Man pages for AFM
Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis

AFMAtomic Force Microscopy images tools
AFMFractalDimensionAnalyser-getFractalDimensionsCalculate 2D fractal dimensions and scales of an AFM Image
AFMImage3DModelAnalysis-classAFM image Power Spectrum Density analysis class
AFMImageAnalyser-classAFM image analyser class
AFMImageAnalyser-class-initializeConstructor method of AFMImageAnalyser Class.
AFMImage-classAFM image class
AFMImageCollagenNetworkAFM image sample
AFMImage-extractAFMImageExtract a portion of an AFM image.
AFMImage-filterAFMImagefilter the heights of an AFMImage with a minimun and a...
AFMImageFractalDimensionMethod-classAFM image fractal dimension method class
AFMImageFractalDimensionsAnalysis-classAFM image fractal dimensions analysis class
AFMImageGaussianMixAnalysis-classAFM image Gaussian Mix analysis class
AFMImage-getHolesStatisticscalculate statistics about holes in a binary image
AFMImage-importFromNanoscopeImport data from nanoscope analysis(tm) tool
AFMImage-invertBinaryAFMImageinvert a binary AFMImage
AFMImage-isBinaryhas the AFM Image heights of 0 or 1
AFMImage-makeBinaryAFMImagemake a binary AFMImage setting all the heights different to 0...
AFMImage-multiplyHeightsAFMImagemultiply the heights of an AFMImage
AFMImageNetworksAnalysis-classAFM image networks analysis class
AFMImageOfAluminiumInterfaceAFM image sample
AFMImageOfNormallyDistributedHeightsAFM image sample
AFMImageOfOnePeakAFM image sample
AFMImageOfRegularPeaksAFM image sample
AFMImagePSDAnalysis-classAFM image Power Spectrum Density analysis class
AFMImagePSDSlopesAnalysis-classAFM Image psd slope analysis
AFMImage-sampleAFMImageGet a sample of an AFM image.
AFMImage-saveOnDiskSave an AFM image on disk.
AFMImage-simplifyAFMImagesimplify an AFM image.
AFMImageVariogramAnalyser-calculateDirectionalVariogramsCalculate experimental directional semi-variograms
AFMImageVariogramAnalyser-calculateOmnidirectionalVariogramCalculate experimental omnidirectional semi-variogram
AFMImageVariogramAnalyser-getAutomaticWidthForVariogramCalculationcalculate a width to be used for experimental variogram...
AFMImageVariogramAnalysis-classAFM image variogram analysis class
AFMImageVariogramAnalysis-evaluateVariogramModels-methodevaluateVariogramModels method to evaluate the basic...
AFMImageVariogramAnalysis-getDTModelEvaluation-methodgetDTModelEvaluation method
AFMImageVariogramAnalysis-getDTModelSillRange-methodgetDTModelSillRange method
AFMImageVariogramModel-classAFM Image Variogram Model class
AFMVariogramAnalyser-getSpplotFromAFMImageGet an AFMImage as a Lattice (trellis) plot
AFMVariogramAnalyser-saveSpplotFromAFMImageSave on disk an AFMImage as a Lattice (trellis) plot
analyseAnalyse an AFMImage
AreNodesConnectedcheck if nodes represented by circles are connected. The...
calculate3DModel-methodsCalculate the 3D model for 3D printing
calculateGaussianMixtureCalculate Gaussian Mixture with two components from the AFM...
calculateHolesCharacteristicsget the networks parameters
calculateIgraphCalculate iGraph from AFMImage
calculateNetworkParametersget the networks parameters
calculateNetworks-methodsCalculate networks on the surface
calculatePhysicalDistanceFromPathcalculate the physical distances between nodes
calculateShortestPathscalculate the shortest path between adjacent nodes
checkIsotropyCheck the isotropy of a sample
checkNormalityCheck visualy of the normality of the sample
createGraphcreate the igraph weighted graph from the nodes and edges
displaygridIgraphPlotdisplay the network of nodes and edges
displaygridIgraphPlotFromEdgesdisplay the network of nodes and edges
displayHolesIn3DDisplay a 3D image of the holes in an AFMImage and store it...
