
Defines functions plot.BchronDensityRunFast

Documented in plot.BchronDensityRunFast

#' Plot run from \code{BchronDensityFast}
#' Plots output from \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}
#' @param x Output from \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}
#' @param plotDates Whether to include individual age pdfs (default TRUE)
#' @param plotSum Whether to include sum of age pdfs (default FALSE)
#' @param dateTransparency The transparency value for the dates (default 0.4)
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters, see \code{\link{par}}
#' @details Creates a basic plot of output for a run of \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}
#' @seealso Examples in \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}, and see \code{\link{BchronDensity}}, for a slower, more accurate version of this function
#' @export
plot.BchronDensityRunFast <-
  function(x, plotDates = TRUE, plotSum = FALSE, dateTransparency = 0.4, ...) {

    # x is the object with everything in it
    # Create a grid over which to plot - the range of the dates plus 10% each side
    n <- length(x$calAges)
    nclusters <- length(x$clusterRange)

    # Find the best cluster method
    chosen <- which.max(x$out$BIC)

    # Get the means and standard deviations for each chosen cluster
    clusterMeans <- x$out$parameters$mean
    clusterSds <- sqrt(x$out$parameters$variance$sigmasq)
    # Repeat the clusterSds if it uses the E mclust rather than V mcluster model
    if (length(clusterSds) == 1) clusterSds <- rep(clusterSds, length(clusterMeans))
    clusterProps <- x$out$parameters$pro

    # Get a range of age values
    thetaRange <- round(c(min(clusterMeans - 3 * clusterSds), max(clusterMeans + 3 * clusterSds)), 0)
    thetaSeq <- thetaRange[1]:thetaRange[2]

    # Create the densities for each cluster
    dens <- matrix(NA, ncol = x$out$G, nrow = length(thetaSeq))
    for (i in 1:ncol(dens)) {
      dens[, i] <- stats::dnorm(thetaSeq, mean = clusterMeans[i], sd = clusterSds[i])

    # Create a plot
    graphics::plot(thetaSeq, dens %*% clusterProps, type = "n", ...)

    if (plotDates) {
      # Plot the individual dates
      yHeight <- graphics::par("usr")[4]
      myCol <- grDevices::rgb(190 / 255, 190 / 255, 190 / 255, dateTransparency)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        graphics::polygon(x$calAges[[i]]$ageGrid, 0.3 * yHeight * x$calAges[[i]]$densities / max(x$calAges[[i]]$densities), col = myCol, border = NA)

    # Add in individual densities
    for (i in 1:ncol(dens)) graphics::lines(thetaSeq, clusterProps[i] * dens[, i], lty = 2)

    if (plotSum) {
      yHeight <- graphics::par("usr")[4]
      thetaRange <- range(x$calAges[[1]]$ageGrid)
      for (i in 2:n) thetaRange <- range(c(thetaRange, x$calAges[[i]]$ageGrid))
      dateGrid <- seq(round(thetaRange[1] * 0.9, 0), round(thetaRange[2] * 1.1, 0), by = 1)
      sumDens <- rep(0, length(dateGrid))
      for (i in 1:n) {
        matchRows <- match(x$calAges[[i]]$ageGrid, dateGrid)
        sumDens[matchRows] <- sumDens[matchRows] + x$calAges[[i]]$densities
        if (any(is.na(matchRows))) stop("Problem computing density")
      graphics::lines(dateGrid, sumDens * yHeight / max(sumDens), col = "red")

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Bchron documentation built on June 10, 2021, 9:10 a.m.