
Defines functions testBF.prior g.prior IC.prior aic.prior bic.prior robust beta.prime TG hyper.g Jeffreys hyper.g.n intrinsic tCCH CCH EB.local

Documented in aic.prior beta.prime bic.prior CCH EB.local g.prior hyper.g hyper.g.n IC.prior intrinsic Jeffreys robust tCCH testBF.prior TG

#' Empirical Bayes Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Model
#' Creates an object representing the EB prior for BAS GLM.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @aliases EB EB.local
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}} and \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' EB.local()
#' @rdname EB.local
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

EB.local <- function() {
  structure(list(family = "EB-local", class = "EB", hyper.parameters = list(local = TRUE)),
    class = "prior"

#' Generalized g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the CCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients
#' for BAS .
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param alpha a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1 for CCH.
#' The hyper.g(alpha) is equivalent to CCH(alpha -2, 2, 0). Liang et al
#' recommended values in the range 2 < alpha_h <= 4
#' @param beta a scalar > 0.  The value is not updated by the data; beta should
#' be a function of n for consistency under the null model.  The hyper-g
#' corresponds to b = 2
#' @param s a scalar, recommended s=0
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyperparameters.
#' @author Merlise A Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{IC.prior}}, \code{\link{bic.prior}},
#' \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' CCH(alpha = .5, beta = 100, s = 0)
#' @rdname CCH
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
CCH <- function(alpha, beta, s = 0) {
  #    if (beta == 2 & alpha == 2 & s == 0)   {
  #        structure(list(family="Truncated-Gamma", class="TCCH", hyper.parameters=NULL),
  #                       class="prior")}
  #    else {
    family = "CCH", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(alpha = alpha, beta = beta, s = s)
  class = "prior"
  # }

#' Generalized tCCH g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the tCCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients
#' for BAS.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param alpha a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1.
#' @param beta a scalar > 0.  The value is not updated by the data; beta should
#' be a function of n for consistency under the null model.
#' @param s a scalar, recommended s=0 a priori
#' @param r r arbitrary; in the hyper-g-n prior sets r = (alpha + 2)
#' @param v 0 < v
#' @param theta theta > 1
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}}, \code{\link{robust}}, \code{\link{hyper.g}},
#' \code{\link{hyper.g.n}}\code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' n <- 500
#' tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
#' @rdname tCCH
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
tCCH <- function(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 3 / 2, v = 1, theta = 1) {
  #    if (beta == 2 & alpha == 2 & s == 0)   {
  #        structure(list(family="Truncated-Gamma", class="TCCH", hyper.parameters=NULL),
  #                       class="prior")}
  #    else {
    family = "tCCH", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(
      alpha = alpha, beta = beta, s = s,
      r = r, v = v, theta = theta
  class = "prior"
  # }

#' Intrinsic Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the intrinsic prior on g, a special case of
#' the tCCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param n the sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the
#' call to `bas.glm` will be used.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family "intrinsic" of
#' class "TCCH" and hyperparameters alpha = 1, beta = 1, s = 0, r = 1, n = n
#' for the tCCH prior where theta in the tCCH prior is determined by the model
#' size and sample size.
#' @author Merlise A Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{tCCH}}, \code{\link{robust}}, \code{\link{hyper.g}},
#' \code{\link{hyper.g.n}}\code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @references Womack, A., Novelo,L.L., Casella, G. (2014). "Inference From
#' Intrinsic Bayes' Procedures Under Model Selection and Uncertainty". Journal
#' of the American Statistical Association.  109:1040-1053.
#' \url{https://amstat.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01621459.2014.880348}
#' @examples
#' n <- 500
#' tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
#' @rdname intrinsic
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

intrinsic <- function(n = NULL) {
  #    if (beta == 2 & alpha == 2 & s == 0)   {
  #        structure(list(family="Truncated-Gamma", class="TCCH", hyper.parameters=NULL),
  #                       class="prior")}
  #    else {
    family = "intrinsic", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0, s = 0.0, r = 1.0, n = as.numeric(n))
  class = "prior"
  # }

#' Generalized hyper-g/n Prior Distribution for g for mixtures of g-priors on
#' Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the hyper-g/n mixture of g-priors on
#' coefficients for BAS. This is a special case of the tCCH prior
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.  This is a special case
#' of the \code{\link{tCCH}}, where \code{hyper.g.n(alpha=3, n)} is equivalent
#' to \code{ tCCH(alpha=1, beta=2, s=0, r=1.5, v = 1, theta=1/n) }
#' @param alpha a scalar > 0, recommended 2 < alpha <= 3
#' @param n The sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the
#' call to `bas.glm` will be used.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{tCCH}}, \code{\link{robust}}, \code{\link{hyper.g}},
#' \code{\link{CCH}}\code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' n <- 500
#' hyper.g.n(alpha = 3, n = n)
#' @rdname hyper.g.n
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
hyper.g.n <- function(alpha = 3, n = NULL) {
  #    if (beta == 2 & alpha == 2 & s == 0)   {
  #        structure(list(family="Truncated-Gamma", class="TCCH", hyper.parameters=NULL),
  #                       class="prior")}
  #    else {
    family = "hyper-g/n", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(
      alpha = alpha - 2, beta = 2, s = 0,
      r = alpha / 2, v = 1, theta = 1 / n
    ), n = n
  class = "prior"
  # }

