
Defines functions svdbip2

Documented in svdbip2

#' SVD for bipartitioned matrix x
#' SVD for bipartitioned matrix x. r successive Solutions. As SVDBIP, but with another algorithm and another initialisation
#' The first solution calculates kx+ky normed vectors: kx vectors
#' \code{uk[:,1]} of Rpk associated to ky vectors \code{vh[,1]}'s of Rqh, by maximizing
#' \eqn{\sum_k \sum_h (u_k[,1]'*x_{kh}*v_h[,1])^2}, with kx+ky norm
#' constraints.  A value \eqn{(u_k[,1]'*x_{kh}*v_h[,1])^2} measures the
#' relative link between \eqn{R^{p_k}} and \eqn{R^{q_h}} associated to the
#' block xkh.
#' The second solution is obtained from the same criterion, but after
#' replacing each xhk by xkh-xkh*vh*vh'-uk*uk'xkh+uk*uk'xkh*vh*vh'.  And
#' so on for the successive solutions 1,2,...,r .  The biggest number of
#' solutions may be r=inf(pk,qh), when the xkh's are supposed with full
#' rank; then \code{rmax=min([min(K),min(H)])}.
#' When K=p (or H=q, with t(x)), svdcp function is better.  When H=q and
#' K=p, it is the usual svd (with squared singular values).
#' Convergence of algorithm may be not global. So the below proposed
#' initialisation of the algorithm may be not very suitable for some data
#' sets.  Several different random initialisations with normed vectors
#' might be considered and the best result then choosen
#' @param x a \code{p} times \code{q} matrix
#' @param K is a row vector which contains the numbers pk, k=1,...,kx, of the partition of x with kx row blocks : \code{sum(pk)=p}
#' @param H is a row vector which contains the numbers qh, h=1,...,ky, of the partition of x with ky column blocks : sum(qh)=q
#' @param r The number of wanted successive solutions
#' @return A \code{list} with following components:
#' \item{u}{a \code{p} times \code{r} matrix of kx row blocks uk (pk x r); uk'*uk = Identity.}
#' \item{v}{a \code{q} times \code{r} matrix of \code{ky} row blocks \code{vi (qi x r)} of axes in \code{Rqi} relative to \code{yi; vi^prime*vi = Identity}}
#' \item{s}{a \code{kx} times \code{ky} times \code{r} array; with r fixed, each matrix contains kxky values \eqn{(u_h'*x_{kh}*v_k)^2}, the partial (squared) singular values relative to xkh.}
#' @author \enc{Lafosse, R.}{R. Lafosse}
#' @references Kissita G., Analyse canonique generalisee avec tableau de reference generalisee. Thesis, Ceremade Paris 9 Dauphine (2003)
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(runif(200),10,20)
#' s2 <- svdbip2(x,c(3,4,3),c(5,5,10),3);s2$s2
#' s1 <- svdbip(x,c(3,4,3),c(5,5,10),3);s1$s2
#' @export

svdbip2 <-
  function(x,K,H,r) {
    p <- dim(x)[1]
    q <- dim(x)[2]

    if (sum(H) != q | sum(K) != p) stop("K or H IS NOT SUITABLE")
    if (r > min(c(K,H))) stop("r IS NOT SUITABLE")
    M <- length(K)
    N <- length(H)
    u <- matrix(0,p,r);u1 <- u
    v <- matrix(0,q,r);v1 <- v
    ck <- cumsum(c(0,K))
    ch <- cumsum(c(0,H))
    s2 <- array(0,c(M,N,r))


    for (k in 1:r) {
      a <- 2
      #comp <- 0

      for (i in 1:M) {
        for (j in 1:N) {
          ak <- (ck[i]+1):ck[i+1]
          ah <- (ch[j]+1):ch[j+1]
          s <- svd(matrix(x[ak,ah],nrow=length(ak)))
      a <- 2;b <- 0
      while (abs(a-b) > 1e-8) {
        #a^2 converge to the optimized criterion
        b <- a
        #comp <- comp+1
        a <- 0
        v2 <- matrix(0,q,1)
        for (j in 1:N) {
          ah <- (ch[j]+1):ch[j+1]
          for (i in 1:M) {
            ak <- (ck[i]+1):ck[i+1]
            v2[ah]<-v2[ah]+ t(matrix(x[ak,ah],nrow=length(ak)))%*%(u[ak,k]%*%t(u[ak,k])%*%x[ak,ah]%*%v[ah,k])
          a2 <- sqrt(t(v2[ah])%*%v2[ah]);
          if (a2 > 1e-8) v[ah,k]<-v2[ah]/a2 else v[ah,k]<-v2[ah]

        u2 <- matrix(0,p,1)
        for (i in 1:M) {
          ak <- (ck[i]+1):ck[i+1]
          for (j in 1:N) {
            ah <- (ch[j]+1):ch[j+1]
            u2[ak]=u2[ak]+ matrix(x[ak,ah],nrow=length(ak))%*%v[ah,k]%*%t(v[ah,k])%*%t(matrix(x[ak,ah],nrow=length(ak)))%*%u[ak,k]
          a2 <- sqrt(t(u2[ak])%*%u2[ak]);a <- a+a2
          if (a2 > 1e-8) u[ak,k]<-u2[ak]/a2  else u[ak,k]<-u2[ak]

        a <- sqrt(a)

      for (i in 1:M) {
        ak <- (ck[i]+1):ck[i+1]
        for (j in 1:N) {
          ah <- (ch[j]+1):ch[j+1]
          c <- t(u[ak,k])%*%x[ak,ah]%*%v[ah,k]


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