
#' @rdname getParameter
setMethod("getParameter", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", what="character"),
          function(vxsp, what) {
                paste0("^", what, "$")))) == 1)
            return ( vxsp@header[[what]] )

#' @rdname getParameter
setMethod("getParameter", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", what="missing"),
          function(vxsp, what) {

            return ( vxsp@header )

#' @rdname getMinCorner
setMethod("getMinCorner", "VoxelSpace",
          function(vxsp) {
            return ( vxsp@header$mincorner )

#' @rdname getMaxCorner
setMethod("getMaxCorner", "VoxelSpace",
          function(vxsp) {
            return ( vxsp@header$maxcorner )

#' @rdname getVoxelSize
setMethod("getVoxelSize", "VoxelSpace",
          function(vxsp) {
            return ( vxsp@header$voxel.size )

#' @rdname getPosition
setMethod("getPosition", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", vx="vector"),
          function(vxsp, vx) {

            # 3 coordinates i, j, k
            stopifnot(length(vx) == 3)
            # i, j, k must be positive integers
            stopifnot(as.integer(vx) == vx)
            stopifnot(all(vx >=0))
            # check i, j, k ranges
            stopifnot(all((vx >= 0) & (vx < dim(vxsp))))

            return (
                          data.table::data.table(i=vx[1], j=vx[2], k=vx[3])))

#' @rdname getPosition
setMethod("getPosition", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", vx="matrix"),
          function(vxsp, vx) {

            # 3 columns i, j, k
            stopifnot(ncol(vx) == 3)
            # i, j, k must be integers
            stopifnot(as.integer(vx) == vx)
            # check i, j, k ranges
              all(apply(vx, 1, function(vx) (vx >= 0) & (vx < dim(vxsp)))))

            return (
                          data.table::data.table(i=vx[,1], j=vx[,2], k=vx[,3])))

#' @rdname getPosition
setMethod("getPosition", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", vx="data.table"),
          function(vxsp, vx) {

            # ensure existence of i, j, k
            stopifnot(all(c("i", "j", "k") %in% colnames(vx)))

            # extract i, j, k
            pos <- vx[, c("i", "j", "k")]
            # min corner and voxel size as local variables
            minc <- vxsp@header$mincorner
            res <- vxsp@header$voxel.size
            # function for calculating the position
            calcPos <- function(index, coord) minc[coord] + index * res[coord]
            # compute x, y, z
            i <- j <- k <- x <- y <- z <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
            pos <- pos[, x:=calcPos(i, "x")][, y:=calcPos(j, "y")][, z:=calcPos(k, "z")][, c("x", "y", "z")]
            # return positions as data.table
            return ( pos )

#' @rdname getPosition
setMethod("getPosition", signature(vxsp="VoxelSpace", vx="missing"),
          function(vxsp, vx) {

            return (
              callGeneric(vxsp, vxsp@data[ , c("i", "j", "k")]))

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AMAPVox documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:03 p.m.