compareDBNs: Comparing two DBNs

View source: R/graphhelpfns.R

compareDBNsR Documentation

Comparing two DBNs


This function compares one (estimated) DBN structure to another DBN (true DBN). Comparisons for initial and transitional structures are returned separately if equalstruct equals TRUE.


compareDBNs(eDBN, trueDBN, struct = c("init", "trans"), b = 0)



an object of class graphNEL (or an ajacency matrix corresponding to this DBN), representing the DBN which should be compared to a ground truth DBN


an object of class graphNEL (or an ajacency matrix corresponding to this DBN), representing the ground truth DBN


option used to determine if the initial or the transitional structure should be compared; accaptable values are init or trans


number of static variables in one time slice of a DBN; note that for function to work correctly all static variables have to be in the first b columns of the matrix


a vector of 5: SHD, number of true positive edges, number of false positive edges, number of false negative edges and true positive rate


testscore<-scoreparameters("bge", DBNdata, DBN=TRUE, 
dbnpar=list(samestruct=TRUE, slices=5, b=3))
## Not run: 
DBNfit<-learnBN(testscore, algorithm="orderIter",moveprobs=c(0.11,0.84,0.04,0.01))
compareDBNs(DBNfit$DAG,DBNmat, struct="trans", b=3)

## End(Not run)

BiDAG documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m.

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