displayIn3DDisplay a 3D image of an AFMImage and store it on disk.
dnormalmixdnormalmix density of a mixture of normals
existsEdgeDoes an edge exist ?
existsSegmentexistsSegment checks if a segment exists in an AFMImage;...
exportToSTLExport an AFM Image as a STL format file.
fusionCloseNodesfusion the nodes that are intersecting
generateAFMImageReportGenerate an analysis report from an AFMImageAnalyser object
generateCheckReportGenerate a check report for one AFMImage
generateReportGenerate an analysis report for one AFMImage
generateReportFromNanoscopeImageDirectoryGenerate a pdf report for all AFM images in a directory
get3DImageFullfilenameget 3D image full filename
getAnglecalculate the angle between two vectors
getAutoIntersectionForOmnidirectionalVariogramCalculate slopes and intersections in variogram...
getAutoIntersectionForRoughnessAgainstLengthscaleget the intersection between tangente and plateau
getBresenham2DSegmentget a segment of points thanks to Bresenham line algorithm
getCircleSpatialPointsget the spatial points on the circle including the center of...
getCoordinatesFromVertexIdGet x,y coordinates from vertex id
getIntersectionForRoughnessAgainstLengthscaleget the intersection between tangente and plateau
getIntersectionPointWithBordergetIntersectionPointWithBorder to be described
getLogLogOmnidirectionalSlopeGraphGet the graph of the Log Log omnidiretction variogram...
getNetworkGridLayout#' @export getCoordinatesFromVertexId2<-function(AFMImage,...
getNetworkParameters-methodsGet Network parameters
getNyquistSpatialFrequency-methodsGet the Nyquist spatial frequency
getPaddedAFMImageGet a zero padded AFMImage
getRoughnessParameters-methodsGet Roughness parameters
getSurroundingVertexesListGet surrounding vertices from x,y coordinates
getTopologyAFMImageCalculate topology image (TBC)
getTriangleget a triangle starting from center, two segments of length r...
getVertexIdGet vertex id from x,y coordinates
identifyEdgesFromCirclesdisplay the network of nodes and edges
identifyIsolatedNodesidentify isolated nodes comparing the list of edges and the...
identifyNodesWithCirclesidentify largest circles in binary image
isAngleBetweenEdgesAlwaysSuperiorToMinAnglecheck if all the angles between one edge and a list of edges...
loglike.normalmixloglike sum of density of a mixture of normals
omniVariogramSlopeAnalysis-classAFM Image log-log experimental variogram slope analysis
performAllPSDCalculationPerform all the calculation for PSD exploitation
performGaussianMixCalculationPerform the calculation for the Gaussian mixes
pnormmixpnormmix distribution of a mixture of normals
PSD1DAgainstFrequency-methodsCalculate the 1D Power Spectral Density; returns a data table...
PSD2DAgainstFrequency-methodsCalculate the 2D Power Spectral Density
putAnalysisOnDisk-methodsExport all data from an analysis of an AFM Image as rdata...
putImagesFromAnalysisOnDiskPut the images from all analysis on disk
RoughnessByLengthScale-methodsCalculate the roughness of the sample against length scale
runAFMAppLaunch the AFM shiny application
saveOnDiskIntersectionForRoughnessAgainstLengthscalesave an image of the roughness against lenghtscale...
shiftedPSDuvCalculate the shifted PSD matrix
shiftFFT2DShift the quadrants of the FFT 2D
thinImagethin an Image in matrix format
totalRMSRoughnessCalculate the total Root Mean Square Roughness (Rrms total)
transformAFMImageForNetworkAnalysis-methodsMultiply, filter the heights and make a binary AFMImage from...
AFM documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:23 p.m.