MSLT: Multistate life table: survival function and exposure...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples


The function MSLT.S estimates the multistate survival function from cumulative transition rates. The function MSLT.e uses the multistate life table method to estimate expected state occupation times by state.


MSLT.e(SS, radix)



transition rates. Either the Nelson-Aalen estimators or the occurrence-exposure rates.


The multistate survival function. An object of class 'MSLT.S'


The radix, which is the distribution of the population by state at the initial (reference) age


The multistate life table is produced by two functions: (1) MSLT.S produces the multistate survival function and (2) MSLT.e generates expected sojourn times: total and by state. MSLT.S uses the MatrixExp function of the msm package. MSLT.e applies the multistate life table method that incorporates equations that infer expected sojourn times from transition rates and the associated transition probabilities.


The function MSLT.S returns:


The multistate survival function


Age-specific transition probabilities

The function MSLT.e returns an object with the following components:


For each state, the expected sojourn time by age. It is the number of time units (years, months) a person at the beginning of his or her career (e.g. at birth or at a reference age) may expect to spend in the given state during each age interval.


The total expected sojourn time in each state. If life histories are considered from birth, e0 gives the life expectancy by state. If life histories are truncated at a given age, the life expectancy is the total expected sojourn time in a state between birth and that maximum age.


Population-based life expectancies by age and state. Population-based measures are independent on the state occupied at the reference age.


Status-based life expectancies by age and state. Status-based measures depend on the state occupied at the reference age.


Frans Willekens


Rogers, A. (1975) Introduction to multiregional mathematical demography. Wiley, New York

Willekens, F. (1987) The marital status life-table. In: J. Bongaarts, T. Burch and K.W. Wachter eds. Family demography: models and applications. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pages 125-149.

Palloni, A. (2001) Increment-decrement life tables. In: S.H. Preston, P. Heuveline and M. Guillot Demography. Measuring and modelling population processes. Blackwell, Oxford, Chapter12, pp. 256-272.

See Also



#	a. The multistate life table based on Nelson-Aalen estimators 
#	The example obtains Nelson-Aalen estimators of the cumulative transition rates 
# using the mavna package. It derives the multistate life survival function 
# from the transition rates and the expected sojourn times from the survival function. 
# The radix is the number of persons by state at the reference age 
# (e.g. at the start of the life history).
    z <- Parameters (GLHS)
    cr <- Cumrates (irate=3,Bdata=GLHS)
    S.e <- MSLT.S(cr$astr[,,,1])  # expected
    radix <- c(10000,0)
    mslt.e <- MSLT.e (S.e,radix)
    S.u <- MSLT.S(cr$astr[,,,2])  # upper
    mslt.u <- MSLT.e (S.u,radix)
    S.l <- MSLT.S(cr$astr[,,,3])  # lower
    mslt.l <- MSLT.e (S.l,radix)
# b. The multistate life table based on occurrence-exposure rates
    cr <- Cumrates (irate=3,Bdata=GLHS)
    S <- MSLT.S(cr$oe)
    radix <- c(10000,0)
    mslt <- MSLT.e (S,radix)

Example output

[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] ". . . . . .  Removing intrastate transitions . . . . . "
[1] . . . . . .   Removes intrastate transitions . . . .
[1] . . . . Intrastate transitions removed. Recalculating transitions . . . . 
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] A new Biograph object without intrastate transitions is returned.
[1] ". . . . . . Estimating rates . . . . ."
[1] "  "
[1] "Cumrates: calls function Biograph.mvna  . . . "
  ID born start      end    sex edu marriage LMentry  cohort path      Tr1
1  1  351     0 52.66667   Male  17      679     555 1929-31   NJ 17.00000
2  2  357     0 52.16667 Female  10      762     593 1929-31  NJN 19.66667
3  3  473     0 42.50000 Female  11      870     688 1939-41  NJN 17.91667
4  4  604     0 31.58333 Female  13      872     872 1949-51  NJN 22.33333
5  5  377     0 50.50000   Male  11      701     583 1929-31   NJ 17.16667
       Tr2 Tr3 Tr4 Tr5 Tr6 Tr7 Tr8 Tr9 Tr10 Tr11 Tr12
1       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
2 44.66667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
3 29.66667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
4 26.91667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
5       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
[1] No intra-state transitions present in the data.
[1] "      Biograph.mvna: Calls function Biograph.long . . . "
[1] . . . . .  Creating long format  . . . . . .
[1] . . . . .  running reshape  . . . . . 
[1]  . . . . Sort data in long format  . . . . 
[1]  . . . . Adjust long format for survival package etc . . .  
[1]      Biograph.mvna completed: Object produced by Biograph.mvna: .$mvna 
[1] "Cumrates 88"
[1] ". . . . . . . . . . . . "
[1] ". . . . Running mvna . . . . . . "
[1] Computing occurrence-exposure rates
[1] Running Sequences.ind
[1] Running Occup
[1] The number of age groups is 54
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] ". . . .  Running Occup . . . . "
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] "state_time: compute state.n"
[1] Running Trans
[1] Running RateTable
[1] Running Rates
[1] ". . . . . .  Removing intrastate transitions . . . . . "
[1] . . . . . .   Removes intrastate transitions . . . .
[1] . . . . Intrastate transitions removed. Recalculating transitions . . . . 
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] A new Biograph object without intrastate transitions is returned.
[1] ". . . . . . Estimating rates . . . . ."
[1] "  "
[1] "Cumrates: calls function Biograph.mvna  . . . "
  ID born start      end    sex edu marriage LMentry  cohort path      Tr1
1  1  351     0 52.66667   Male  17      679     555 1929-31   NJ 17.00000
2  2  357     0 52.16667 Female  10      762     593 1929-31  NJN 19.66667
3  3  473     0 42.50000 Female  11      870     688 1939-41  NJN 17.91667
4  4  604     0 31.58333 Female  13      872     872 1949-51  NJN 22.33333
5  5  377     0 50.50000   Male  11      701     583 1929-31   NJ 17.16667
       Tr2 Tr3 Tr4 Tr5 Tr6 Tr7 Tr8 Tr9 Tr10 Tr11 Tr12
1       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
2 44.66667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
3 29.66667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
4 26.91667  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
5       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA   NA   NA   NA
[1] No intra-state transitions present in the data.
[1] "      Biograph.mvna: Calls function Biograph.long . . . "
[1] . . . . .  Creating long format  . . . . . .
[1] . . . . .  running reshape  . . . . . 
[1]  . . . . Sort data in long format  . . . . 
[1]  . . . . Adjust long format for survival package etc . . .  
[1]      Biograph.mvna completed: Object produced by Biograph.mvna: .$mvna 
[1] "Cumrates 88"
[1] ". . . . . . . . . . . . "
[1] ". . . . Running mvna . . . . . . "
[1] Computing occurrence-exposure rates
[1] Running Sequences.ind
[1] Running Occup
[1] The number of age groups is 54
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] ". . . .  Running Occup . . . . "
[1] ". . . . Running function Parameters . . . . "
[1] "Exploring types of transitions"
[1] "state_time: compute state.n"
[1] Running Trans
[1] Running RateTable
[1] Running Rates

Biograph documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:48 p.m.