Defines functions validate.Y CVBMORS BMORS

Documented in BMORS

#' Bayesian Multi-Output Regression Stacking (BMORS)
#' @param Y \code{(matrix)} Phenotypic response where each column is a different trait
#' @param ETA \code{(matrix)} This is a two-level list used to specify the regression function (or linear predictor).
#' @param covModel \code{(string)} Name of the covariates model to implement (BRR, BayesA, BayesB, BayesC).
#' @param predictor_Sec_complete FALSE by default
#' @param nIter \code{(integer)} Number of iterations to fit the model.
#' @param burnIn \code{(integer)} Number of items to burn at the beginning of the model.
#' @param thin \code{(integer)} Number of items to thin the model.
#' @param progressBar \code{(Logical)} Show the progress bar.
#' @param testingSet \code{(object or vector)} Crossvalidation object or vector with the positions to use like testing in a cross-validation test.
#' @param parallelCores \code{(integer)} Number of cores to use.
#' @param digits \code{(integer)} Number of digits of accuracy in the results.
#' @export
#' @importFrom BGLR BGLR
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("WheatToy")
#' phenoWheatToy <- phenoWheatToy[order(phenoWheatToy$Env, phenoWheatToy$Gid),]
#' #Matrix Design
#' LG <- cholesky(genoWheatToy)
#' ZG <- model.matrix(~0 + as.factor(phenoWheatToy$Gid))
#' Z.G <- ZG %*% LG
#' #Linear Predictor
#' ETA <- list(Gen = list(X = Z.G, model = 'BRR'))
#' pheno <- phenoWheatToy[, c(1:3)] #Use only the first trait to do a cv
#' colnames(pheno) <- c('Line', 'Env', 'Response')
#' CrossValidation <- CV.RandomPart(pheno, NPartitions = 10, PTesting = 0.2, set_seed = 123)
#' #Pheno
#' Y <- as.matrix(phenoWheatToy[, c(3,4)])
#' #Check predictive capacities of the model
#' pm <- BMORS(Y, ETA = ETA, nIter = 10000, burnIn = 5000, thin = 2,
#'             testingSet = CrossValidation,  digits = 4)
#' }
BMORS <- function(Y = NULL, ETA = NULL, covModel = 'BRR', predictor_Sec_complete = FALSE, nIter = 2500, burnIn = 500, thin = 5, progressBar = TRUE, testingSet = NULL, parallelCores = 1, digits = 4) {
  parallelCores <- validate.parallelCores(parallelCores)
  time.init <- proc.time()[3]
  nCV <- length(testingSet$CrossValidation_list) #Number of cross-validations
  nTraits <- dim(Y)[2L]
  pb <- getProgressBar(':what  [:bar]:percent;  Time elapsed: :elapsed - time left: :eta', 2L*(nCV*nTraits))
  results <- data.frame() # save cross-validation results

  if (is.null(testingSet)) {
    nNA <- 0
    naTraits <- colnames(Y)[colSums(is.na(Y)) > 0]
    pb <- getProgressBar(':what  [:bar]:percent;  Time elapsed: :elapsed - time left: :eta', nTraits + length(naTraits))
    YwithCov <- matrix(Y, ncol = 2 * nTraits, nrow = nrow(Y)) # to include covariance data

    #########First stage analysis#################################
    for (t in seq_len(nTraits)) {
      if (progressBar) {
        pb$tick(tokens = list(what = paste0('Estimating covariates')))
      y <- Y[, t]
      fm <- BGLR(y, ETA = ETA, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, verbose = FALSE)
      YwithCov[, nTraits + t] <- fm$yHat

