## # A helper function to check whether two SummarizedExperiment objects are
## # equivalent
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments <- function(SE1, SE2) {
## stopifnot(require(SummarizedExperiment))
## stopifnot(is(SE1, "SummarizedExperiment"),
## is(SE2, "SummarizedExperiment"))
## assays(SE1) <- endoapply(assays(SE1), as.matrix)
## assays(SE2) <- endoapply(assays(SE2), as.matrix)
## if (isTRUE(all.equal(SE1, SE2))) {
## return(all.equal(assays(SE1), assays(SE2)))
## }
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once bumphunter() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi
## # objects
## test_bumphunter_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## # gmSet <- preprocessQuantile(MsetEx)
## # design <- model.matrix(~ gmSet$status)
## # bumps <- bumphunter(
## # object = gmSet,
## # design = design,
## # B = 0,
## # type = "Beta",
## # cutoff = 0.25)
## # bumps0 <- bumps
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## checkException(gmSet <- preprocessQuantile(MsetEx),
## silent = TRUE)
## # design <- model.matrix(~ gmSet$status)
## # checkException(bumps <- bumphunter(
## # object = gmSet,
## # design = design,
## # B = 0,
## # type = "Beta",
## # cutoff = 0.25))
## # Check equivalency
## # checkIdentical(bumps0, bumps)
## }
## test_combineArrays_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(minfiDataEPIC))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## data(RGsetEx.sub)
## data(RGsetEPIC)
## rgSet0 <- combineArrays(RGsetEPIC, RGsetEx.sub)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## RGsetEPIC <- realize(RGsetEPIC)
## rgSet <- combineArrays(RGsetEPIC, RGsetEx.sub)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(rgSet0, rgSet)
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once compartments() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi objects
## test_compartments_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## # GMset <- mapToGenome(MsetEx)
## # comps <- compartments(GMset, res = 10^6)
## # comps0 <- comps
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## GMset <- mapToGenome(MsetEx)
## checkException(comps <- compartments(GMset, res = 10^6), silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkEquals(comps0, comps)
## }
## test_convertArray_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## data(RGsetEx.sub)
## rgSet <- convertArray(RGsetEx.sub, outType = "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC")
## rgSet0 <- rgSet
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## rgSet <- convertArray(RGsetEx.sub, outType = "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC")
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(rgSet0, rgSet)
## }
## test_detectionP_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## detP <- detectionP(RGsetEx.sub)
## failed0 <- detP > 0.01
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## detP <- detectionP(RGsetEx.sub)
## failed <- detP > 0.01
## # Check equivalency
## # NOTE: detectionP() returns a DelayedMatrix when applied to a
## # DelayedArray-backed object, hence need for as.matrix()
## checkIdentical(failed0, as.matrix(failed))
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once dmpFinder() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi objects
## test_dmpFinder_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## MsetExSmall <- MsetEx[seq_len(1e4), ]
## # grp <- pData(MsetEx)$Sample_Group
## # M <- getM(MsetExSmall, type = "beta", betaThreshold = 0.001)
## # dmp0 <- dmpFinder(M, pheno = grp, type = "categorical")
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetExSmall <- realize(MsetExSmall)
## M <- getM(MsetExSmall, type = "beta", betaThreshold = 0.001)
## checkException(dmp <- dmpFinder(M, pheno = grp, type = "categorical"),
## silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkIdentical(dmp0, dmp)
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once estimateCellCounts() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi
