
Defines functions addBAMMlegend

Documented in addBAMMlegend

#	addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'topleft', side = 'auto', nTicks = 2, direction = 'auto', shortFrac = 0.02, longFrac = 0.3, axisOffset = 0.002, cex.axis = 0.8, labelDist = 0.7, ...)
#		x = saved plot.bammdata object
#		location = 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft','bottomright','top','bottom','left','right' OR coordinates for legend c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#		side = side for tick marks, see axis() documentation, if NULL, automatically inferred
#		nTicks = number of ticks, outside of min and max
#		direction = 'auto' or vertical or horizontal
#		shortFrac = percent of axis that is short dimension of legend
#		longFrac = percent of axis that is long dimension of legend
#		axisOffset = distance from color bar for labels as a percent of total
#		cex.axis = size of axis labels
#		labelDist = distance from axis to labels, passed to mgp
#		... additional parameters to be passed to axis()

##' @title Add a color legend to a phylo-rate plot
##' @description Add a legend to a phylorate plot, with greater manual
##'     control.
##' @param x A \code{plot.bammdata} object.
##' @param direction Direction of color ramp. If omitted, then direction is 
##'     automatically inferred, otherwise can be specified as horizontal or
##'     vertical.
##' @param side Side for tick marks, see \code{\link{axis}} documentation.
##'     Automatically inferred if omitted.
##' @param location Either a location name (see Details), or coordinates for
##'     the corners of the bar legend c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).
##' @param nTicks Number of tick marks, besides min and max.
##' @param stretchInterval If color.interval was defined, should the legend be
##' 	stretched to the color.interval, or should the full range of rates be 
##' 	presented.
##' @param shortFrac Percent of the plot width range that will be used as the
##'     short dimention of the legend. Only applies to preset location
##'     options.
##' @param longFrac Percent of the plot width range that will be used as the
##'     long dimension of the legend. Only applies to preset location options.
##' @param axisOffset Distance from color bar for labels, as a percent of the
##'     plot width.
##' @param cex.axis Size of axis labels.
##' @param labelDist Distance from axis to axis labels (passed to mgp).
##' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed to axis.
##' @details A number of predefined locations exist in this function to make
##'     it easy to add a legend to a phylorate plot. Preset \code{locations}
##'     are: \code{topleft}, \code{topright}, \code{bottomleft},
##'     \code{bottomright}, \code{left}, \code{right}, \code{top} and
##'     \code{bottom}. If more fine-tuned control is desired, then a numeric
##'     vector of length 4 can be supplied to \code{location}, specifying the
##'     min x, max x, min y and max y values for the legend. See
##'     \code{Examples}.
##' @return Invisibly returns a list with the following components:
##'     \itemize{
##'         \item coords: A 2-column matrix of xy coordinates for each color
##'             bin in the legend.
##'         \item width: Coordinates for the short dimension of the legend.
##'         \item pal: The color ramp.
##'         \item tickLocs: The tick mark locations in plotting units.
##'         \item labels: The rate values associated with those tick
##'             locations.
##'     }
##' @author Pascal Title
##' @seealso Requires an object created with \code{\link{plot.bammdata}}.
##' @examples
##' data(whales, events.whales)
##' ephy <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, burnin = 0.25, nsamples = 300)
##' # plot phylorate with extra margin space
##' x <- plot(ephy, lwd = 2, mar = c(5,4,4,4)) 
##' # presets
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'topleft')
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'bottom')
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = 'right')
##' # fine-tune placement
##' x <- plot(ephy, lwd = 2, mar = c(5,4,4,4)) 
##' axis(1); axis(2)
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(-1, -0.5, 40, 80), nTicks = 4)
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(5, 20, 60, 61), nTicks = 4, side = 3,
##'               cex.axis = 0.7)
##' # addBAMMlegend also automatically detects the use of color.interval
##' data(primates, events.primates)
##' ephy <- getEventData(primates, events.primates, burnin=0.25,
##'                      nsamples = 300, type = 'trait')
##' x <- plot(ephy, breaksmethod = 'linear',
##'           color.interval = c(NA, 0.12), lwd = 2)
##' addBAMMlegend(x, location = c(0, 30, 200, 205), nTicks = 1, side = 3)
##' @export
addBAMMlegend <- function(x, direction, side, location = 'topleft', nTicks = 2, stretchInterval = FALSE, shortFrac = 0.02, longFrac = 0.3, axisOffset = 0.002, cex.axis = 0.8, labelDist = 0.7, ...) {
	#location xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
	if (hasArg('corners')) {
		stop('Error: some options have been deprecated. Please consult the documentation.')
	if(!hasArg('direction')) {
		direction <- 'auto'
	if (!identical(names(x), c('coords', 'colorbreaks', 'palette', 'colordens'))) {
		stop("x must be a saved plot.bammdata object.");
	if (!direction %in% c('auto', 'vertical', 'horizontal')) {
		stop("direction must be auto, vertical or horizontal.");
	if (is.character(location)) {
		if (!location %in% c('bottomleft','bottomright','topleft','topright','bottom','top','left','right')) {
			stop('location is not recognized.');
	colorbreaks <- x$colorbreaks;
	pal <- x$palette;

