
Defines functions get_Lombardia_geospatial

Documented in get_Lombardia_geospatial

#' Download geospatial data of Lombardy from Eurostat
#' @description 'get_Lombardia_geospatial' returns the polygonal (shape file) object containing the geometries
#' of Lombardy. Shapefile are available at different NUTS levels (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/background):
#' 'LAU' for the shapefile of municipalities of Lombardy, 'NUTS3' for the shapefile of provinces of Lombardy
#' and 'NUTS2' for the shapefile of Lombardy.
#' @param NUTS_level NUTS level required: use "NUTS2" for regional geometries, "NUTS3" for provincial geometries,
#' or "LAU" for municipal geometries. Default NUTS_level = "LAU".
#' @return A data frame of class 'data.frame', "sf" and 'ARPALdf'.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' shape <- get_Lombardia_geospatial(NUTS_level = "LAU")
#' }
#' @export

get_Lombardia_geospatial <- function(NUTS_level = "LAU") {

  '%notin%' <- Negate('%in%')

  ### Checks
  if (NUTS_level %notin% c("NUTS2","NUTS3","LAU")) {
    stop("Selected NUTS not available: use one of 'NUTS2', 'NUTS3' and 'LAU'",call. = FALSE)

  ##### Check online availability for zoning metadata from GitHub
  temp <- tempfile()
  res <- curl::curl_fetch_disk("https://github.com/PaoloMaranzano/ARPALData/raw/main/Shape_Comuni_Lombardia.zip", temp)
  if(res$status_code != 200) {
    stop(paste0("The internet resource for shapefile of Lombardy's municipalities (from GitHub) is not available at the moment, try later.
                  If the problem persists, please contact the package maintainer."))

  # Dowload shape file for Lombardy municipalities
  temp1 <- tempfile()
  temp2 <- tempfile()
  download.file(url = "https://github.com/PaoloMaranzano/ARPALData/raw/main/Shape_Comuni_Lombardia.zip",
                destfile = temp1)
  unzip(zipfile = temp1, exdir = temp2)
  your_SHP_file<-list.files(temp2, pattern = ".shp$",full.names=TRUE)

  # Read the shapefile
  Lombardia <- sf::read_sf(your_SHP_file) %>%
    sf::st_as_sf(crs = 4326) %>%
    dplyr::rename(Prov_name = .data$NOME_PRO,City = .data$NOME_COM, City_code_ISTAT = .data$ISTAT) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Prov_name = case_when(.data$Prov_name == "VARESE" ~ "Varese",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "COMO" ~ "Como",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "LECCO" ~ "Lecco",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "SONDRIO" ~ "Sondrio",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "BERGAMO" ~ "Bergamo",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "BRESCIA" ~ "Brescia",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "PAVIA" ~ "Pavia",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "LODI" ~ "Lodi",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "CREMONA" ~ "Cremona",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "MANTOVA" ~ "Mantova",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "MILANO" ~ "Milano",
                                        .data$Prov_name == "MONZA E DELLA BRIANZA" ~ "Monza e della Brianza")) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$Prov_name, .data$City, .data$City_code_ISTAT, .data$geometry) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(.data$City), toupper),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), ~ gsub("\\-", " ", .x)),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, c("S\\."="San ","s\\."="San ",
                                                                                "V\\."="Via ","v\\."="Via ",
                                                                                " D\\`" = " D\\' ", " D\\` " = " D\\'",
                                                                                "D\\`" = " D\\'", "D\\'" = " D\\' "))),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), tm::removePunctuation),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), tm::removeNumbers),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), tm::stripWhitespace)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(City = dplyr::recode(.data$City,
                                       "CASASCO DINTELVI" = "CASASCO INTELVI",
                                       "CERANO DINTELVI" = "CERANO INTELVI",
                                       "SAN GIORGIO BIGARELLO" = "BIGARELLO",
                                       "PUEGNAGO DEL GARDA" = "PUEGNAGO SUL GARDA",
                                       "FELONICA" = "SERMIDE E FELONICA",
                                       "GERRE DE CAPRIOLI" = "GERRE DECAPRIOLI")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(.data$City), stringr::str_to_title),
                  dplyr::across(c(.data$City), ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x,
                                                                          c(" D " = " D\\'",
                                                                            "Sermide E Felonica" = "Sermide e Felonica"))))

  # Associating NUTS codes (from Eurostat) to each observation
  Eurostat <- eurostat::get_eurostat_geospatial(output_class = "sf",resolution = 60, nuts_level = 3, year = 2016)
  Eurostat <- Eurostat %>%
    sf::st_as_sf(crs = 4326) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    dplyr::filter(grepl("ITC4",.data$geo)) %>%
    dplyr::select(Prov_name = .data$NUTS_NAME, Prov_code_EUROSTAT = .data$NUTS_ID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Reg_name = "Lombardia", Reg_code_EUROSTAT = "ITC4")

  # Joining ISTAT metadata and Eurostat metadata
  Lombardia <- dplyr::left_join(Lombardia,Eurostat,by=c("Prov_name"))
  Lombardia <- Lombardia %>%

  if (NUTS_level == "NUTS3") {
    Lombardia <- Lombardia %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Reg_name,.data$Reg_code_EUROSTAT,.data$Prov_name,.data$Prov_code_EUROSTAT) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(.groups = "keep") %>%

  if (NUTS_level == "NUTS2") {
    Lombardia <- Lombardia %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Reg_name,.data$Reg_code_EUROSTAT) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(.groups = "keep") %>%


  attr(Lombardia, "class") <- c("ARPALdf","ARPALdf_AQ","tbl_df","tbl","data.frame","sf")


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ARPALData documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:07 p.m.