Man pages for reconsi
Resampling Collapsed Null Distributions for Simultaneous Inference

calcWeightsObtain weights as posterior probabilities to calculate the...
estNormalFast estimation of mean and standard deviation of a normal...
estP0Estimate the fraction of true null hypotheses.
getApproxCovarObtain a null covariance matrix of binned test statistics
getFdrCalculate tail-area (Fdr) and local (fdr) false discovery...
getG0Obtain the consensus null
getTestStatsA function to calculate observed and permuation z-statistics...
getTstatA function to obtain a t-test statistic efficiently. For...
plotApproxCovarPlot an approximatio of the correlation structure of the test...
plotNullPlot the obtained null distribution along with a histogram of...
ptEditA custom function to calculate the distribution function of...
qtEditA custom function to calculate the quantile function of the...
quantCorrectCorrect quantiles by not returning 0 or 1
reconsiPerform simultaneous inference through collapsed resampling...
rowMultiplyA function to efficiently row multiply a a-by-b matrix by a...
stabExpA function to numerically stabilize an exponentiation. For...
testDAAA function to test for differential absolute abundance on a...
VandeputteMicrobiomes of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controls
reconsi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:04 p.m.