
Defines functions InterventionEstimationCore InterventionEstimation InterventionEstimationBGe DAGinterventionparams DAGintervention

Documented in DAGintervention

#' Exact estimation of intervention effects for a single DAG or a chain of sampled DAGs
#' \code{DAGintervention} takes a DAG or a sampled chain of DAGs (for example from
#' the \code{\link[BiDAG]{partitionMCMC}} function of the BiDAG package) and computes the
#' intervention effect of each node on all others. For binary data, this is performed
#' by exhaustively examining all possible binary states. This is exponentially complex in the
#' number of variables which should therefore be limited to around 20 or fewer. For more
#' variables there is a Monte Carlo version \code{\link{DAGinterventionMC}} instead.
#' For continuous data, the intervention estimation is performed by extracting the edge 
#' coefficients from their posterior distribution and using matrix inversion 
#' following arXiv:2010.00684. User-defined scores are also supported as long as 
#' the DAG parameters are analogous to the BDe/BGe cases, see \code{\link{DAGparameters}}. 
#' @param incidences a single adjacency matrix of a list of adjacency matrices of
#' sampled DAGs, with entry [i,j] equal to 1 when a directed edge exists from
#' node i to node j
#' @param dataParams the data and parameters used to learn the DAGs derived from the
#' \code{\link[BiDAG]{scoreparameters}} function of the BiDAG package
#' @param sample logical indicating whether to sample the parameters of each node
#' from the posterior (TRUE, default) or to take the expectation (FALSE)
#' @param unrollDBN logical indicating whether to unroll a DBN to a full DAG over
#' all time slices (TRUE, default) or to use the compact representation (FALSE)
#' @return a single matrix or a list of matrices containing the full set of
#' intervention effects for each input DAG. Entry [i,j] is the downstream
#' effect on node j of intervening on node i
#' (the difference observed at node j when setting node i to 1 and 0)
#' @examples
#' scoreParam <- BiDAG::scoreparameters("bde", BiDAG::Asia)
#' causalmat <- DAGintervention(BiDAG::Asiamat, scoreParam)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[BiDAG]{scoreparameters}}

DAGintervention <- function(incidences, dataParams, sample = TRUE, unrollDBN = TRUE){
  # this wrapper takes in a chain of DAG, computes their parameters and returns all intervention effects

  if (!is.list(incidences)) { # turn to list internally
    incidences <- list(incidences)

  if (dataParams$type == "usr"){
    localtype <- dataParams$pctesttype
  } else {
    localtype <- dataParams$type
  n <- ncol(incidences[[1]]) # number of nodes in DAG
  if (dataParams$DBN && unrollDBN) { # number of nodes in DAG from unrolled DBN
    n <- dataParams$bgn + dataParams$nsmall*dataParams$slices

  if (localtype == "bde") { # only for BDe version
    if (n > 20) {
      warning("Exhaustive enumeration may not be feasible")

    allBinaryVecs <- matrix(0, 2^n, n)
    for (ii in 1:2^n) {
      allBinaryVecs[ii, ] <- as.integer(intToBits(ii-1))[n:1]

  numDAGs <- length(incidences)
  interventionMats <- vector("list", numDAGs) # to store the intervention effects

  for(kk in 1:numDAGs){
    DAGparams <- DAGparameters(incidences[[kk]], dataParams, unrollDBN = unrollDBN)

    DAGparamsInternal <- DAGparams
    if (localtype == "bde") { # only for BDe version
      if(sample==TRUE){ # then we take a sample of parameters from the posterior instead of taking the expectation
        DAGparamsInternal$pmeans <- SampleParameters(DAGparams)

      allLogScores <- BinaryScoreAgainstDAG(DAGparamsInternal, allBinaryVecs)
      interventionMats[[kk]] <- InterventionEstimation(allLogScores, allBinaryVecs)
      colnames(interventionMats[[kk]]) <- colnames(DAGparamsInternal$DAG)
      rownames(interventionMats[[kk]]) <- rownames(DAGparamsInternal$DAG)
    } else { # bge version
      if(sample==TRUE){ # then we take a sample of parameters from the posterior instead of taking the expectation
        DAGparamsInternal$mus <- SampleParameters(DAGparams, type = "bge")
      interventionMats[[kk]] <- InterventionEstimationBGe(DAGparamsInternal)
      colnames(interventionMats[[kk]]) <- colnames(DAGparamsInternal$DAG)
      rownames(interventionMats[[kk]]) <- rownames(DAGparamsInternal$DAG)

  if (numDAGs == 1) { # turn back to single matrix
    interventionMats <- interventionMats[[1]]


# this function is no longer needed
DAGinterventionparams <- function(DAGparams, sample = TRUE){
  # this wrapper takes in a DAG with parameters and returns all intervention effects

  n <- ncol(DAGparams$DAG) # number of nodes in DAG

  allBinaryVecs <- matrix(0, 2^n, n)
  for (ii in 1:2^n) {
    allBinaryVecs[ii, ] <- as.integer(intToBits(ii-1))[n:1]

  DAGparamsInternal <- DAGparams
  if(sample==TRUE){ # then we take a sample of parameters from the posterior instead of taking the expectation
    DAGparamsInternal$pmeans <- SampleParameters(DAGparams)

  allLogScores <- BinaryScoreAgainstDAG(DAGparamsInternal, allBinaryVecs)
  interventionMat <- InterventionEstimation(allLogScores, allBinaryVecs)


InterventionEstimationBGe <- function(DAGparams){
  # estimate intervention effects from edge coefficients
  n <- ncol(DAGparams$DAG) # number of nodes
  coeffMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
  for (j in 1:n) {
    parentNodes <- which(DAGparams$DAG[, j]==1)
    if (length(parentNodes) > 0) {
      coeffMatrix[parentNodes, j] <- DAGparams$mus[[j]]
  interventionMatrix <- solve(diag(n) - coeffMatrix) # adding all paths with the inverse

InterventionEstimation <- function(logScores, dataToScore){
  # estimate intervention effects from the scores of all binary vectors

  n <- ncol(dataToScore) # number of nodes

  interventionMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
  for (j in 1:n) {
    interventionMatrix[j,] <- InterventionEstimationCore(j, logScores, dataToScore)


InterventionEstimationCore <- function(fixedNode, logScores, dataToScore){
  # core function involves setting one node to 0 and to 1 and removing its probability component

  upRows <- which(dataToScore[, fixedNode]==1)

  weightVecTemp <- rowSums(logScores[upRows, -fixedNode]) # probability of each vector with fixedNode set to one
  weightVec <- exp(weightVecTemp - max(weightVecTemp))
  weightVec <- weightVec/sum(weightVec)
  probs1 <- colSums(weightVec*dataToScore[upRows, ])

  downRows <- which(dataToScore[, fixedNode]==0)

  weightVecTemp <- rowSums(logScores[downRows, -fixedNode]) # probability of each vector with fixedNode set to zero
  weightVec <- exp(weightVecTemp - max(weightVecTemp))
  weightVec <- weightVec/sum(weightVec)
  probs0 <- colSums(weightVec*dataToScore[downRows, ])


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Bestie documentation built on April 28, 2022, 5:06 p.m.