## # objects
## test_estimateCellCounts_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(FlowSorted.Blood.450k))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## wh.WBC <- which(FlowSorted.Blood.450k$CellType == "WBC")
## wh.PBMC <- which(FlowSorted.Blood.450k$CellType == "PBMC")
## RGset <- FlowSorted.Blood.450k[, c(wh.WBC, wh.PBMC)]
## # The following line is purely to work around an issue with repeated
## # sampleNames and Biobase::combine()
## sampleNames(RGset) <- paste(
## RGset$CellType,
## c(seq(along = wh.WBC), seq(along = wh.PBMC)),
## sep = "_")
## # counts0 <- estimateCellCounts(RGset, meanPlot = FALSE)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGset <- realize(RGset)
## checkException(counts <- estimateCellCounts(RGset, meanPlot = FALSE),
## silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkIdentical(counts0, counts)
## }
## test_fixMethOutliers_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## MsetEx0 <- fixMethOutliers(MsetEx)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## MsetEx <- fixMethOutliers(MsetEx)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(MsetEx0, MsetEx)
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once gaphunter() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi objects
## test_gaphunter_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## # gapres0 <- gaphunter(MsetEx.sub, threshold = 0.3, keepOutliers = TRUE)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx.sub <- realize(MsetEx.sub)
## checkException(
## gapres <- gaphunter(MsetEx.sub, threshold = 0.3, keepOutliers = TRUE),
## silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(gapres0, gapres)
## }
## test_getAnnotation_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## anno0 <- getAnnotation(MsetEx, what = "Manifest")
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## anno <- getAnnotation(MsetEx, what = "Manifest")
## # Check equivalency
## checkIdentical(anno0, anno)
## }
## test_getQC_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## qc <- getQC(MsetEx)
## MsetEx0 <- addQC(MsetEx, qc = qc)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## qc <- getQC(MsetEx)
## MsetEx <- addQC(MsetEx, qc = qc)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(MsetEx0, MsetEx)
## }
## test_getSex_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## GMsetEx <- mapToGenome(MsetEx)
## estSex <- getSex(GMsetEx)
## GMsetEx0 <- addSex(GMsetEx, sex = estSex)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## GMsetEx <- mapToGenome(MsetEx)
## estSex <- getSex(GMsetEx)
## GMsetEx <- addSex(GMsetEx, sex = estSex)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(GMsetEx0, GMsetEx)
## }
## test_logit2_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## x <- matrix(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
## val0 <- logit2(x)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## x <- DelayedArray(x)
## val <- logit2(x)
## # Check equivalency
## # NOTE: logi2() returns a DelayedMatrix when applied to a DelayedArra,
## # hence need for as.matrix()
## checkIdentical(val0, as.matrix(val))
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix() supports DelayedArray
## test_makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## mat <- matrix(10, 5, 2)
## rownames(mat) <- c(
## "cg13869341", "cg14008030","cg12045430", "cg20826792","cg00381604")
## # grset0 <- makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix(mat)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## mat <- realize(mat)
## checkException(grset <- makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix(mat), silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(grset0, grset)
## }
## test_mapToGenome_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## GMsetEx.sub0 <- mapToGenome(MsetEx.sub)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx.sub <- realize(MsetEx.sub)
## GMsetEx.sub <- mapToGenome(MsetEx.sub)
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(GMsetEx.sub0, GMsetEx.sub)
## }
## test_minfiQC_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## out0 <- minfiQC(MsetEx)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## out <- minfiQC(MsetEx)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(out0$object, out$object)
## checkIdentical(out0$qc, out$qc)
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once preprocessFunnorm() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi
## # objects
## test_preprocessFunnorm_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## # Mset.sub.funnorm0 <- preprocessFunnorm(RGsetEx.sub)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## checkException(Mset.sub.funnorm <- preprocessFunnorm(RGsetEx.sub),
## silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(Mset.sub.funnorm0, Mset.sub.funnorm)
## }
## test_preprocessIllumina_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## dat0 <- preprocessIllumina(
## rgSet = RGsetEx,
## bg.correct = FALSE,
## normalize = "controls")
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx <- realize(RGsetEx)