	# If there are duplicate colors, then this color ramp is the result of
	# a specified color.interval. If stretchInterval is TRUE, then rather
	# than include many duplicate colors, we will only include the color.interval
	# range.
	# intervalSide = top means that the top range of the color palette has
	# duplicate colors
	intervalSide <- NULL
	if (length(unique(pal)) != length(pal) & stretchInterval) {
		uniquePal <- which(!duplicated(pal))
		if (uniquePal[2] != (uniquePal[1] + 1)) {
			uniquePal[1] <- uniquePal[2] - 1
		colorbreaks <- colorbreaks[c(uniquePal, uniquePal[length(uniquePal)] + 1)]
		pal <- pal[uniquePal]
		if (identical(x$palette[1], x$palette[2]) & identical(tail(x$palette, 1), tail(x$palette, 2)[1])) {
			intervalSide <- 'both'
		} else if (identical(x$palette[1], x$palette[2]) & !identical(tail(x$palette, 1), tail(x$palette, 2)[1])) {
			intervalSide <- 'bottom'
		} else if (!identical(x$palette[1], x$palette[2]) & identical(tail(x$palette, 1), tail(x$palette, 2)[1])) {
			intervalSide <- 'top'

	n <- length(colorbreaks);

	#return plot region extremes and define outer coordinates
	minX <- grconvertX(par('fig')[1], from = 'ndc', to = 'user') 
	maxX <- grconvertX(par('fig')[2], from = 'ndc', to = 'user')
	minY <- grconvertY(par('fig')[3], from = 'ndc', to = 'user')
	maxY <- grconvertY(par('fig')[4], from = 'ndc', to = 'user')
	xrange <- maxX - minX
	yrange <- maxY - minY
	minX <- minX + xrange * 0.05
	maxX <- maxX - xrange * 0.05
	minY <- minY + yrange * 0.05
	maxY <- maxY - yrange * 0.05
	if (is.character(location)) {
		if (location == 'topleft' & direction %in% c('auto', 'vertical')) {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- minX
			location[2] <- minX + (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[3] <- maxY - (maxY - minY) * longFrac
			location[4] <- maxY
		} else
		if (location == 'topleft' & direction == 'horizontal') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- minX
			location[2] <- minX + (maxX - minX) * longFrac
			location[3] <- maxY - (maxY - minY) * shortFrac
			location[4] <- maxY
		} else
		if (location == 'topright' & direction %in% c('auto', 'vertical')) {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- maxX - (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[2] <- maxX
			location[3] <- maxY - (maxY - minY) * longFrac
			location[4] <- maxY
		} else
		if (location == 'topright' & direction == 'horizontal') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- maxX - (maxX - minX) * longFrac
			location[2] <- maxX
			location[3] <- maxY - (maxY - minY) * shortFrac
			location[4] <- maxY
		} else
		if (location == 'bottomleft' & direction %in% c('auto', 'vertical')) {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- minX
			location[2] <- minX + (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[3] <- minY
			location[4] <- minY + (maxY - minY) * longFrac
		} else
		if (location == 'bottomleft' & direction == 'horizontal') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- minX
			location[2] <- minX + (maxX - minX) * longFrac
			location[3] <- minY
			location[4] <- minY + (maxY - minY) * shortFrac
		} else
		if (location == 'bottomright' & direction %in% c('auto', 'vertical')) {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- maxX - (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[2] <- maxX
			location[3] <- minY
			location[4] <- minY + (maxY - minY) * longFrac
		} else
		if (location == 'bottomright' & direction == 'horizontal') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- maxX - (maxX - minX) * longFrac
			location[2] <- maxX
			location[3] <- minY
			location[4] <- minY + (maxY - minY) * shortFrac 
		} else
		if (location == 'left') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- minX
			location[2] <- minX + (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[3] <- mean(par('usr')[3:4]) - ((maxY - minY) * longFrac)/2
			location[4] <- mean(par('usr')[3:4]) + ((maxY - minY) * longFrac)/2
			direction <- 'vertical'
		} else
		if (location == 'right') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- maxX - (maxX - minX) * shortFrac
			location[2] <- maxX
			location[3] <- mean(par('usr')[3:4]) - ((maxY - minY) * longFrac)/2
			location[4] <- mean(par('usr')[3:4]) + ((maxY - minY) * longFrac)/2
			direction <- 'vertical'
		} else
		if (location == 'top') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- mean(par('usr')[1:2]) - ((maxX - minX) * longFrac)/2
			location[2] <- mean(par('usr')[1:2]) + ((maxX - minX) * longFrac)/2
			location[3] <- maxY - (maxY - minY) * shortFrac
			location[4] <- maxY
			direction <- 'horizontal'
		} else
		if (location == 'bottom') {
			location <- vector('numeric', length = 4);
			location[1] <- mean(par('usr')[1:2]) - ((maxX - minX) * longFrac)/2
			location[2] <- mean(par('usr')[1:2]) + ((maxX - minX) * longFrac)/2
			location[3] <- minY
			location[4] <- minY + (maxY - minY) * shortFrac
			direction <- 'horizontal'

