
Defines functions monitor_leaflet

Documented in monitor_leaflet

#' @export
#' @title Leaflet interactive map of monitor locations
#' @param monitor \emph{mts_monitor} object.
#' @param slice Either a formatted time string, a time index, the name of a
#' (potentially user defined) function used to collapse the time axis.
# @param breaks set of breaks used to assign colors
# @param colors a set of colors for different levels of air quality data
#   determined by \code{breaks}
# @param labels a set of text labels, one for each color
# @param legendTitle legend title
#' @param radius radius of monitor circles
#' @param opacity opacity of monitor circles
#' @param maptype optional name of leaflet ProviderTiles to use, e.g. "terrain"
# @param popupInfo a vector of column names from monitor$meta to be shown in
#   a popup window
#' @param extraVars Character vector of additional column names from \code{monitor$meta}
#' to be shown in leaflet popups.
#' @param jitter Amount to use to slightly adjust locations so that multiple
#' monitors at the same location can be seen. Use zero or \code{NA} to see
#' precise locations.
#' @param NAAQS Version of NAAQS levels to use. See Note.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{leaflet::addCircleMarker()}.
#' @description
#' This function creates interactive maps that will be displayed in RStudio's
#' 'Viewer' tab. The \code{slice} argument is used to collapse a
#' \emph{mts_monitor} timeseries into a single value. If \code{slice} is an
#' integer, that row index will be selected from the \code{monitor$data}
#' dataframe. If \code{slice} is a function (unquoted), that function will be
#' applied to the timeseries with the argument \code{na.rm=TRUE} (e.g.
#' \code{max(..., na.rm=TRUE)}).
#' If \code{slice} is a user defined function, it will be used with argument
#' \code{na.rm=TRUE} to collapse the time dimension. Thus, user defined
#' functions must accept \code{na.rm} as an argument.
#' @details
#' The \code{maptype} argument is mapped onto leaflet "ProviderTile" names.
#' Current map types include:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"roadmap"}{ -- "OpenStreetMap"}
#' \item{"satellite"}{ -- "Esri.WorldImagery"}
#' \item{"terrain"}{ -- "Esri.WorldTopoMap"}
#' \item{"toner"}{ -- "Stamen.Toner"}
#' }
#' If a character string not listed above is provided, it will be used as the
#' underlying map tile if available. See
#' \url{https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/} for a list of
#' "provider tiles" to use as the background map.
#' @note
#' On February 7, 2024, EPA strengthened the National Ambient Air Quality
#' Standards for Particulate Matter (PM NAAQS) to protect millions of Americans
#' from harmful and costly health impacts, such as heart attacks and premature
#' death. Particle or soot pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of air
#' pollution, and an extensive body of science links it to a range of serious
#' and sometimes deadly illnesses. EPA is setting the level of the primary
#' (health-based) annual PM2.5 standard at 9.0 micrograms per cubic meter to
#' provide increased public health protection, consistent with the available
#' health science.
#' See \href{https://www.epa.gov/pm-pollution/final-reconsideration-national-ambient-air-quality-standards-particulate-matter-pm}{PM NAAQS update}.
#' @return Invisibly returns a leaflet map of class "leaflet".
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(AirMonitor)
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' # Maximum AQI category at each site
#' monitor_loadLatest() %>%
#'   monitor_filter(stateCode %in% CONUS) %>%
#'   monitor_leaflet()
#' # Mean AQI category at each site
#' monitor_loadLatest() %>%
#'   monitor_filter(stateCode %in% CONUS) %>%
#'   monitor_leaflet(
#'     slice = "mean"
#'   )
#' # Mean AQI category at each site using the updated NAAQS
#' monitor_loadLatest() %>%
#'   monitor_filter(stateCode %in% CONUS) %>%
#'   monitor_leaflet(
#'     slice = "mean",
#'     NAAQS = "PM2.5_2024"
#'   )
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }

monitor_leaflet <- function(
  slice = "max",
  radius = 10,
  opacity = 0.7,
  maptype = "terrain",
  extraVars = NULL,
  jitter = 5e-4,
  NAAQS = c("PM2.5", "PM2.5_2024"),
) {

  # Configurable values
  na.color = "#cccccc"

  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------


  if ( monitor_isEmpty(monitor) )
    stop("monitor object has no data")

  slice <- MazamaCoreUtils::setIfNull(slice, "max")
  maptype <- MazamaCoreUtils::setIfNull(maptype, "terrain")

  if ( !is.null(extraVars) ) {
    unrecognizedVars <- setdiff(extraVars, names(monitor$meta))
    if ( length(unrecognizedVars) > 0 ) {
      stop("variables in 'extraVars' not found in 'monitor$meta'")

  if ( is.null(jitter) || is.na(jitter) ) {
    jitter <- 0

  NAAQS = match.arg(NAAQS)

