
#' Unified Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test for qPCR data.
#' This package allows you to carry out the unified Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney
#' Test for qPCR data. If you use this package for research purposes, 
#' please cite the following article:
#' De Neve, Jan; Meys, Joris; Ottoy, Jean-Pierre; Clement, Lieven and Thas,
#' Olivier. "UnifiedWMWqPCR: The unified Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for
#' analyzing RT-qPCR data in R." Bioinformatics(2014): Vol.30, Issue 17,
#' pp.2494-2495.
#' Or see \code{citation("unifiedWMWqPCR")}
#' @import methods
#' @importClassesFrom HTqPCR qPCRset
#' @docType package
#' @name unifiedWMWqPCR-package
#' @rdname unifiedWMWqPCR-package
#' @aliases unifiedWMWqPCR uWMWqPCR

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unifiedWMWqPCR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:05 p.m.