
#' fMRI data
#' fMRI data assessing relation between individual differences in the ability to recognize
#' faces and cars and thickness of the superficial, middle, and deep layers of the
#' fusiform face area, as assessed by high-resolution fMRI recognition (Williams et al, 2019, under review)
#'   \tabular{lll}{
#'   \strong{Subject}\tab\code{numeric}\tab Particicpant ID number\cr
#'    \strong{Face} \tab \code{numeric} \tab Standardized score on face recognition battery\cr
#'    \strong{Vehicle} \tab \code{numeric} \tab Standardized score on vehicle recognition battery\cr
#'    \strong{Superficial} \tab \code{numeric} \tab Depth in mm of superficial layer of FFA\cr
#'    \strong{Middle} \tab \code{numeric} \tab Depth in mm of middle layer of FFA\cr
#'    \strong{Bform} \tab \code{numeric} \tab Depth in mm of deep layer of FFA\cr
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name fmri
#' @usage data(fmri)
#' @references McGuigin, R.W., Newton, A.T., Tamber-Rosenau, B., Tomarken, A.J, & Gauthier, I. (under review). Thickness of deep layers in the fusiform face area predicts face recognition.
#' @format A data.frame with 13 rows and 6 columns.

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