  # ----- Pollutant dependent AQI ----------------------------------------------

  # See: https://www.airnow.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05/aqi-technical-assistance-document-sept2018.pdf

  pollutant <- toupper(unique(monitor$meta$pollutant))
  if ( length(pollutant) > 1 ) {
    pollutantString <- paste0(pollutant, collapse = ", ")
    stop(sprintf("multiple pollutants found: %s", pollutantString))

  if ( pollutant == "CO" ) {
    legendTitle <- "CO AQI Level"
    units <- "ppm"
    digits <- 1
  } else if ( pollutant == "OZONE" ) {
    legendTitle <- "Ozone AQI Level"
    units <- "ppm"
    digits <- 2
  } else if ( pollutant == "PM2.5" ) {
    legendTitle <- "PM2.5 AQI Level"
    units <- "\U00B5g/m3"
    digits <- 0
  } else if ( pollutant == "PM10" ) {
    legendTitle <- "PM10 AQI Level"
    units <- "\U00B5g/m3"
    digits <- 0

  AQI_breaks <- US_AQI[[paste0("breaks_", pollutant)]]
  AQI_colors <- US_AQI[[paste0("colors_", "EPA")]]
  AQI_names <- US_AQI$names_eng

  # Handle the added NAAQS argument
  if ( pollutant == "PM2.5" && NAAQS == "PM2.5_2024" ) {
    AQI_breaks <- US_AQI$breaks_PM2.5_2024

  breaks <- AQI_breaks
  colors <- AQI_colors
  labels <- AQI_names

  # ----- Create the 'slice' values --------------------------------------------

  if ( is.numeric(slice) ) {

    # * slice = number -----

    if ( slice < 1 || slice > nrow(monitor$data) )
      stop(sprintf("slice = %d is outside the range 1:%d", slice, nrow(monitor$data)))

    slice <- round(slice)

    popupValue <- as.numeric(dplyr::slice(monitor$data, slice)[-1])

    popupWhen <-
      strftime(monitor$data$datetime[slice], "on %B %d, %Y at %H:00", tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE)

  } else if ( is.character(slice) ) {

    # * slice = character -----

    if ( exists(slice) && is.function(get(slice)) ) {

      # ** slice = function -----

      FUN <- get(slice)

      # NOTE:  min/max will warn and return Inf/-Inf when all data are missing
      # NOTE:  while mean returns NaN so we need to suppress warnings and replace
      # NOTE: all those non-finite values with NA.

        popupValue <- base::apply(
          dplyr::select(monitor$data, -1),
          na.rm = TRUE

      popupValue[!is.finite(popupValue)] <- NA

      popupWhen <- ""

      legendTitle <- sprintf("%s %s", stringr::str_to_title(slice), legendTitle)

      if ( slice == "max" ) {

        # Can't find a good dplyr way to get the first occurance of each value so we roll our own


          dataBrick <- dplyr::select(monitor$data, -1)
          sliceValueBrick <- matrix(rep(popupValue, nrow(dataBrick)), nrow = nrow(dataBrick), byrow = TRUE)
          logicalBrick <- dataBrick == sliceValueBrick
          logicalBrick[is.na(logicalBrick)] <- FALSE
          firstRowAtMax <- base::apply(logicalBrick, 2, function(x) { min(which(x), na.rm = TRUE) })
          firstRowAtMax[!is.finite(firstRowAtMax)] <- NA
          firstTimeAtMax <- monitor$data$datetime[firstRowAtMax]


        popupWhen <-
          strftime(firstTimeAtMax, "on %B %d, %Y at %H:00", tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE)

        # TODO:  Idea for local time not working yet.

        # popupWhen <- vector("character", length(firstTimeAtMax))
        # for ( i in seq_len(firstTimeAtMax) ) {
        #   popupWhen[i] <-
        #     strftime(firstTimeAtMax[i], "on %B %d, %Y at %H:00", tz = monitor$meta$timezone[i], usetz = TRUE)
        # }

        popupWhen[is.na(popupWhen)] <- ""

      } # END of slice == "max"

    } else {

      # ** slice = datetime -----

      result <- try({
        sliceTime <- MazamaCoreUtils::parseDatetime(slice, timezone = "UTC")
      }, silent = TRUE)

      if ( "try-error" %in% class(result) ) {

        stop("improper use of slice parameter")

      } else {

        # Now proceed as if slice were an integer

        slice <- which(monitor$data$datetime == sliceTime)

        popupValue <- as.numeric(dplyr::slice(monitor$data, slice)[-1])

        popupWhen <-
          strftime(monitor$data$datetime[slice], "on %B %d, %Y at %H:00", tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE)


    } # END slice = character

  } else {

    # * slice = neither -----

    stop("improper use of slice parameter")


  # ----- Order by popupValue --------------------------------------------------

  # NOTE:  This step is required if you want to have higher valued locations
  # NOTE:  plotted on top so that they aren't hidden by lower valued locations.

  orderedIndices <- order(popupValue)

  popupValue <- popupValue[orderedIndices]
  popupWhen <- popupWhen[orderedIndices]

  monitor$meta <- monitor$meta[orderedIndices,]
  # monitor$data is no longer needed