    XPV <- scale(YwithCov[, (1L + nTraits):(2L*nTraits)])
    ETA1 <- ETA
    if (predictor_Sec_complete) {
      ETA1$Cov_PreVal <- list(X = XPV, model = covModel)
    } else {
      ETA1 <- list(Cov_PreVal = list(X = XPV, model = covModel))

    for (t in naTraits) {
      if (progressBar) {
        pb$tick(tokens = list(what = paste0('Fitting the model')))
      y1 <- Y[, t]
      positionTST <- which(is.na(Y[, t]))
      nNA <- nNA + length(positionTST)

      fm <- BGLR(y1, ETA = ETA1, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, verbose = FALSE)

      results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Position = positionTST,
                                           Environment = NA,
                                           Trait = t,
                                           Partition = 1,
                                           Observed = round(Y[positionTST, t], digits),
                                           Predicted = round(fm$yHat[positionTST], digits)))

    out <- list(results = results, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, executionTime = proc.time()[3] - time.init, NAvalues = nNA)
    class(out) <- 'BMORS'
  } else if (parallelCores <= 1 && inherits(testingSet, 'CrossValidation')) {
    # Covariance
    for (actual_CV in seq_len(nCV)) {
      results <- rbind(results, CVBMORS(Y, testingSet, ETA, nIter, burnIn, thin, predictor_Sec_complete, covModel, digits, actual_CV, progressBar, pb))
    out <- list(results = results, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, executionTime = proc.time()[3] - time.init)
    class(out) <- 'BMORSCV'
  } else if (parallelCores > 1 && inherits(testingSet, 'CrossValidation')) {
    cl <- snow::makeCluster(parallelCores)
    nCV <- length(testingSet$CrossValidation_list)

    progress <- NULL
    if (progressBar) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nCV, style = 3)
      progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
    opts <- list(progress = progress)
    results <- foreach::foreach(actual_CV = seq_len(nCV), .combine = rbind, .packages = 'BMTME', .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
      CVBMORS(Y, testingSet, ETA, nIter, burnIn, thin, predictor_Sec_complete,
              covModel, digits, actual_CV, progressBar = FALSE, NULL)

    out <- list(results = results, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, executionTime = proc.time()[3] - time.init)
    class(out) <- 'BMORSCV'


CVBMORS <- function(Y, testingSet,  ETA, nIter, burnIn, thin, predictor_Sec_complete, covModel, digits, iterationNumber, progressBar, pb){
  nTraits <- dim(Y)[2L]
  YwithCov <- matrix(Y, ncol = 2 * nTraits, nrow = nrow(Y)) # to include covariance data
  results <- data.frame() # save cross-validation results

  for (t in seq_len(nTraits)) {
    if (progressBar) {
      pb$tick(tokens = list(what = paste0('Estimating covariates')))
    y <- Y[, t]
    positionTST <- testingSet$CrossValidation_list[[iterationNumber]]
    y[positionTST] <- NA

    fm <- BGLR(y, ETA = ETA, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, verbose = FALSE)
    YwithCov[, nTraits + t] <- fm$yHat

  XPV <- scale(YwithCov[, (1L + nTraits):(2L*nTraits)])
  ETA1 <- ETA
  if (predictor_Sec_complete) {
    ETA1$Cov_PreVal <- list(X = XPV, model = covModel)
  } else {
    ETA1 <- list(Cov_PreVal = list(X = XPV, model = covModel))

  for (t in seq_len(nTraits)) {
    if (progressBar) {
      pb$tick(tokens = list(what = paste0('Fitting the model')))
    y1 <- Y[, t]
    positionTST <- testingSet$CrossValidation_list[[iterationNumber]]
    y1[positionTST] <- NA

    fm <- BGLR(y1, ETA = ETA1, nIter = nIter, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, verbose = FALSE)

    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Position = positionTST,
                                         Environment = testingSet$Environments[positionTST],
                                         Trait = colnames(Y)[t],
                                         Partition = iterationNumber,
                                         Observed = round(Y[positionTST, t], digits),
                                         Predicted = round(fm$yHat[positionTST], digits)))

validate.Y <- function(matrix){
  if (!is.matrix(matrix) || !is.numeric(matrix)) {
    message('Y must be a phenotypic matrix with numeric data')
    stop(call. = FALSE)

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BMTME documentation built on Aug. 27, 2020, 1:08 a.m.