
# set.seed(123)
# #check results
# test_that("correlation test on cor_test object with two groups correctly evaluated", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   #split data frame in two data frame for each group
#   memoryHC <- subset(memory,Group=="HC")[,-(4:7)]
#   memorySZ <- subset(memory,Group=="SZ")[,-(4:7)]
#   cor1 <- cor_test(memoryHC,memorySZ)
#   BF6_cor <- BF(cor1, hypothesis=
#     "Del_with_Im_in_g1 > Del_with_Im_in_g2 &
#     Del_with_Wmn_in_g1 > Del_with_Wmn_in_g2 &
#     Im_with_Wmn_in_g1 > Im_with_Wmn_in_g2")
#   expect_equivalent(
#     log(BF6_cor$BFmatrix_confirmatory[1,2]), 5.0, tolerance = .5
# )})

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BFpack documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:15 a.m.