	# infer direction based on dimensions of legend box
	if (direction == 'auto') {
		if (((location[2] - location[1]) / (par('usr')[2] - par('usr')[1])) >= ((location[4] - location[3]) / (par('usr')[4] - par('usr')[3]))) {
			direction <- 'horizontal';
		} else {
			direction <- 'vertical';
	if (direction == 'horizontal') {
		axisOffset <- axisOffset * (par('usr')[4] - par('usr')[3]);
	} else if (direction == 'vertical') {
		axisOffset <- axisOffset * (par('usr')[2] - par('usr')[1]);
	#determine side for labels based on location in plot and direction
	if (!hasArg('side')) {
		if (direction == 'vertical') { #side = 1 or 4
			if (mean(location[1:2]) <= mean(par('usr')[1:2])) {
				side <- 4;
			} else {
				side <- 2;
		if (direction == 'horizontal') { #side = 2 or 3
			if (mean(location[3:4]) > mean(par('usr')[3:4])) {
				side <- 1;
			} else {
				side <- 3;
	if (direction == 'horizontal') {
		x <- seq(from = location[1], to = location[2], length.out = n);
		width <- location[3:4];
	} else {
		x <- seq(from = location[3], to = location[4], length.out = n);
		width <- location[1:2];
	#get bin coordinates
	x <- rep(x,each = 2);
	x <- x[-c(1,length(x))];
	x <- matrix(x, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE);
	#find tick locations
	#get equivalent rate bins
	z <- rep(colorbreaks,each = 2);
	z <- z[-c(1,length(z))];
	z <- matrix(z, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE);

	tx <- trunc(seq(from = 1, to = nrow(x), length.out = nTicks + 2));
	tickLocs <- x[tx,1]
	tx <- z[tx,1]
	tickLocs[length(tickLocs)] <- max(x[,2])
	tx[length(tx)] <- max(z[,2])	
	#plot bar
	if (direction == 'horizontal') {
		rect(xleft = x[,1], ybottom = width[1], xright = x[,2], ytop = width[2], border = pal, col = pal, xpd = NA);
	} else {
		rect(xleft = width[1], ybottom = x[,1], xright = width[2], ytop = x[,2], border = pal, col = pal, xpd = NA);
	#add tickmarks
	tickLabels <- as.character(signif(tx, 2));
	if (!is.null(intervalSide)) {
		if (intervalSide == 'top' | intervalSide == 'both') {
			tickLabels[length(tickLabels)] <- paste('\u2265', tickLabels[length(tickLabels)])
		if (intervalSide == 'bottom' | intervalSide == 'both') {
			tickLabels[1] <- paste('\u2264', tickLabels[1])
	if (side == 1) { #bottom
		axis(side, at = tickLocs, pos = location[3] - axisOffset, labels = tickLabels, xpd = NA, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = c(3, labelDist, 0), ...);
	if (side == 3) { #top
		axis(side, at = tickLocs, pos = location[4] + axisOffset, labels = tickLabels, xpd = NA, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = c(3, labelDist, 0), ...);
	if (side == 2) { #left
		axis(side, at = tickLocs, pos = location[1] - axisOffset, labels = tickLabels, xpd = NA, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = c(3, labelDist, 0), ...);
	if (side == 4) { #right
		axis(side, at = tickLocs, pos = location[2] + axisOffset, labels = tickLabels, xpd = NA, las = 1, cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = c(3, labelDist, 0), ...);
	invisible(list(coords = x, width = width, pal = pal, tickLocs = tickLocs, labels = tx))

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