


Xu Ren ( Pei Fen Kuan (

This Shiny app is an interface for Bioconductor package methylGSA.

The Bioconductor package can be found here. The Bioconductor package vignette can be found here. The methylGSA paper can be found here.


Ren, X., & Kuan, P. F. (2019). methylGSA: a Bioconductor package and Shiny app for DNA methylation data length bias adjustment in gene set testing. Bioinformatics, 35(11), 1958-1959.

@article{ren2019methylgsa, title={methylGSA: a Bioconductor package and Shiny app for DNA methylation data length bias adjustment in gene set testing}, author={Ren, Xu and Kuan, Pei Fen}, journal={Bioinformatics}, volume={35}, number={11}, pages={1958--1959}, year={2019}, publisher={Oxford University Press} }

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methylGSA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:29 p.m.