
Defines functions rbsurv.default

Documented in rbsurv.default

# Main function for users
rbsurv.default <- function(time, status, x, z=NULL, alpha=1, gene.ID=NULL, method="efron",
                              n.iter=10, n.fold=3,  n.seq=1, seed = 1234, max.n.genes=nrow(x),...)

     n.samples <- ncol(x)
     n.genes    <- nrow(x)
     if(is.data.frame(x)==FALSE) x <- data.frame(x)
     colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x)
     rownames(x) <- 1:nrow(x)
     x <- t(x) #convert (gene x sample) into (sample x gene)

     if(is.null(gene.ID)==TRUE)  gene.ID <-  as.character(1:n.genes)
     nfold <- max(2, min(n.fold, n.samples)) # 2 ~ N

     if((n.genes < 5) | (n.samples < 10)) stop('Too few genes or samples')
     cat("Please wait...")

     #Reduce genes
     gene.ID.sub  <- gene.ID
     if(n.genes > max.n.genes)
           tstat <- c()
           for(i in 1:n.genes) {
                fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x[,i],  method=method)
                tstat <- c(tstat, summary(fit)$logtest[1])

           k <- which(length(tstat)-rank(tstat)+1 <= max.n.genes)
           x <- x[,k]
           gene.ID.sub  <- gene.ID[k]

     #Select significant covariates
      covariates <- " NONE"
      if((is.null(z)==FALSE) | (alpha < 1))
          k.covariates <- sig.covariates(time=time, status=status, z=z, method=method, alpha=alpha)
          if(length(k.covariates) >0) {
               z <- z[ , k.covariates, drop=FALSE]
               covariates <- colnames(z)
          if(length(k.covariates) ==0)  z <- NULL

     #Survival modeling
     gene.list <- c()
     probe.ID.sub <- probe.ID <- as.character(1:ncol(x))
     xx <- x
     out.model <- data.frame(matrix(NA, 1,  6))
     colnames(out.model) <- c("Seq","Order","Gene","nloglik","AIC",  "Selected")

     for(i in 1:n.seq)
            #print("n.seq"); print(i)
            if(ncol(x) < 5) break

            out <- rbsurv.sub(time=time, status=status, x=xx,  z=z,
                                        n.iter=n.iter, nfold=nfold)
            Seq <- rep(i, nrow(out$model))
            out.model <- rbind(out.model, cbind(Seq, out$model))

            k <- which.min(out$model$AIC)
            if(k >1) gene.list <- c(gene.list, out$model$Gene[2:k])

            xx <- x
            if(length(gene.list) > 0) {
               k <- match(gene.list, probe.ID)
               xx <- x[,-k]
               probe.ID.sub <- probe.ID[-k]
     out.model <- out.model[-1,]

     #ID matching
     ip <- which(as.numeric(out.model$Gene)>0)
     if(length(ip) >0) {
        k <- as.numeric(out.model$Gene[ip])
        out.model$Gene[ip] <- gene.ID.sub[k]
     gene.list <- gene.ID.sub[as.numeric(gene.list)]

     cat(" Done. \n")
     res <- list(n.genes=n.genes, n.samples=n.samples,
                     n.iter=n.iter, n.fold=n.fold,  covariates=covariates,
                     model=out.model, gene.list=gene.list)
    class(res) <- "rbsurv"


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rbsurv documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:31 p.m.