Defines functions BMNJT BMNJTlogPartFunc

Documented in BMNJT

### provides the interface functions in R to access
### the C++ functions. 2 are available, one for the 
### whole covariance matrix, one for the covariance
### for just one variable
### Variables are numbered 1 to n
### Also, the log of the partition function can be computed

BMNJT = function(thetaMat, adjMat=NULL, var=NULL, onlyActive=FALSE, timeout=60)
    timeout = as.integer(timeout)
    ### check the input format
        stop("thetaMat has to be a matrix")
        stop("thetaMat has to be a square matrix")
    if(sum(abs(thetaMat - t(thetaMat)))/length(thetaMat)>10^(-6))
        stop("Theta has to be symmetric")

        adjMat = (thetaMat!=0)
    if(is.null(var)) ### produce complete covariance matrix
            res = .Call("runJTAlgSecMomMatActive", adjMat, thetaMat, timeout, PACKAGE="BMN")
            return(list(Expectation=diag(res), SecondMomentMatrix=res))
            return(.Call("runJTAlgSecMomMat", adjMat, thetaMat, timeout, PACKAGE="BMN"))
            stop("Cannot pick a specific variable and onlyActive")
        # also has to be of size 1
            stop("var is only allowed to be a single variable")
        size = dim(thetaMat)[1]
        if(var<1 || var>size)
            stop("variable numbers have to be between 1 and the dimension of thetaMat")
        ### internally, variables are numbered 0 to n-1
        var = as.integer(var-1)
        return(.Call("runJTAlgSecMomVec", adjMat, thetaMat, var, timeout, PACKAGE="BMN"))

BMNJTlogPartFunc=function(thetaMat, timeout=1e9)
    ### check the input format
        stop("thetaMat has to be a matrix")
        stop("thetaMat has to be a square matrix")
    if(sum(abs(thetaMat - t(thetaMat)))/length(thetaMat)>10^(-6))
        stop("Theta has to be symmetric")

    adjMat = (thetaMat!=0)
    return(log(.Call("runJTAlgNormalizationConstant", adjMat, thetaMat, as.integer(timeout), PACKAGE="BMN")))

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BMN documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:55 a.m.