
Defines functions clusterplots

Documented in clusterplots

clusterplots <-
    # Function that plots the time series clusters generated by either of
    # the functions: "tseriesca", "tseriescm" or "tseriescq". 
    # IN:
    # L       <- output list from the functions: "tseriesca", "tseriescm"
    #            or "tseriescq".
    # data    <- Data frame with the time series information.
    # OUT:
    # Plots of the time series clusters. 
    scale <- L$scale
    data <- scaleandperiods(data,scale)  
    mydata <- data$mydata              # Matrix with the scaled data.
    periods <- data$periods            # Array with the data periods.
    T <- nrow(mydata)
    fT <- floor(T/3)
    auxtt <- matrix(0,fT,1)
    for(i in 1:fT){
      auxtt[i] <- 3*i
    mstar <- L$mstar
    gnstar <- L$gnstar
    par(mfrow = c(2,2))
    for(j in 1:mstar){
      cc <- as.matrix(which(gnstar == j))
      cl <- rainbow(nrow(cc))
        ts.plot(mydata[,cc],gpars=list(type = "l",main = paste("Group",j),xlab = "",xaxt = 'n',ylab = "Scaled variable in [0,1]",col = cl))
        axis(1,at = auxtt,labels = periods[auxtt],las = 2,tck = 0)
        ts.plot(mydata[,cc],gpars=list(type = "l",main = paste("Group",j),xlab = "",xaxt = 'n',ylab = "Clustering variable",col = cl))
        axis(1,at = auxtt,labels = periods[auxtt],las = 2,tck = 0)

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BNPTSclust documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 1:04 a.m.