaswloc-methodspecific trait retrieval
gg17Ngenotype matrix from chr17 1000 genomes
gr6.0_hg38image of locon6 in GRanges, lifted over to hg38
gw6.rs_17character vector of rs numbers for SNP on chr17
gwastaggerGRanges with LD information on 9998 SNP
gwaswloc-classcontainer for gwas hit data and GRanges for addresses
gwcex2gvizPrepare salient components of GWAS catalog for rendering with...
ldtagrexpand a list of variants by including those in a VCF with LD...
locon6location data for 10000 SNP
locs4traitget locations for SNP affecting a selected trait
low17SnpMatrix instance from chr17
makeCurrentGwascatread NHGRI GWAS catalog table and construct associated...
obo2graphNELconvert a typical OBO text file to a graphNEL instance (using...
process_gwas_dataframeconvert GWAS catalog data.frame to gwaswloc, a GRanges...
riskyAlleleCountgiven a matrix of subjects x SNP calls, count number of risky...
si.hs.37Seqinfo for GRCh37
si.hs.38Seqinfo for GRCh38
sub-gwaswloc-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodextractor for gwaswloc
subsetByChromosomegeneric trait subsetting
subsetByChromosome-gwaswloc-methodspecific trait subsetting
subsetByTraitsgeneric trait subsetting
subsetByTraits-gwaswloc-methodspecific trait subsetting
topTraitsoperations on GWAS catalog
traitsManhuse ggbio facilities to display GWAS results for selected...
gwascat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:08 p.m.