
Defines functions hierMeanReg

Documented in hierMeanReg

#' Hierarchical Normal Means Regression Model
#' fits a hierarchical normal model of the form \eqn{E[y_{ij}] = \mu_{j} +
#' \beta_{1}x_{i1}+\dots+\beta_{p}x_{ip}}
#' @param design a list with elements y = response vector, group = grouping
#' vector, x = matrix of covariates or NULL if there are no covariates
#' @param priorTau a list with elements tau0 and v0
#' @param priorPsi a list with elements psi0 and eta0
#' @param priorVar a list with elements s0 and kappa0
#' @param priorBeta a list with elements b0 and bMat or NULL if x is NULL
#' @param steps the number of Gibbs sampling steps to take
#' @param startValue a list with possible elements tau, psi, mu, sigmasq and
#' beta. tau, psi and sigmasq must all be scalars. mu and beta must be vectors
#' with as many elements as there are groups and covariates respectively
#' @param randomSeed a random seed for the random number generator
#' @return A data frame with variables: \item{tau}{Samples from the posterior
#' distribution of tau} \item{psi}{Samples from the posterior distribution of
#' psi} \item{mu}{Samples from the posterior distribution of mu}
#' \item{beta}{Samples from the posterior distribution of beta if there are any
#' covariates} \item{sigmaSq}{Samples from the posterior distribution of
#' \eqn{\sigma^2}} \item{sigma}{Samples from the posterior distribution of
#' sigma}
#' @examples
#' priorTau = list(tau0 = 0, v0 = 1000)
#' priorPsi = list(psi0 = 500, eta0 = 1)
#' priorVar = list(s0 = 500, kappa0 = 1)
#' priorBeta = list(b0 = c(0,0), bMat = matrix(c(1000,100,100,1000), ncol = 2))
#' data(hiermeanRegTest.df)
#' data.df = hiermeanRegTest.df
#' design = list(y = data.df$y, group = data.df$group,
#'                x = as.matrix(data.df[,3:4]))
#' r=hierMeanReg(design, priorTau, priorPsi, priorVar, priorBeta)
#' oldPar = par(mfrow = c(3,3))
#' plot(density(r$tau))
#' plot(density(r$psi))
#' plot(density(r$mu.1))
#' plot(density(r$mu.2))
#' plot(density(r$mu.3))
#' plot(density(r$beta.1))
#' plot(density(r$beta.2))
#' plot(density(r$sigmaSq))
#' par(oldPar)
#' ## example with no covariates
#' priorTau = list(tau0 = 0, v0 = 1000)
#' priorPsi = list(psi0 = 500, eta0 = 1)
#' priorVar = list(s0 = 500, kappa0 = 1)
#' data(hiermeanRegTest.df)
#' data.df = hiermeanRegTest.df
#' design = list(y = data.df$y, group = data.df$group, x = NULL)
#' r=hierMeanReg(design, priorTau, priorPsi, priorVar)
#' oldPar = par(mfrow = c(3,2))
#' plot(density(r$tau))
#' plot(density(r$psi))
#' plot(density(r$mu.1))
#' plot(density(r$mu.2))
#' plot(density(r$mu.3))
#' plot(density(r$sigmaSq))
#' par(oldPar)
#' @export hierMeanReg
hierMeanReg = function(design, priorTau, priorPsi, priorVar, priorBeta = NULL, steps = 1000, startValue = NULL,
    randomSeed = NULL) {
    ## design is expected to be a list with elements, y = response vector, group = grouping
    ## vector, x = matrix of covariates or null

    ## priorTau is a list with elements tau0 and v0 priorPsi is a list with elements psi0 and
    ## eta0 priorVar is a list with elements s0 and kappa0 priorBeta is a list with elements b0
    ## and bMat or null if x is null startValue is a list with possible elements tau, psi, mu,
    ## sigma and beta

    if (!is.null(randomSeed))

    names(design) = tolower(names(design))

    if (any(!(names(design) %in% c("y", "group", "x")))) {
        stop("design must have elements y, group and x")

    names(priorTau) = tolower(names(priorTau))
    if (any(!(names(priorTau) %in% c("tau0", "v0")))) {
        stop("priorTau must have elements tau0 and v0")

    names(priorPsi) = tolower(names(priorPsi))
    if (any(!(names(priorPsi) %in% c("psi0", "eta0")))) {
        stop("priorPsi must have elements psi0 and eta0")

    names(priorVar) = tolower(names(priorVar))
    if (any(!(names(priorVar) %in% c("s0", "kappa0")))) {
        stop("priorVar must have elements s0 and kappa0")

    if (!is.null(startValue)) {
        names(startValue) = tolower(names(startValue))
        if (any(!(names(startValue) %in% c("tau", "psi", "mu", "sigmasq", "beta")))) {
            stop("startValue can only have elements tau, psi, mu, sigmasq, beta")

    bReg = TRUE

    if (is.null(design$x)) {
        nCovariates = 0
        bReg = FALSE
    } else {
        if (any(!(names(priorBeta) %in% c("b0", "bMat")))) {
            stop("priorBeta must have elements b0 and bMat")
        nCovariates = ncol(design$x)

