
Defines functions redo.ds.grp.glm

# Copyright (C) 2018  Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, Hu Feng He, Xiaohua Xie, Cédric Sueur
# This file is part of Animal Network Toolkit Software (ANTs).
# ANT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ANT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

redo.ds.grp.glm <- function(new.perm, gbi, oda, odf, target.metrics, Scan, ctrlf, index, formula, data, family, start, control = list(...),
                            model, method, x, y, contrasts, ...) {
  if (new.perm == 0) {
    # Cumulative permutations
    tmp1 <- redo.perm.ds.grp.cum(df = oda, Scan = Scan, method = index, control_factor = ctrlf, nperm = attributes(odf)$permutation)

    # Reordering permutations results
    GBI <- tmp1[[1]]
    ASSOC <- tmp1[[2]]

    # Computing target metrics and creating new data frame for the glmm test
    new.odf <- met.all.single.mat(ASSOC, odf, target.metrics)

    # LM test
    model <- tryCatch(glm(
      formula = formula, data = new.odf, family = family, start = start, control = control,
      model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, contrasts = contrasts
    ), error = identity)
    # If error or warnings recale the function
    if (is(model, "error") | is(model, "warning")) {
      redo.ds.grp.glm(new.perm, gbi, oda, odf, target.metrics, formula, Scan, ctrlf,
        formula = formula, data = data, family = family, start = start, control = control,
        model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, contrasts = contrasts, ...

    # if no error or warnings
    else {
      # new.perm is equal to the permutation where the error or warning have been found
      new.perm <- attributes(odf)$permutation

      # Result of the function is a list of 3 ellements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
      return(list("new.perm" = new.perm, "gbi" = GBI, "model" = summary(model)$coefficients[, 1]))

  else {
    # Permutation to do is equal to the permutation where the error or the warning is found less the permutation already done during previous error or warning.
    nperm <- attributes(odf)$permutation - new.perm

    # Cumulative permutations
    tmp1 <- redo.perm.ds.grp.cum.scd(gbi, method = index, nperm = nperm, control_factor = ctrlf)

    # Reordering permutations results
    GBI <- tmp1[[1]]
    ASSOC <- tmp1[[2]]

    # Computing target metrics and creating new data frame for the glmm test
    new.odf <- met.all.single.mat(ASSOC, odf, target.metrics)

    # Glmm test
    model <- tryCatch(glm(
      formula = formula, data = new.odf, family = family, start = start, control = control,
      model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, contrasts = contrasts, ...
    ), error = identity)

    # Checking error or warnings
    if (is(model, "error") | is(model, "warning")) {
      redo.ds.grp.glm(new.perm, gbi, oda, odf, target.metrics, formula, Scan, ctrlf,
        formula = formula, data = data, family = family, start = start, control = control,
        model = model, method = method, x = x, y = y, contrasts = contrasts, ...
    # if no error or warnings
    else {
      # Result of the function is a list of 3 ellements: 1) permutation index, 2) gbi or controlGBI 3) glmm estimates
      new.perm <- attributes(odf)$permutation
      return(list("new.perm" = new.perm, "gbi" = GBI, "model" = summary(model)$coefficients[, 1]))

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ANTs documentation built on July 3, 2022, 1:05 a.m.