Man pages for spicyR
Spatial analysis of in situ cytometry data

AccessorsAccessors for SegmentedCells
diabetesDataDiabetes IMC data
getPairwiseGet statistic from pairwise L curve of a single image.
plot-SegmentedCellsA basic plot for SegmentedCells object
SegmentedCellsThe SegmentedCells class
show-SegmentedCellsShow SegmentedCells
signifPlotPlots result of signifPlot.
spicyPerforms spatial tests on spatial cytometry data.
spicyTestResults from spicy for diabetesData
spicyTestBootstrapResults from spicy with bootstrap for diabetesData
topPairsA table of the significant results from spicy tests
spicyR documentation built on March 17, 2021, 6:01 p.m.