
Defines functions design.BTLLasso

design.BTLLasso <- function(Y, X = NULL, Z1 = NULL, Z2 = NULL, 
  control = ctrl.BTLLasso(), only.first = FALSE, sd.X = NULL,
  sd.Z1 = NULL, sd.Z2 = NULL) {

  #### get all arguments from responseBTLLasso object
  y.ord <- Y$response
  first.object <- Y$first.object
  second.object <- Y$second.object
    second.object <- rep(NULL, length(second.object))
  subject <- Y$subject
  withS <- Y$withS
  subject.names <- Y$subject.names
  object.names <- Y$object.names
  with.order <- Y$with.order
  n <- Y$n
  m <- Y$m
  k <- Y$k
  q <- Y$q
  ## get some control arguments
  include.intercepts <- control$include.intercepts
  order.effect <- control$order.effect
  object.order.effect <- control$object.order.effect
  #### check X, Z1 and Z2 and initialize p.X, p.Z1 and p.Z2
  withX <- withZ1 <- withZ2 <- FALSE
  p.X <- p.Z1 <- p.Z2 <- 0
  par.names.X <- par.names.X.repar <- par.names.Z1 <- par.names.Z2 <- c()
  vars.X <- vars.Z1 <- vars.Z2 <- c()
  acoefs.X <- acoefs.Z1 <- acoefs.Z2 <- c()
  order.Z1 <- order.Z2 <- order(object.names)
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    withX <- TRUE
    p.X <- ncol(X)
    vars.X <- colnames(X)
    if (!is.matrix(X)) 
      stop("X has to be a matrix")
    if (control$scale) {
        sd.X <- apply(X, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
      X <- t(t(X)/sd.X)
    par.names.X <- paste(rep(vars.X, each = m - 1), object.names[1:(m - 
      1)], sep = ".")
    par.names.X.repar <- paste(rep(vars.X, each = m), object.names[1:m], sep = ".")
  if (!is.null(Z1)) {
    withZ1 <- TRUE
    p.Z1 <- ncol(Z1)/m
    if (ncol(Z1)%%m != 0) 
      stop("Number of columns of Z1 has to be a multiple of the number of objects")
    if (!is.matrix(Z1)) 
      stop("Z1 has to be a matrix")
    if (control$scale) {
      Z1.help <- matrix(c(Z1), ncol = p.Z1)
        sd.Z1 <- apply(Z1.help, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
      Z1 <- matrix(c(t(t(Z1.help)/sd.Z1)), ncol = ncol(Z1), 
        dimnames = list(rownames(Z1), colnames(Z1)))
      Z1.help <- NULL
    check.Z1 <- check(Z = Z1, object.names = object.names, 
    vars.Z1 <- check.Z1$vars.Z
    order.Z1 <- check.Z1$order.Z
    par.names.Z1 <- paste(rep(vars.Z1, each = m), object.names[1:m], 
      sep = ".")
  if (!is.null(Z2)) {
    withZ2 <- TRUE
    p.Z2 <- ncol(Z2)/m
    check.Z2 <- check(Z = Z2, object.names = object.names, 
    vars.Z2 <- check.Z2$vars.Z
    order.Z2 <- check.Z2$order.Z
    if (control$scale) {
      if (all(apply(Z2, 2, var) == 0)) {
        Z2.help <- matrix(c(Z2[1, ]), ncol = p.Z2)
          sd.Z2 <- apply(Z2.help, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        Z2 <- Z2/rep(sd.Z2, each = m)
        Z2.help <- NULL
      } else {
        Z2.help <- matrix(c(Z2), ncol = p.Z2)
          sd.Z2 <- apply(Z2.help, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        Z2 <- matrix(c(t(t(Z2.help)/sd.Z2)), ncol = ncol(Z2), 
          dimnames = list(rownames(Z2), colnames(Z2)))
        Z2.help <- NULL
    par.names.Z2 <- vars.Z2
  ## number of intercepts
  n.intercepts <- 0
  par.names.intercepts <- par.names.intercepts.repar <- c()
  if (include.intercepts) {
    n.intercepts <- m - 1
    par.names.intercepts <- object.names[1:(m - 1)]
    par.names.intercepts.repar <- object.names
  ## number of order effects
  n.order <- 0
  par.names.order <- c()
  if (order.effect) {
    n.order <- 1
    par.names.order <- control$name.order
  if (object.order.effect) {
    n.order <- m
    par.names.order <- paste(control$name.order, object.names, 
      sep = ".")
  #### make design matrix design matrix
  design <- create.design(X, Z1, Z2, first.object, second.object, 
    m, subject, control, order.Z1, order.Z2, with.order)
  design.repar <- design$design.repar
  design <- design$design

  ## enlarge design matrix so that it fits to the dichotomized
  ## cumulative response
  design <- t(matrix(rep(c(design), each = q), nrow = ncol(design), 
    byrow = TRUE))
  colnames(design) <- c(par.names.order, par.names.intercepts, 
    par.names.X, par.names.Z1, par.names.Z2)
  design.repar <- t(matrix(rep(c(design.repar), each = q), nrow = ncol(design.repar), 
                     byrow = TRUE))
  colnames(design.repar) <- c(par.names.order, par.names.intercepts.repar, 
                        par.names.X.repar, par.names.Z1, par.names.Z2)
  n.theta <- floor(q/2)
  if (k > 2) {
    theta.design <- matrix(0, ncol = n.theta, nrow = nrow(design))
    colnames(theta.design) <- paste("theta", 1:n.theta, sep = ".")
    for (i in 1:n.theta) {
      vec1 <- rep(0, q)
      vec1[c(i, q - i + 1)] <- c(1, -1)
      theta.design[, i] <- rep(vec1, length(y.ord))
    design <- cbind(theta.design, design)
    design.repar <- cbind(theta.design, design.repar)
  RET <- list(design = design, p.X = p.X, p.Z1 = p.Z1, p.Z2 = p.Z2, 
    vars.X = vars.X, vars.Z1 = vars.Z1, vars.Z2 = vars.Z2, 
    n.theta = n.theta, n.intercepts = n.intercepts, n.order = n.order, 
    sd.X = sd.X, sd.Z1 = sd.Z1, sd.Z2 = sd.Z2, design.repar = design.repar)

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BTLLasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:57 a.m.