addBAMMlegend: Add a color legend to a phylo-rate plot

View source: R/addBAMMlegend.R

addBAMMlegendR Documentation

Add a color legend to a phylo-rate plot


Add a legend to a phylorate plot, with greater manual control.


  location = "topleft",
  nTicks = 2,
  stretchInterval = FALSE,
  shortFrac = 0.02,
  longFrac = 0.3,
  axisOffset = 0.002,
  cex.axis = 0.8,
  labelDist = 0.7,



A plot.bammdata object.


Direction of color ramp. If omitted, then direction is automatically inferred, otherwise can be specified as horizontal or vertical.


Side for tick marks, see axis documentation. Automatically inferred if omitted.


Either a location name (see Details), or coordinates for the corners of the bar legend c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).


Number of tick marks, besides min and max.


If color.interval was defined, should the legend be stretched to the color.interval, or should the full range of rates be presented.


Percent of the plot width range that will be used as the short dimention of the legend. Only applies to preset location options.


Percent of the plot width range that will be used as the long dimension of the legend. Only applies to preset location options.


Distance from color bar for labels, as a percent of the plot width.


Size of axis labels.


Distance from axis to axis labels (passed to mgp).


Additional parameters to be passed to axis.


A number of predefined locations exist in this function to make it easy to add a legend to a phylorate plot. Preset locations are: topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, left, right, top and bottom. If more fine-tuned control is desired, then a numeric vector of length 4 can be supplied to location, specifying the min x, max x, min y and max y values for the legend. See Examples.


Invisibly returns a list with the following components:

  • coords: A 2-column matrix of xy coordinates for each color bin in the legend.

  • width: Coordinates for the short dimension of the legend.

  • pal: The color ramp.

  • tickLocs: The tick mark locations in plotting units.

  • labels: The rate values associated with those tick locations.


Pascal Title

See Also

Requires an object created with plot.bammdata.


data(whales, events.whales)
ephy <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, burnin = 0.25, nsamples = 300)

# plot phylorate with extra margin space
x <- plot(ephy, lwd = 2, mar = c(5,4,4,4)) 
# presets
addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'topleft')
addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'bottom')
addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'right')

# fine-tune placement
x <- plot(ephy, lwd = 2, mar = c(5,4,4,4)) 
axis(1); axis(2)
addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(-1, -0.5, 40, 80), nTicks = 4)
addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(5, 20, 60, 61), nTicks = 4, side = 3,
              cex.axis = 0.7)

# addBAMMlegend also automatically detects the use of color.interval
data(primates, events.primates)
ephy <- getEventData(primates, events.primates, burnin=0.25,
                     nsamples = 300, type = 'trait')

x <- plot(ephy, breaksmethod = 'linear',
          color.interval = c(NA, 0.12), lwd = 2)
addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(0, 30, 200, 205), nTicks = 1, side = 3)

BAMMtools documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:10 a.m.