partitionMCMCclass: partitionMCMC class structure

partitionMCMC classR Documentation

partitionMCMC class structure


The structure of an object of S3 class partitionMCMC.


An object of class partitionMCMC is a list containing at least the following components:

  • DAG: adjacency matrix of a maximum scoring DAG found/sampled in the MCMC scheme.

  • CPDAG: adjacency matrix representing equivalence class of a maximum scoring DAG found/sampled in MCMC.

  • score: score of a maximum scoring DAG found/sampled in MCMC.

  • maxorder: order of a maximum scoring DAG found/sampled in MCMC.

  • info: a list containing information about parameters and results of MCMC.

  • trace: a vector containing log-scores of sampled DAGs.

    Optional components:

    • traceadd: list which consists of three or four elements (depending on MCMC scheme used for sampling):

      • incidence: list containg adjacency matrices of sampled DAGs

      • order: list of orders from which the DAGs were sampled

      • partition: list of partition from which the DAGs were sampled

      • partitionscores: partition log-scores

    • scoretable: object of class scorespace class


Polina Suter

BiDAG documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m.