
Defines functions mix_matrices extract_groups max3 mds_rho compute_md sd_mmd theta

theta <- function(n, p, choice = c("Anscombe", "Freeman")) {
### Function for angular transformation
### n: sample size
### p: relative frequency for the given trait
### choice: variant of angular transformation to be used

    choice <- match.arg(choice)
    if (choice == "Anscombe") {
        return(asin((n/(n+3/4)) * (1-2*p)))
    } else { # Freeman-Tukey
        return(0.5 * ( asin(1-(2*p*n/(n+1))) + asin(1-(2*((p*n)+1)/(n+1))) ))

sd_mmd <- function(nA, nB) {
### nA & nB: sample sizes in the groups A et B
    return((1 / (nA + 0.5) + 1 / (nB + 0.5))^2)

compute_md <- function(nA, pA, nB, pB, correct = TRUE) {
### Computes the measure of divergence for one given trait
### nA & nB: sample sizes in the groups A et B
### pA & pB: *transformed* trait frequencies in the groups A et B
### correct: boolean; correction for small sample sizes.
    if (correct) {
        return((pA - pB)^2 - sqrt(sd_mmd(nA, nB)))
    } else {
        return((pA - pB)^2)

mds_rho <- function(mmd, coor) {
### Computes the rho values displayed on MDS plots
### mmd: symmetrical matrix of MMD values
### coor: MDS coordinates

    ## 1. Compute all pairwise distances:
    mds_distances <- dist(coor[, 1:ncol(coor)],
                          diag = FALSE,
                          upper = FALSE)
    mmd_distances <- as.dist(mmd, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
    ## 2. Compute Spearman correlation between "real" (MMD) distances,
    ## and the distances post-MDS, not taking into account the null diagonal:
    rho <- cor(x = as.vector(mmd_distances), y = as.vector(mds_distances),
               method = "spearman")
    ## 3. Return Spearman's coef:
    return(round(rho, 3))

max3 <- function(dat) {
### dat: table of sample sizes and frequencies,
###      such as returned by 'binary_to_table'
### Returns the maximal value admissible for the slider bar in the UI
### (i.e., the maximal value that can be set for the required number of individuals in each group)

    ## for each trait, the minimal sample size reached among all groups:
    mins <- apply(dat[1:(nrow(dat)/2), ],
                  MARGIN = 2, FUN = min)
    ## return the second greatest value
    ## (so that at least *two* traits can be used in further analyses):
    return(as.numeric(sort(mins, decreasing = TRUE)[2]))

extract_groups <- function(tab, type) {
### Function extracting the group names from the data
### tab: dataframe loaded through the UI
### type: string ('raw' or 'table')
### output -> vector of strings

    if (type == "raw") {
        ## raw binary data:
        return(levels(tab[, 1]))
    } else if (type == "table") {
        ## table of n's and frequencies:
        nb_grps <- nrow(tab) / 2 # number of groups
        noms <- rownames(tab)[1:nb_grps] # should be 'N_Group1', 'N_Group2', ...
        return(substr(noms, 3, nchar(noms))) # thus discard the 'N_' everywhere

mix_matrices <- function(m, n, diag_value = 0) {
### m, n: (square) matrices, same dimension
### diag_value: a number
### Return a matrix composed as follows: upper-diagonal part of m,
### lower-diagonal part of n, and diagonal equal to diag.

    res <- m # result matrix
    ## Replace lower part by those of n:
    res[lower.tri(res)] <- n[lower.tri(n)]
    ## Fill diagonal with diag_value:
    diag(res) <- diag_value
    ## Return result:

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AnthropMMD documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:12 p.m.