
Defines functions appLoadingTime spsWarnings spsServer

# SPS core server functions, can only be used under SPS framework

#' SPS main server function
#' @importFrom rlang parse_expr eval_tidy
#' @importFrom shinyjs removeClass toggleClass hide show
#' @noRd
spsServer <- function(tabs, server_expr, mod_missings, sps_env, guide) {
    spsinfo("Start to create server function")
    spsinfo("Resolve default tabs server")

    spsinfo("Load custom tabs servers")
    tab_modules <- if(nrow(tabs) > 0) {
        names(tabs[['tab_id']]) <- tabs[['tab_id']]
        lapply(tabs[['tab_id']], function(x){
            glue('{x}Server("{x}", shared)') %>% rlang::parse_expr()
    } else list(empty = substitute(spsinfo("No custom server to load.")))

    function(input, output, session) {
        # add a container to communicate tabs
        spsinfo("Start to load server")
        spsinfo("Creating shared object")
        shared <- reactiveValues()
        # core tabs
        spsinfo("Loading core tabs server")
        if (spsOption('tab_welcome')) rlang::env_get(sps_env, 'core_welcomeServer', core_welcomeServer)("core_welcome", shared)

        any_module <- any(spsOption("module_wf"), spsOption("module_rnaseq"), spsOption("module_ggplot"))
        if (any_module) rlang::env_get(sps_env, 'module_mainServer', module_mainServer)("module_main", shared)

        if (spsOption('tab_vs_main')) {
            rlang::env_get(sps_env, 'vs_mainServer', vs_mainServer)("vs_main", shared)
            # VS tabs
            spsinfo("Loading custom tabs server")
            mapply(function(module, name){
                spsinfo(glue("Loading server for {name}"))
            SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
            module = tab_modules,
            name = names(tab_modules))

        if (spsOption('tab_canvas')) rlang::env_get(sps_env, 'core_canvasServer', core_canvasServer)("core_canvas", shared)
        if (spsOption('tab_about')) rlang::env_get(sps_env, 'core_aboutServer', core_aboutServer)("core_about", shared)

        # modules
        if(!is.null(mod_missings[['wf']]) && length(mod_missings[['wf']]) == 0) {
            spsinfo("Loading workflow module server"); wfServer("wf", shared)
            core_topServer("core_top", shared) # top is now part of workflow module
        if(!is.null(mod_missings[['rna']]) && length(mod_missings[['rna']]) == 0) {
            spsinfo("Loading core RNAseq module server"); vs_rnaseqServer("vs_rnaseq", shared)
        if(!is.null(mod_missings[['ggplot']]) && length(mod_missings[['ggplot']]) == 0) {
            spsinfo("Loading ggplot module server"); vs_esqServer("vs_esq", shared)

        # load guides
        guide_content <- guide[['guide_content']]
        guide_names <- names(guide_content)
        lapply(seq_along(guide_content), function(i) {
            observeEvent(input[[guide_names[i]]], {
                guide_content[[i]]$init(session = session)$start(session = session)
        if(!emptyIsFalse(checkNameSpace('cicerone'))) {
            shinyjs::onclick('toapp', {
                cicerone::Cicerone$new(overlay_click_next =TRUE)$step(
                    "app-main .messages-menu",
                    "If you are new to the app, you can start with a tutorial by clicking here.
                    You can customize your own tutorials too!",
                    init(session = session)$
                    start(session = session)

        # global server logic, usually no need to change below
        ## pushbar set up
        ## loading screening
        spsinfo("Add loading screen logic")
        serverLoadingScreen(input, output, session)
        ## for workflow control panel
        spsinfo("Loading other logic...")

        # spsWarnings(session)
        # TODO admin page, come back in next release
        spsinfo("Loading admin panel server")
        admin_url <- reactive({
            req(admin_url() == spsOption('admin_url'))
            shinyjs::hide("page_user", asis = TRUE)
            shinyjs::show("page_admin", asis = TRUE)
            output$page_admin <- renderUI(adminUI())

        spsinfo("Loading user defined expressions")
        # additional user expressions
        # browser()

#' Warning toast under some options when app starts
#' @param session shiny session
#' @noRd
#' @return
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets sendSweetAlert
spsWarnings <- function(session){
    sps_warnings <- list()
    # if(spsOption('eg_tab')) {
    #     msg("Developer mode is on. you shouldn't deploy app with this mode",
    #         "SPS-DANGER", "red")
    #     sps_warnings[['eg_tab']] <- h4("You are on developer mode")
    # }
    if(getQueryString() == "admin"){
        msg("You admin page url is default, consider to change it",
            "SPS-DANGER", "red")
        sps_warnings[['admin']] <- h4("Change default admin page url")

        shinyWidgets::sendSweetAlert(session = session, html = TRUE,
                       '<p style="color:var(--danger)">DANGER</p>',
                       div(class = "sps-warning",
                       type = "error"

#' Print app loading time to console
#' @noRd
appLoadingTime <- function(){
        if(inherits(time_start, "POSIXct")){
            load_time <- round(Sys.time() - time_start, 3)
            spsinfo(glue("App UI server loading done in {load_time}s!"),
                    verbose = TRUE)

Try the systemPipeShiny package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

systemPipeShiny documentation built on March 16, 2021, 6:01 p.m.