Man pages for BiodiversityR
Package for Community Ecology and Suitability Analysis

accumresultAlternative Species Accumulation Curve Results
add.spec.scoresAdd Species Scores to Unconstrained Ordination Results
balanced.specaccumBalanced Species Accumulation Curves
BCI.envBarro Colorado Island Quadrat Descriptions
BiodiversityR.changeLogchangeLog file for BiodiversityR
BiodiversityRGUIGUI for Biodiversity, Community Ecology and Ensemble...
BiodiversityR-packageGUI for biodiversity, suitability and community ecology...
CAPdiscrimCanonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates based on...
caprescaleRescaling of Capscale Results to Reflect Total Sums of...
crosstabanalysisPresence-absence Analysis by Cross Tabulation
CucurbitaClimBaseline and Future WorldClim 2.1 Climatic Data for Cucurbita...
deviancepercentageCalculate Percentage and Significance of Deviance Explained...
distdisplayedCompare Distance Displayed in Ordination Diagram with...
dist.evalDistance Matrix Evaluation
disttransformCommunity Matrix Transformation
dist.zeroesDistance Matrix Transformation
diversityresultAlternative Diversity Results
ensembleSuitability mapping based on ensembles of modelling...
ensemble.analogueClimate analogues from climatic distance raster layers.
ensemble.batchSuitability mapping based on ensembles of modelling...
ensemble.bioclimSuitability mapping based on the BIOCLIM algorithm
ensemble.bioclim.graphGraphs of bioclimatic ranges of species and climates
ensemble.blockCVSpatially or environmentally separated folds for...
ensemble.concaveAnalysis of Niche Overlap in Environmental Space for Changed...
ensemble.dummy.variablesSuitability mapping based on ensembles of modelling...
ensemble.ecocropSuitability mapping via absolute and optimal precipitation...
ensemble.enviremCalculate bioclimatic variables via the 'envirem' package for...
ensemble.evaluateModel evaluation including True Skill Statistic (TSS),...
ensemble.novelMapping of novel environmental conditions (areas where some...
ensemble.PET.seasonCalculate the balance between precipitation and potential...
ensemble.PET.seasonsRaster calculations of beginnings and lengths of growing...
ensemble.rasterSuitability mapping based on ensembles of modelling...
ensemble.redArea of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO) via...
ensemble.spatialThinThinning of presence point coordinates in geographical or...
ensemble.terraSuitability mapping based on ensembles of modelling...
ensemble.zonesMapping of environmental zones based on the Mahalanobis...
evaluation.stripEvaluation strips for ensemble suitability mapping
farameaFaramea occidentalis abundance in Panama
ifriExample data from the International Forestry Resources and...
importancevalueImportance Value
loaded.citationsGive Citation Information for all Loaded Packages
makecommunitydatasetMake a Community Dataset from a Stacked Dataset
multiconstrainedPairwise Comparisons for All Levels of a Categorical Variable...
nested.anova.dbrdaNested Analysis of Variance via Distance-based Redundancy...
NMSrandomCalculate the NMS Result with the Smallest Stress from...
nnetrandomCalculate the NNET Result with the Smallest Value from...
ordicoenoCoenoclines for an Ordination Axis
ordisymbolAdd Other Graphical Items to Ordination Diagrams
PCAsignificancePCA Significance
radfitresultAlternative Rank Abundance Fitting Results
rankabundanceRank Abundance Curves
removeNAcommSynchronize Community and Environmental Datasets
renyiresultAlternative Renyi Diversity Results
sites.longHelper Functions to Prepare Plotting of Accumulation,...
spatialsampleSpatial Sampling within a Polygon
transfgradientGradient for Hypothetical Example of Turover of Species...
transfspeciesHypothetical Example of Turover of Species Composition
treegoerCalculate climate scores with the Tree Globally Observed...
warcomWarburgia ugandensis AFLP Scores
warenvWarburgia ugandensis Population Structure
BiodiversityR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:57 a.m.