
Defines functions getRegionOL

Documented in getRegionOL

#' Returns overlapping named ranges for input ranges
#' @details Given a set of query GRanges, and a subject list-of-GRanges,
#' updates the query with a column 'LOCUS_NAMES' containing the names of
#' ranges overlapped by the query. One application is to map structural
#' variants, such as CNVs, to genes in pathways of interest. In this 
#' scenario \code{gr} would contain the patient CNVs, and \code{rngList}
#' would be a list of GenomicRanges objects, one per cellular pathway.
#' @param gr (GRanges) query ranges
#' @param rngList (list) keys are names, and values are GRanges, each range
#' of which has a name (in 'name' column). Note: It is faster to provide
#' a list of length 1 ; if the list is long, combining into a single GRanges
#' object could prove slow.
#' @return (GRanges) query ranges with the added column 'LOCUS_NAMES'. 
#' Where a range overlaps with multiple loci, the names are reported as a 
#' comma-separated vector
#' @examples
#' data(cnv_GR,pathway_GR)
#' x <- getRegionOL(cnv_GR,pathway_GR)
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels seqlevels<-
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
getRegionOL <- function(gr, rngList) {
    rng <- GRanges()
    for (k in seq_len(length(rngList))) {
        cur <- rngList[[k]]
        seqlevels(rng) <- unique(c(seqlevels(rng), seqlevels(cur)))
        rng <- c(rng, cur)
    tmp <- as.character(seqlevels(gr))
    rng <- rng[which(as.character(seqnames(rng)) %in% tmp)]
    seqlevels(rng) <- seqlevels(gr)
    ol <- findOverlaps(gr, rng)
    ol <- cbind(queryHits(ol), subjectHits(ol))
    # could be made more efficient.
    ol_nm <- rng$name[ol[, 2]]
    LOCUS_NAMES <- rep("", length(gr))
    t0 <- Sys.time()
    for (k in unique(ol[, 1])) {
        idx <- which(ol[, 1] == k)
        LOCUS_NAMES[k] <- paste(unique(ol_nm[idx]), collapse = ",")
    print(Sys.time() - t0)

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