  # ----- Create colors and legend labels --------------------------------------

  # If the user didn't use custom breaks then use AQI names and colors
  if ( all.equal(breaks, AQI_breaks) && all.equal(colors, AQI_colors) ) {

    # Ignore warnings from RColorBrewer as leaflet::colorBin does the right thing
      colorFunc <- leaflet::colorBin(
        bins = AQI_breaks,
        na.color = na.color
      cols <- colorFunc(popupValue)
      colors <- AQI_colors
      labels <- AQI_names

  } else {

    if ( length(breaks) <= 2) {
      stop("Please specify the correct vector of breaks")

    if (! (length(breaks) - 1 == length(colors)) ) {
      stop("The number of colors provided should be one less than the number of breaks")

    if ( missing(labels) ){
      labels <- paste(sprintf("%.1f", breaks[-length(breaks)]),
                      sprintf("%.1f", breaks[-1]))
    } else if ( length(labels) != length(colors) ) {
      stop("The number of labels should be equal to the number of colors")

    # Create levels and use them to create a color mask
    levels <- .bincode(popupValue, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)
    if ( !all(!is.na(levels)) ) {
      print("NOTE that there are data points outside of your specified breaks, non-requested color(s) might be displayed on your map.")
    cols <- colors[levels]


  # ----- Create popup text ----------------------------------------------------

  popupText <- paste0(
    "<b>", monitor$meta$locationName, "</b><br>",
    "<b>", round(popupValue, digits), " ", units, "</b> ", popupWhen, "<br><br>",
    "<b>", monitor$meta$deviceDeploymentID, "</b><br>",
    "locationID = ", monitor$meta$locationID, "<br>",
    "deviceID = ", monitor$meta$deviceID, "<br><br>",
    monitor$meta$countyName, " County, ", monitor$meta$stateCode, "<br>",
    "timezone = ", monitor$meta$timezone, "<br>",
    "longitude = ", monitor$meta$longitude, ", ", "latitude = ", monitor$meta$latitude, "<br>"

  # Add extra vars
  for ( i in seq_along(popupText) ) {

    extraText <- vector("character", length(extraVars))
    for ( j in seq_along(extraVars) ) {
      var <- extraVars[j]
      extraText[j] <- paste0(var, " = ", monitor$meta[i, var], "<br>")
    extraText <- paste0(extraText, collapse = "")

    popupText[i] <- paste0(popupText[i], "<hr>", extraText)

  monitor$meta$popupText <- popupText

  # ----- Create leaflet map ---------------------------------------------------

  # Filter out missing location data
  monitor$meta <-
    monitor$meta %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$longitude)) %>%

  # Spread out locations if requested
  if ( jitter > 0 ) {
    monitor$meta <-
      monitor$meta %>%
        longitude = jitter(.data$longitude, amount = 5e-4),
        latitude = jitter(.data$latitude, amount = 5e-4)

  # Convert maptype to a character string that addProviderTiles can read
  if ( missing(maptype) || maptype == "terrain") {
    providerTiles <- "Esri.WorldTopoMap"
  } else if ( maptype == "roadmap" ) {
    providerTiles <- "OpenStreetMap"
  } else if ( maptype == "toner" ) {
    providerTiles <- "Stamen.Toner"
  } else if (maptype == "satellite" ) {
    providerTiles <- "Esri.WorldImagery"
  } else {
    providerTiles <- maptype

  # Determine appropriate zoom level
  lonRange <- range(monitor$meta$longitude, na.rm = TRUE)
  latRange <- range(monitor$meta$latitude, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Create leaflet map
  leafletMap <-
    leaflet::leaflet(monitor$meta) %>%
    leaflet::fitBounds(lonRange[1], latRange[1], lonRange[2], latRange[2]) %>%
    leaflet::addProviderTiles(providerTiles) %>%
      lat = ~latitude,
      lng = ~longitude,
      radius = radius,
      fillColor = cols,
      fillOpacity = opacity,
      stroke = FALSE,
      popup = monitor$meta$popupText,
      ...) %>%
      position = "bottomright",
      colors = rev(colors), # show low levels at the bottom
      labels = rev(labels),  # show low levels at the bottom
      opacity = 1,
      title = legendTitle



# ===== DEBUGGING ==============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {

  archiveBaseUrl <- "https://airfire-data-exports.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/monitoring/v2"
  monitor <-
    airnow_loadDaily(archiveBaseUrl = archiveBaseUrl) %>%
    ##monitor_select(c("089a067f92712ad1_530750003", "d121a99bc6c2ac7f_160570005"))
    monitor_filter(countryCode %in% c("US", "CA", "MX"))

  slice = "max"
  radius = 10
  opacity = 0.7
  maptype = "terrain"
  extraVars = NULL
  jitter = 5e-4

    slice = "max",
    radius = 10,
    opacity = 0.7,
    maptype = "terrain",
    extraVars = NULL,
    jitter = 5e-4,


Try the AirMonitor package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AirMonitor documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:27 a.m.