
Defines functions archetypoids

Documented in archetypoids

archetypoids <- function(numArchoid,data,huge=200,step,init,ArchObj,nearest="cand_ns",sequ,aux){
  N = dim(data)[1]
    ai <- archetypes::bestModel(ArchObj[[numArchoid]])
    ai <- archetypes::bestModel(ArchObj[[numArchoid-aux]])  
   stop("No archetypes computed")  
    ras <- rbind(archetypes::parameters(ai),data)
    dras <- dist(ras, method = "euclidean", diag = F, upper = T, p = 2)
    mdras <- as.matrix(dras)
    diag(mdras) = 1e+11
   if(nearest == "cand_ns"){
     ini_arch <- sapply(seq(length = numArchoid), nearestToArchetypes, numArchoid, mdras) 
    if( all(ini_arch > numArchoid) == FALSE){
     neig <- knn(data, archetypes::parameters(ai), 1:N, k=k)
     indices1 <- attr(neig, "nn.index")
     ini_arch <- indices1[,k]
      neig <- knn(data, archetypes::parameters(ai), 1:N, k=k)
      indicesk <- attr(neig, "nn.index")
      dupl <- anyDuplicated(indices1[,1])
      ini_arch <- c(indices1[-dupl,1],indicesk[dupl,k])
   }else if(nearest == "cand_alpha"){
     ini_arch <- apply(coef(ai, "alphas"), 2, which.max) 
    }else if(nearest == "cand_beta"){
      ini_arch <- c()
      for (j in 1:numArchoid){
        ini_arch[j] <- which.max(ai$betas[j,])
      stop("The nearest vector must be cand_ns, cand_alpha or cand_beta")
   ini_arch <- init
   n <- ncol(t(data))
   x_gvv <- rbind(t(data), rep(huge, n))
   zs <- x_gvv[,ini_arch] 
   zs <- as.matrix(zs)
   alphas <- matrix(0, nrow = numArchoid, ncol = n)
   for (j in 1 : n){
    alphas[, j] = coef(nnls(zs, x_gvv[,j]))
   resid <- zs %*% alphas - x_gvv
   rss_ini <- max(svd(resid)$d) / n
  res_def <- swap(ini_arch, rss_ini, huge, numArchoid, x_gvv, n)

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Anthropometry documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:58 p.m.