
Defines functions useBIC.zeroinfl useBIC.vglm useBIC.unmarkedFit useBIC.survreg useBIC.rlm useBIC.polr useBIC.nls useBIC.nlme useBIC.multinom useBIC.lmerModLmerTest useBIC.merMod useBIC.mer useBIC.maxlikeFit useBIC.lmekin useBIC.lme useBIC.lm useBIC.lavaan useBIC.hurdle useBIC.gnls useBIC.gls useBIC.glmmTMB useBIC.glm useBIC.fitdistr useBIC.fitdist useBIC.coxph useBIC.coxme useBIC.clmm useBIC.clm useBIC.betareg useBIC.aov useBIC.default useBIC

Documented in useBIC useBIC.aov useBIC.betareg useBIC.clm useBIC.clmm useBIC.coxme useBIC.coxph useBIC.default useBIC.fitdist useBIC.fitdistr useBIC.glm useBIC.glmmTMB useBIC.gls useBIC.gnls useBIC.hurdle useBIC.lavaan useBIC.lm useBIC.lme useBIC.lmekin useBIC.lmerModLmerTest useBIC.maxlikeFit useBIC.mer useBIC.merMod useBIC.multinom useBIC.nlme useBIC.nls useBIC.polr useBIC.rlm useBIC.survreg useBIC.unmarkedFit useBIC.vglm useBIC.zeroinfl

##compute BIC
useBIC <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
  UseMethod("useBIC", mod)

useBIC.default <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##aov objects
useBIC.aov <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##betareg objects
useBIC.betareg <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##clm objects
useBIC.clm <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##clmm objects
useBIC.clmm <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##coxme objects
useBIC.coxme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
  if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$linear.predictor)} else {n <- nobs}
  LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
  K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
  BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
  if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##coxph objects
useBIC.coxph <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
  if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(residuals(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
  LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
  K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
  BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
  if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##fitdist (from fitdistrplus)
useBIC.fitdist <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)
    K <- length(mod$estimate)
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##fitdistr (from MASS)
useBIC.fitdistr <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##glm and lm objects
useBIC.glm <-
    function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
        if(is.null(nobs)) {
            n <- length(mod$fitted)
        } else {n <- nobs}
        LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
        K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
        if(c.hat == 1) {
            BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
        if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
            K <- K+1
            BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)

        if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
        if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")

        ##check if negative binomial and add 1 to K for estimation of theta if glm( ) was used
        if(!is.na(charmatch(x="Negative Binomial", table=family(mod)$family))) {
            if(!identical(class(mod)[1], "negbin")) { #if not negbin, add + 1 because k of negbin was estimated glm.convert( ) screws up logLik
                K <- K+1
                BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
            if(c.hat != 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the negative binomial")
        ##add 1 for theta parameter in negative binomial fit with glm( )

        ##check if gamma and add 1 to K for estimation of shape parameter if glm( ) was used
        if(identical(family(mod)$family, "Gamma") && c.hat > 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the gamma")
        ##an extra condition must be added to avoid adding a parameter for theta with negative binomial when glm.nb( ) is fit which estimates the correct number of parameters
        if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

useBIC.glmmTMB <-
    function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
        if(is.null(nobs)) {
            n <- nrow(mod$frame)
            names(n) <- NULL
        } else {n <- nobs}
        LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
        K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
        if(c.hat == 1) {
            BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
        if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
            K <- K+1
            BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)

        if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
        if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")

        if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##gls objects
useBIC.gls <-
    function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
        if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
        LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
        K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
        BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
        if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##gnls objects
useBIC.gnls <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##hurdle objects
useBIC.hurdle <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

useBIC.lavaan <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod@Data@nobs[[1]]} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##lm objects
useBIC.lm <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##lme objects
useBIC.lme <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##lmekin objects
useBIC.lmekin <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$residuals)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##maxlike objects
useBIC.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) {
  LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
  K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")

  if(is.null(nobs)) {
    n <- nrow(mod$points.retained)
  } else {n <- nobs}
  BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
  if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n")

  if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) {
  } else {return(BIC)}

##mer object
useBIC.mer <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(is.null(nobs)) {
      n <- mod@dims["n"]
    } else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##merMod objects
useBIC.merMod <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
      n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"]
      names(n) <- NULL
    } else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##lmerModLmerTest objects
useBIC.lmerModLmerTest <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
      n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"]
      names(n) <- NULL
    } else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##mult objects
useBIC.multinom <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)/length(mod$lev)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
      K <- K+1
      BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
    if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable")
    if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1]<-K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##nlme objects
useBIC.nlme <-
    function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

        if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
        LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
        K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
        BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
        if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##nls objects
useBIC.nls <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##polr objects
useBIC.polr <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

  if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
  LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
  K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
  BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)                                
  if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##rlm objects
##only valid for M-estimation (Huber M-estimator)
##modified from Tharmaratnam and Claeskens 2013 (equation 8)
##useBIC.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...)

##  if(second.ord == TRUE) stop("\nOnly 'second.ord = FALSE' is supported for 'rlm' models\n")

##  ##extract design matrix
##  X <- model.matrix(mod)
##  ##extract scale
##  scale.m <- mod$s

##  ##extract threshold value
##  cval <- mod$k2
##  ##extract residuals
##  res <- residuals(mod)
##  res.scaled <- res/scale.m
##  n <- length(res)
##  ##partial derivatives based on Huber's loss function
##  dPsi <- ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2, 0)
##  Psi <- (ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2*res.scaled, 2*cval*sign(res.scaled)))^2
##  J <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(dPsi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n
##  inv.J <- solve(J)
##  ##variance
##  K.var <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(Psi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n
##  AIC <- 2*n*(log(scale.m)) + 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))
##  if(return.K) {AIC <- 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))}
##  return(AIC)

##the estimator below extracts the estimates obtained from M- or MM-estimator
##and plugs them in the normal likelihood function
useBIC.rlm <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##survreg objects
useBIC.survreg <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$y)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##unmarkedFit objects
##create function to extract BIC from 'unmarkedFit'
useBIC.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) {
  LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
  K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")
  if(is.null(nobs)) {
    n <- dim(mod@data@y)[1]
  } else {n <- nobs}
  if(c.hat == 1) {
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
  if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
    ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter
    K <- K + 1
    BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)

  if(c.hat > 4) stop("\nHigh overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
  if(c.hat < 1) stop("\nYou should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")

  if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) {
  } else {return(BIC)}

##vglm objects
useBIC.vglm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
      n <- nrow(mod@fitted.values)
    } else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")
    if(c.hat !=1) {
      fam.name <- mod@family@vfamily
      if(fam.name != "poissonff" && fam.name != "binomialff") stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for Poisson or binomial models\n")
    if(c.hat == 1) {
      BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
      K <- K + 1
      BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)

    if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")

    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

##zeroinfl objects
useBIC.zeroinfl <-
  function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
    if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
    LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
    K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df")  #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
    BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
    if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.