##compute BIC
useBIC <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
UseMethod("useBIC", mod)
useBIC.default <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")
##aov objects
useBIC.aov <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##betareg objects
useBIC.betareg <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##clm objects
useBIC.clm <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##clmm objects
useBIC.clmm <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##coxme objects
useBIC.coxme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$linear.predictor)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##coxph objects
useBIC.coxph <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(residuals(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##fitdist (from fitdistrplus)
useBIC.fitdist <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)
K <- length(mod$estimate)
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##fitdistr (from MASS)
useBIC.fitdistr <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##glm and lm objects
useBIC.glm <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- length(mod$fitted)
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
if(c.hat == 1) {
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
K <- K+1
BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")
##check if negative binomial and add 1 to K for estimation of theta if glm( ) was used
if(!"Negative Binomial", table=family(mod)$family))) {
if(!identical(class(mod)[1], "negbin")) { #if not negbin, add + 1 because k of negbin was estimated glm.convert( ) screws up logLik
K <- K+1
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat != 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the negative binomial")
##add 1 for theta parameter in negative binomial fit with glm( )
##check if gamma and add 1 to K for estimation of shape parameter if glm( ) was used
if(identical(family(mod)$family, "Gamma") && c.hat > 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the gamma")
##an extra condition must be added to avoid adding a parameter for theta with negative binomial when glm.nb( ) is fit which estimates the correct number of parameters
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
useBIC.glmmTMB <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- nrow(mod$frame)
names(n) <- NULL
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
if(c.hat == 1) {
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
K <- K+1
BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##gls objects
useBIC.gls <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##gnls objects
useBIC.gnls <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##hurdle objects
useBIC.hurdle <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
useBIC.lavaan <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod@Data@nobs[[1]]} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##lm objects
useBIC.lm <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##lme objects
useBIC.lme <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##lmekin objects
useBIC.lmekin <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$residuals)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##maxlike objects
useBIC.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) {
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- nrow(mod$points.retained)
} else {n <- nobs}
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n")
if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) {
} else {return(BIC)}
##mer object
useBIC.mer <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- mod@dims["n"]
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##merMod objects
useBIC.merMod <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"]
names(n) <- NULL
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##lmerModLmerTest objects
useBIC.lmerModLmerTest <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"]
names(n) <- NULL
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##mult objects
useBIC.multinom <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)/length(mod$lev)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
if(c.hat == 1) {
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
K <- K+1
BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable")
if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1]<-K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##nlme objects
useBIC.nlme <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##nls objects
useBIC.nls <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##polr objects
useBIC.polr <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##rlm objects
##only valid for M-estimation (Huber M-estimator)
##modified from Tharmaratnam and Claeskens 2013 (equation 8)
##useBIC.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...)
## if(second.ord == TRUE) stop("\nOnly 'second.ord = FALSE' is supported for 'rlm' models\n")
## ##extract design matrix
## X <- model.matrix(mod)
## ##extract scale
## scale.m <- mod$s
## ##extract threshold value
## cval <- mod$k2
## ##extract residuals
## res <- residuals(mod)
## res.scaled <- res/scale.m
## n <- length(res)
## ##partial derivatives based on Huber's loss function
## dPsi <- ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2, 0)
## Psi <- (ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2*res.scaled, 2*cval*sign(res.scaled)))^2
## J <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(dPsi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n
## inv.J <- solve(J)
## ##variance
## K.var <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(Psi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n
## AIC <- 2*n*(log(scale.m)) + 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))
## if(return.K) {AIC <- 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))}
## return(AIC)
##the estimator below extracts the estimates obtained from M- or MM-estimator
##and plugs them in the normal likelihood function
useBIC.rlm <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##survreg objects
useBIC.survreg <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$y)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##unmarkedFit objects
##create function to extract BIC from 'unmarkedFit'
useBIC.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) {
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- dim(mod@data@y)[1]
} else {n <- nobs}
if(c.hat == 1) {
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter
K <- K + 1
BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 4) stop("\nHigh overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) stop("\nYou should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")
if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) {
} else {return(BIC)}
##vglm objects
useBIC.vglm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){
if(is.null(nobs)) {
n <- nrow(mod@fitted.values)
} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- extractLL(mod)[1]
##extract number of estimated parameters
K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df")
if(c.hat !=1) { <- mod@family@vfamily
if( != "poissonff" && != "binomialff") stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for Poisson or binomial models\n")
if(c.hat == 1) {
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) {
K <- K + 1
BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n)
if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n")
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
##zeroinfl objects
useBIC.zeroinfl <-
function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs}
LL <- logLik(mod)[1]
K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM
BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n)
if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K
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