
Defines functions update_mallows.SMCMallows update_mallows.BayesMallows update_mallows.BayesMallowsPriorSamples update_mallows

Documented in update_mallows update_mallows.BayesMallows update_mallows.BayesMallowsPriorSamples update_mallows.SMCMallows

#' Update a Bayesian Mallows model with new users
#' Update a Bayesian Mallows model estimated using the Metropolis-Hastings
#' algorithm in [compute_mallows()] using the sequential Monte Carlo algorithm
#' described in
#' \insertCite{steinSequentialInferenceMallows2023;textual}{BayesMallows}.
#' @param model A model object of class "BayesMallows" returned from
#'   [compute_mallows()], an object of class "SMCMallows" returned from this
#'   function, or an object of class "BayesMallowsPriorSamples" returned from
#'   [sample_prior()].
#' @param new_data An object of class "BayesMallowsData" returned from
#'   [setup_rank_data()]. The object should contain the new data being provided.
#' @param model_options An object of class "BayesMallowsModelOptions" returned
#'   from [set_model_options()].
#' @param smc_options An object of class "SMCOptions" returned from
#'   [set_smc_options()].
#' @param compute_options An object of class "BayesMallowsComputeOptions"
#'   returned from [set_compute_options()].
#' @param priors An object of class "BayesMallowsPriors" returned from
#'   [set_priors()]. Defaults to the priors used in `model`.
#' @param pfun_estimate Object returned from [estimate_partition_function()].
#'   Defaults to \code{NULL}, and will only be used for footrule, Spearman, or
#'   Ulam distances when the cardinalities are not available, cf.
#'   [get_cardinalities()]. Only used by the specialization for objects of type
#'   "BayesMallowsPriorSamples".
#' @param ... Optional arguments. Currently not used.
#' @return An updated model, of class "SMCMallows".
#' @export
#' @family modeling
#' @example /inst/examples/update_mallows_example.R
update_mallows <- function(model, new_data, ...) {
  validate_class(new_data, "BayesMallowsData")

#' @export
#' @rdname update_mallows
update_mallows.BayesMallowsPriorSamples <- function(
    model, new_data, model_options = set_model_options(),
    smc_options = set_smc_options(),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(),
    priors = model$priors,
    pfun_estimate = NULL,
    ...) {
  alpha_init <- sample(model$alpha, smc_options$n_particles, replace = TRUE)
  rho_init <- model$rho[, sample(ncol(model$rho), smc_options$n_particles, replace = TRUE)]
  pfun_values <- extract_pfun_values(model_options$metric, new_data$n_items, pfun_estimate)
  if (length(new_data$user_ids) == 0) {
    new_data$user_ids <- seq(from = 1, to = nrow(new_data$rankings), by = 1)

    data = flush(new_data), new_data = new_data, model_options = model_options,
    smc_options = smc_options, compute_options = compute_options,
    priors = priors,
    initial_values = list(
      alpha_init = alpha_init, rho_init = rho_init,
      aug_init = NULL
    pfun_list = list(
      pfun_values = pfun_values,
      pfun_estimate = pfun_estimate
    model = model

#' @export
#' @rdname update_mallows
update_mallows.BayesMallows <- function(
    model, new_data,
    model_options = set_model_options(),
    smc_options = set_smc_options(),
    compute_options = set_compute_options(),
    priors = model$priors,
    ...) {
  if (is.null(burnin(model))) stop("Burnin must be set.")
  alpha_init <- extract_alpha_init(model, smc_options$n_particles)
  rho_init <- extract_rho_init(model, smc_options$n_particles)
  if (length(new_data$user_ids) == 0) {
    new_data$user_ids <- seq(from = 1, to = nrow(new_data$rankings), by = 1)

    data = flush(new_data), new_data = new_data, model_options = model_options,
    smc_options = smc_options, compute_options = compute_options,
    priors = priors,
    initial_values = list(
      alpha_init = alpha_init, rho_init = rho_init,
      aug_init = NULL
    pfun_list = list(
      pfun_values = model$pfun_values,
      pfun_estimate = model$pfun_estimate
    model = model

#' @export
#' @rdname update_mallows
update_mallows.SMCMallows <- function(model, new_data, ...) {
  if (length(new_data$user_ids) == 0) {
    new_data$user_ids <- max(as.numeric(model$data$user_ids)) +
      seq(from = 1, to = nrow(new_data$rankings), by = 1)
  if (!is.null(new_data$preferences)) {
    new_data$preferences <- as.matrix(new_data$preferences)
  } else {
    new_data$preferences <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
  ret <- run_smc(
    data = model$data,
    new_data = list(new_data),
    model_options = model$model_options,
    smc_options = model$smc_options,
    compute_options = model$compute_options,
    priors = model$priors,
    initial_values = list(
      alpha_init = model$alpha_samples,
      rho_init = model$rho_samples,
      aug_init = model$augmented_rankings
    pfun_values = model$pfun_values,
    pfun_estimate = model$pfun_estimate
  model$acceptance_ratios <- ret$acceptance_ratios
  model$alpha_samples <- ret$alpha_samples[, 1]
  model$rho_samples <- ret$rho_samples[, , 1]
  model$augmented_rankings <-
    if (prod(dim(ret$augmented_rankings)) == 0) {
    } else {

  tidy_parameters <- tidy_smc(ret, model$items)
  model$alpha <- tidy_parameters$alpha
  model$rho <- tidy_parameters$rho
  model$augmented_rankings <- ret$augmented_rankings
  items <- model$data$items
  old_constraints <- model$data$constraints[
    setdiff(names(model$data$constraints), names(new_data$constraints))
  model$data <- ret$data
  model$data$constraints <- c(old_constraints, new_data$constraints)
  model$data$items <- items

  class(model) <- c("SMCMallows", "BayesMallows")

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BayesMallows documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:31 p.m.