## dat <- preprocessIllumina(
## rgSet = RGsetEx,
## bg.correct = FALSE,
## normalize = "controls")
## # Check equality
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(dat0, dat)
## }
## test_preprocessNoob_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## MsetEx.sub.noob <- preprocessNoob(RGsetEx.sub)
## dyeMethods <- c(ssNoob = "single", refNoob = "reference")
## GRsets0 <- lapply(
## X = dyeMethods,
## FUN = function(m) preprocessNoob(RGsetEx, dyeMethod = m))
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## MsetEx.sub.noob <- preprocessNoob(RGsetEx.sub)
## GRsets <- lapply(
## X = dyeMethods,
## FUN = function(m) preprocessNoob(RGsetEx, dyeMethod = m))
## # Check equivalency
## Map(checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments, GRsets0, GRsets)
## }
## # TODO: Uncomment once preprocessQuantile() supports DelayedArray-backed minfi
## # objects
## test_preprocessQuantile_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## # GMset.sub.quantile0 <- preprocessQuantile(RGsetEx.sub)
## # GMset0 <- preprocessQuantile(RGsetEx)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## checkException(GMset.sub.quantile <- preprocessQuantile(RGsetEx.sub),
## silent = TRUE)
## RGsetEx <- realize(RGsetEx)
## checkException(GMset <- preprocessQuantile(RGsetEx),
## silent = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## # checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(
## # GMset.sub.quantile0,
## # GMset.sub.quantile)
## # checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(GMset0, GMset)
## }
## test_preprocessRaw_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## dat0 <- preprocessRaw(RGsetEx)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx <- realize(RGsetEx)
## dat <- preprocessRaw(RGsetEx)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(dat0, dat)
## }
## test_preprocessSwan_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original example
## set.seed(666)
## MsetEx.sub.swan0 <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx.sub)
## dat0 <- preprocessRaw(RGsetEx)
## set.seed(777)
## datSwan0 <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx, mSet = dat0)
## datIlmn0 <- preprocessIllumina(RGsetEx)
## set.seed(888)
## datIlmnSwan0 <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx, mSet = datIlmn0)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## RGsetEx <- realize(RGsetEx)
## set.seed(666)
## MsetEx.sub.swan <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx.sub)
## dat <- preprocessRaw(RGsetEx)
## set.seed(777)
## datSwan <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx, mSet = dat)
## datIlmn <- preprocessIllumina(RGsetEx)
## set.seed(888)
## datIlmnSwan <- preprocessSWAN(RGsetEx, mSet = datIlmn)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(dat0, dat)
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(datSwan0, datSwan)
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(datIlmn0, datIlmn)
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(datIlmnSwan0, datIlmnSwan)
## }
## test_ratioConvert_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original examples
## RsetEx.sub0 <- ratioConvert(MsetEx.sub, keepCN = TRUE)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx.sub <- realize(MsetEx.sub)
## RsetEx.sub <- ratioConvert(MsetEx.sub, keepCN = TRUE)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(RsetEx.sub0, RsetEx.sub)
## }
## test_subsetByLoci_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original examples
## loci <- c("cg00050873", "cg00212031", "cg00213748", "cg00214611")
## a0 <- subsetByLoci(RGsetEx.sub, includeLoci = loci)
## b0 <- subsetByLoci(RGsetEx.sub, excludeLoci = loci)
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## RGsetEx.sub <- realize(RGsetEx.sub)
## a <- subsetByLoci(RGsetEx.sub, includeLoci = loci)
## b <- subsetByLoci(RGsetEx.sub, excludeLoci = loci)
## # Check equivalency
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(a0, a)
## checkEquivalentSummarizedExperiments(b0, b)
## }
## test_utils_examples <- function() {
## stopifnot(require(minfiData))
## stopifnot(require(DelayedArray))
## # Original examples
## a0 <- head(getMethSignal(MsetEx, what = "Beta"))
## # DelayedArray-backed version
## MsetEx <- realize(MsetEx)
## a <- head(getMethSignal(MsetEx, what = "Beta"))
## # Check equivalency
## # NOTE: getMethSignal() returns a DelayedMatrix when applied to a
## # DelayedArray-backed object, hence need for as.matrix()
## checkEquals(a0, as.matrix(a))
## }
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