
Defines functions .BIEN_sql

Documented in .BIEN_sql

#'Run an SQL query on the BIEN database.
#'.BIEN_sql is an internal function used to submit SQL queries.
#' @param query A PostgreSQL query.
#' @param view_full_occurrence_individual Alternative value to be substituted for "view_full_occurrence_individual" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param agg_traits Alternative value to be substituted for "agg_traits" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param species_by_political_division Alternative value to be substituted for "species_by_political_division" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param bien_species_all Alternative value to be substituted for "bien_species_all" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param ranges Alternative value to be substituted for "ranges" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param bien_taxonomy Alternative value to be substituted for "bien_taxonomy" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param phylogeny Alternative value to be substituted for "phylogeny" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param bien_metadata Alternative value to be substituted for "bien_metadata" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param plot_metadata Alternative value to be substituted for "plot_metadata" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param analytical_stem Alternative value to be substituted for "analytical_stem" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param datasource Alternative value to be substituted for "datasource" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param centroid Alternative value to be substituted for "centroid" in queries when not NULL.
#' @param limit A limit on the number of records to be returned.  Should be a single number or NULL (the default).
#' @param return.query Should  the query used be returned rather than executed?  Default is FALSE
#' @param schema An alternative schema to be accessed.  Used for testing purposes.
#' @param print.query Should  the query used be printed?  Default is FALSE
#' @param fetch.query If TRUE (the default) query is executed using dbFetch.  If FALSE, dbGetQuery is used.
#' @note Using fetch.query = TRUE provides better error handling, but fetch.query = FALSE results in a more useful (but uncatchable) error.
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @importFrom DBI dbDriver dbFetch
#' @return A dataframe returned by the query.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' .BIEN_sql("SELECT DISTINCT country, scrubbed_species_binomial FROM view_full_occurrence_individual 
#' WHERE country in ( 'United States' );")}
.BIEN_sql <- function(query,
                      view_full_occurrence_individual = NULL,
                      agg_traits = NULL,
                      species_by_political_division = NULL,
                      bien_species_all = NULL,
                      ranges = NULL,
                      bien_taxonomy = NULL,
                      phylogeny = NULL,
                      bien_metadata = NULL,
                      plot_metadata = NULL,
                      analytical_stem = NULL,
                      datasource = NULL,
                      centroid = NULL,
                      limit = NULL,
                      return.query = FALSE,
                      schema = NULL,
                      print.query = FALSE,
                      fetch.query = TRUE){

    query <- gsub(pattern = "\n",replacement = "",query)
    query <- gsub("(?<=[\\s])\\s*|^\\s+|\\s+$", "", query, perl = TRUE)
    view_full_occurrence_individual <- paste(schema,"view_full_occurrence_individual",sep = ".")
    agg_traits <- paste(schema,"agg_traits",sep = ".")
    species_by_political_division <- paste(schema,"species_by_political_division",sep = ".")
    bien_species_all <- paste(schema,"bien_species_all",sep = ".")
    ranges <- paste(schema,"ranges",sep = ".")
    bien_taxonomy <- paste(schema,"bien_taxonomy",sep = ".")
    phylogeny <- paste(schema,"phylogeny",sep = ".")
    bien_metadata <- paste(schema,"bien_metadata",sep = ".")
    plot_metadata <- paste(schema,"plot_metadata",sep = ".")
    analytical_stem <- paste(schema,"analytical_stem",sep = ".")
    datasource <- paste(schema,"datasource",sep = ".")
    centroid <- paste(schema,"centroid",sep = ".")

    #query<-gsub(pattern = "\\<view_full_occurrence_individual\\>",replacement = view_full_occurrence_individual,x = query)}
    query <- gsub(pattern = "(?<!as |AS )(?<!\\S)view_full_occurrence_individual(?!\\S)",
                  replacement = view_full_occurrence_individual,
                  x = query,
                  perl = TRUE)
    #query<-gsub(pattern = "\\<view_full_occurrence_individual\\>",replacement = view_full_occurrence_individual,x = query)}
    query <- gsub(pattern = "(?<!as |AS )(?<!\\S)plot_metadata(?!\\S)",
                  replacement = plot_metadata,
                  x = query,
                  perl = TRUE)
    #query<-gsub(pattern = "\\<view_full_occurrence_individual\\>",replacement = view_full_occurrence_individual,x = query)}
    query <- gsub(pattern = "(?<!as |AS )(?<!\\S)analytical_stem(?!\\S)",
                  replacement = analytical_stem,
                  x = query,
                  perl = TRUE)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "agg_traits",
                  replacement = agg_traits,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "species_by_political_division",
                  replacement = species_by_political_division,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "bien_species_all",
                  replacement = bien_species_all,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "ranges",
                  replacement = ranges,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "bien_taxonomy",
                  replacement = bien_taxonomy,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "\\<phylogeny\\>",
                  replacement = phylogeny,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "\\<bien_metadata\\>",
                  replacement = bien_metadata,
                  x = query)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "(?<=\\s)datasource(?=\\s)",
                  replacement = datasource,
                  x = query,
                  perl = TRUE)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "(?<=\\s)centroid(?=\\s)",
                  replacement = datasource,
                  x = query,
                  perl = TRUE)
    query <- gsub(pattern = " ;",
                  replacement = paste(" LIMIT ",limit,";"),
                  x = query)
  host <- 'vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu'
  dbname <- 'public_vegbien'
  user <- 'public_bien'
  password <- 'bien_public'
  # Name the database type that will be used
  drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL')
  # establish connection with database
  con <- dbConnect(drv,
                   host = host,
                   dbname = dbname,
                   user = user,
                   password = password)
    query <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", query)
    query <- gsub("(?<=[\\s])\\s*|^\\s+|\\s+$", "", query, perl = TRUE)

# Execute the query
      df <-  tryCatch(expr = dbFetch(res = dbSendQuery(conn = con,
                                                       statement = query)),
                      error = function(e){e}
    df <- dbGetQuery(con, statement = query); #dbGetQuery doesn't allow error catching, so we've stopped using it by default

# Disconnect from the database
# Optionally print the query  
    query <- gsub(pattern = "\n",replacement = "", query)
    query <- gsub("(?<=[\\s])\\s*|^\\s+|\\s+$", "", query, perl = TRUE)
  #Check whether query worked
  if("error" %in% class(df)){
    message("\nThere was a problem with the query. This is most often due to internet connection issues, but may also be due other factors such as an outdated version of the package.")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BIEN documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 9:06 a.m.