#' Jeffreys Prior Distribution for $g$ for Mixtures of g-Priors for
#' Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the Jeffrey's Prior on g mixture of g-priors
#' on coefficients for BAS. This is equivalent to a limiting version of the
#' CCH(a, 2, 0) with a = 0 or they hyper-g(a = 2) and is an improper prior.  As
#' $g$ does not appear in the Null Model, Bayes Factors and model probabilities
#' are not well-defined because of arbitrary normalizing constants, and for
#' this reason the null model is excluded and the same constants are used
#' across other models.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}} \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' Jeffreys()
#' @rdname Jeffreys
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
Jeffreys <- function() {
    family = "Jeffreys", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(alpha = 0, beta = 2, s = 0.0)
  class = "prior"

#' Hyper-g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the hyper-g mixture of g-priors on
#' coefficients for BAS.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param alpha a scalar > 0. The hyper.g(alpha) is equivalent to CCH(alpha -2,
#' 2, 0). Liang et al recommended values in the range 2 < alpha_h <= 3
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}} \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' hyper.g(alpha = 3)
#' @rdname hyper.g
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
hyper.g <- function(alpha = 3.0) {
  if (alpha <= 2) {
    stop("alpha must be greater than 2 in hyper.g prior")

  else {
      family = "CCH", class = "TCCH",
      hyper.parameters = list(alpha = alpha - 2.0, beta = 2, s = 0.0)
    class = "prior"

#' Generalized g-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the Truncated Gamma (tCCH) mixture of
#' g-priors on coefficients for BAS, where u = 1/(1+g) has a Gamma distribution
#' supported on (0, 1].
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param alpha a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1.  alpha=2
#' corresponds to the uniform prior on the shrinkage factor.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}} \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' TG(alpha = 2)
#' CCH(alpha = 2, beta = 100, s = 0)
#' @family beta priors
#' @export
TG <- function(alpha = 2) {
    family = "TG", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(alpha = alpha, beta = 2.0, s = 0.0)
  class = "prior"

#' Beta-Prime Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Model
#' Creates an object representing the Beta-Prime prior that is mixture of
#' g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
#' Creates a structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param n the sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the
#' call to `bas.glm` will be used.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}}
#' @examples
#' beta.prime(n = 100)
#' @rdname beta.prime
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

beta.prime <- function(n = NULL) {
  if (is.integer(n)) n = as.numeric(n)
    family = "betaprime", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(n = n, alpha = .5)
  class = "prior"

#' Robust-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Model
#' Creates an object representing the robust prior of Bayarri et al (2012) that
#' is mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
#' Creates a prior structure used for \code{\link{bas.glm}}.
#' @param n the sample size.
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{CCH}} and\code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' robust(100)
#' @rdname robust
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

robust <- function(n = NULL) {
    family = "robust", class = "TCCH",
    hyper.parameters = list(n = n)
  class = "prior"

#' @family prior functions
#' @export

bic.prior <- function(n = NULL) {
  if (is.null(n)) {
    penalty <- NULL
  } else {
    penalty <- log(n)

    family = "BIC", class = "IC",
    hyper.parameters = list(penalty = penalty, n = as.numeric(n)),
    hyper = penalty
  class = "prior"

#' @family beta priors
#' @export

aic.prior <- function() {
    family = "AIC", class = "IC", hyper.parameters = list(penalty = 2),
    hyper = 2
  class = "prior"

#' Information Criterion Families of Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA
#' Models
#' Creates an object representing the prior distribution on coefficients for
#' BAS.
#' The log marginal likelihood is approximated as -2*(deviance +
#' penalty*dimension).  Allows alternatives to AIC (penalty = 2) and BIC
#' (penalty = log(n)).  For BIC, the argument may be missing, in which case the
#' sample size is determined from the call to `bas.glm` and used to determine
#' the penalty.
#' @aliases IC.prior aic.prior AIC.prior bic.prior BIC.prior
#' @param penalty a scalar used in the penalized loglikelihood of the form
#' penalty*dimension
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{g.prior}}
#' @examples
#' IC.prior(2)
#' aic.prior()
#' bic.prior(100)
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

IC.prior <- function(penalty) {
  if (as.integer(penalty)) penalty = as.numeric(penalty)
    family = "IC", class = "IC", hyper = penalty,
    hyper.parameters = list(penalty = penalty)
  class = "prior"

#' Families of G-Prior Distribution for Coefficients in BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the g-prior distribution on coefficients for
#' BAS.
#' Creates a structure used for BAS.
#' @param g a scalar used in the covariance of Zellner's g-prior, Cov(beta) =
#' sigma^2 g (X'X)^-1
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{IC.prior}}
#' @examples
#' g.prior(100)
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

g.prior <- function(g) {
  if (is.integer(g)) g = as.numeric(g)
    family = "g.prior", g = g, class = "g-prior",
    hyper = as.numeric(g),
    hyper.parameters = list(g = g)
  class = "prior"

#' Test based Bayes Factors for BMA Models
#' Creates an object representing the prior distribution on coefficients for
#' BAS that corresponds to the test-based Bayes Factors.
#' Creates a prior object structure used for BAS in `bas.glm`.
#' @param g a scalar used in the covariance of Zellner's g-prior, Cov(beta) =
#' sigma^2 g (X'X)^-
#' @return returns an object of class "prior", with the family and
#' hyerparameters.
#' @author Merlise Clyde
#' @seealso \code{\link{g.prior}}, \code{\link{bas.glm}}
#' @examples
#' testBF.prior(100)
#' library(MASS)
#' data(Pima.tr)
#' # use g = n
#' bas.glm(type ~ .,
#'   data = Pima.tr, family = binomial(),
#'   betaprior = testBF.prior(nrow(Pima.tr)),
#'   modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS"
#' )
#' @family beta priors
#' @export

testBF.prior <- function(g) {
    family = "testBF.prior", g = as.numeric(g), class = "g-prior",
    hyper = as.numeric(g),
    hyper.parameters = list(g = as.numeric(g), loglik_null = NULL)
  class = "prior"

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