<Drug> GESS/FEA analysis

    library(readr); library(dplyr); library(DT)

Short Introduction

This vignette shows the code and results for Gene Expression Signature Searches (GESS) with the downstream Functional Enrichment Analysis (FEA) of the query in cell. The introduction of GESS and FEA as well as their corresponding methods is available at this vignette of the signatureSearch package. Here, <gess_method> is used as GESS method, The <N_gess_drugs> top ranking unique hits in the GESS table were then used for FEA where three different annotation systems were used: GO Molecular Function (GO MF), GO Biological Process (GO BP) and KEGG pathways.

GESS/FEA workflow

wf_list <- runWF(drug="<drug>", cell="<cell>", refdb="<refdb>", 
                 gess_method="<gess_method>", fea_method="<fea_method>", 

GESS/FEA results


options(DT.options = list(lengthMenu=c(10, 20, 50), scrollX=TRUE, autoWidth=TRUE))
gess_tb <- suppressMessages(read_tsv("results/<gess_method>_res.tsv"))
tar_short <- tarReduce(gess_tb$'t_gn_sym')
gess_tb$'t_gn_sym' <- tar_short
datatable(gess_tb[1:100, ], filter = 'top', escape=FALSE) %>%
        formatSignif(columns=sapply(gess_tb, class)=="numeric", digits=3)

Full table


mf_tb <- suppressMessages(read_tsv("results/<fea_method>_mf_res.tsv"))
datatable(mf_tb[1:50, colnames(mf_tb) != "itemID"], filter = 'top', escape=FALSE) %>%
        formatSignif(columns=sapply(mf_tb, class)=="numeric", digits=3)

Full table


bp_tb <- suppressMessages(read_tsv("results/<fea_method>_bp_res.tsv"))
datatable(bp_tb[1:50, colnames(bp_tb) != "itemID"], filter = 'top', escape=FALSE) %>%
        formatSignif(columns=sapply(bp_tb, class)=="numeric", digits=3)

Full table


kegg_tb <- suppressMessages(read_tsv("results/<fea_method>_kegg_res.tsv"))
datatable(kegg_tb[1:50, colnames(kegg_tb) != "itemID"], filter = 'top', escape=FALSE) %>%
        formatSignif(columns=sapply(kegg_tb, class)=="numeric", digits=3)

Full table

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signatureSearch documentation built on April 16, 2021, 6 p.m.