
blockMessage <-
function(message, symbols = c("X"," "), font = NULL, font_names = NULL, width = 7, asData = 0, portrait=TRUE, rotate=0, repeats=1)
 # convert a string of characters into block letters each letter made up by symbols in an 8 by 8 grid

  if (is.null(font))
    font <- matrix(c('7F','88','88','88','7F','00','00','00','FF','91','91','91','6E','00','00','00','7E',
      '40','30','40','FF', '00','00','00','FF','40','30','08','FF','00','00','00','7E','81','81','81','7E','00','00',
      '00','00','00','00'), byrow=TRUE, ncol=8)

  if (is.null(font_names))
    font_names <- c(LETTERS, letters,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','?','!','0','@','#','&','(',')','"+"','-','=',
      'R arrow','L arrow','$','smile','5x8 block',':','.',' ',',')

  rownames(font) <- font_names

  convertHexToBinary <- function(x) regexpr(x, "0123456789ABCDEF")[[1]] - 1

  # locate the 8 by 8 grid corresponding to each letter in the message and create a stream of column descriptions
  msglocation <- sapply(strsplit(message, "")[[1]], function(x) head(grep(x, c(substr(rownames(font),1,1),x), fixed=TRUE)[1]))
  msglocation <- msglocation[msglocation <= nrow(font)] # skip any characters that are not in the font set
  msg <- c(head(t(font[msglocation,]), width))
  while(tail(msg,1) == "00") msg <- head(msg,-1)

  # convert each pair of Hexidecimal numbers into a decimal number and expand into its code for a column in an 8 by 8 grid
  messageColumns <- sapply(msg, function(x) convertHexToBinary(substr(x,1,1)) * 16 + convertHexToBinary(substr(x,2,2)))
  blockMsg <- sapply(messageColumns, function(x) sapply (0:7, function(i) trunc(x / 2^(7-i)) %% 2 == 1))
  blockMsg <- ifelse(blockMsg, symbols[1], symbols[2])

  # reverse rows and reverse columns to rotate 180 degrees
  if (rotate != 0) {
    block <- blockMsg
    for (i in 1:nrow(block))
      for (j in 1:ncol(block))
        blockMsg[i,j] <- block[nrow(block) - i + 1, ncol(block) - j + 1]

  # convert the grid entries into X or blank and create a string for each of the 8 rows
  if (asData) {
    colnames(blockMsg) <- NULL

  # return either portait or landscape text
  if (portrait) {
    rows <- matrix(apply(blockMsg, 1, function(x) paste(rep(x,each=repeats), collapse="")), ncol=1)
  } else {
    rows <- matrix(apply(blockMsg, 2, function(x) paste(rep(rev(x),each=repeats), collapse="")), ncol=1)

  matrix(rep(rows,each=repeats), ncol = 1)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BlockMessage documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:31 p.m.