        if (length(priorBeta$b0) != nCovariates)
            stop("b0 must have as many elements as there are covariates")

        if (ncol(priorBeta$bMat) != nrow(priorBeta$bMat))
            stop("bMat must be a square matrix")

        if (ncol(priorBeta$bMat) != nCovariates)
            stop("bMat must have as many rows(columns) as there are covariates")

    nObs = length(design$y)

    design$group = factor(design$group)
    nGroups = length(levels(design$group))

    kappa1 = priorVar$kappa0 + nObs
    eta1 = priorPsi$eta0 + nGroups

    y = design$y
    group = design$group

    X = Xt = XtX = bMat2 = prec0 = precObs = prec1 = NULL
    betaSample = zBeta = NULL

    if (bReg) {
        X = design$x
        Xt = t(X)
        XtX = Xt %*% X

        prec0 = solve(priorBeta$bMat)
        bMat2 = prec0 %*% priorBeta$b0
        betaSample = matrix(0, ncol = nCovariates, nrow = steps)

        L = t(chol(priorBeta$bMat))
        w4 = rnorm(nCovariates)

        if (!is.null(startValue) & ("beta" %in% names(startValue))) {
            betaSample[1, ] = startValue$beta
        } else {
            betaSample[1, ] = L %*% w4
        zBeta = matrix(rnorm(nCovariates * steps), ncol = nCovariates)

    tauSample = rep(0, steps)
    psiSample = rep(0, steps)
    muSample = matrix(0, ncol = nGroups, nrow = steps)

    sigmaSqSample = rep(0, steps)

    if (!is.null(startValue) & ("tau" %in% names(startValue))) {
        tauSample[1] = startValue$tau
    } else {
        tauSample[1] = priorTau$tau0 + rnorm(1) * sqrt(priorTau$v0)

    if (!is.null(startValue) & ("psi" %in% names(startValue))) {
        psiSample[1] = startValue$psi
    } else {
        psiSample[1] = priorPsi$eta0/rchisq(1, df = priorPsi$eta0)

    if (!is.null(startValue) & ("mu" %in% names(startValue))) {
        muSample[1, ] = startValue$mu
    } else {
        muSample[1, ] = tauSample[1] + rnorm(3) * sqrt(psiSample[1])

    if (!is.null(startValue) & ("sigmasq" %in% names(startValue))) {
        sigmaSqSample[1] = startValue$sigmasq
    } else {
        sigmaSqSample[1] = priorVar$kappa0/rchisq(1, df = priorVar$kappa0)

    nj = sapply(split(y, group), length)

    ## pre-generate arrays of r.v's

    zTau = rnorm(steps)
    chiPsi = rchisq(steps, df = eta1)
    zMu = matrix(rnorm(nGroups * steps), ncol = nGroups)
    chiSigmaSq = rchisq(steps, df = kappa1)

    mu1 = rep(0, nGroups)

    for (n in 2:steps) {
        muSum = sum(muSample[n - 1, ])
        muBar = muSum/nGroups
        v1 = priorTau$v0 * psiSample[n - 1]/(psiSample[n - 1] + nGroups * priorTau$v0)
        tau1 = v1 * (priorTau$tau0/priorTau$v0 + nGroups * muBar/psiSample[n - 1])
        tauSample[n] = tau1 + zTau[n] * sqrt(v1)

        SSq = sum((muSample[n - 1, ] - tauSample[n])^2)
        psi1 = priorPsi$psi0 + SSq
        psiSample[n] = psi1/chiPsi[n]

        for (j in 1:nGroups) {
            varMu = (sigmaSqSample[n - 1] * psiSample[n - 1])/(sigmaSqSample[n - 1] + nj[j] * psiSample[n -
            xBeta = 0
            if (bReg)
                xBeta = X[group == j, ] %*% betaSample[n - 1, ]

            zBar = mean(y[group == j] - xBeta)
            muBar = varMu * (tauSample[n]/psiSample[n - 1] + nj[j] * zBar/sigmaSqSample[n - 1])
            muSample[n, j] = muBar + zMu[n, j] * sqrt(varMu)
            mu1[j] = muSample[n, j]
        yMu = y - mu1[group]
        xBeta = 0

        if (bReg) {
            precObs = XtX/sigmaSqSample[n - 1]
            prec1 = prec0 + precObs
            bMat1 = solve(prec1)

            bLS = coef(lm(yMu ~ -1 + X))

            b1 = bMat1 %*% bMat2 + bMat1 %*% (precObs %*% bLS)

            L = t(chol(bMat1))
            betaSample[n, ] = L %*% zBeta[n, ] + b1
            xBeta = X %*% betaSample[n, ]

        SSw = sum((yMu - xBeta)^2)
        s1 = priorVar$s0 + SSw
        sigmaSqSample[n] = s1/chiSigmaSq[n]

    sigmaSample = sqrt(sigmaSqSample)

    results.df = NULL

    if (bReg) {
        results.df = data.frame(tau = tauSample, psi = psiSample, mu = muSample, beta = betaSample,
            sigmaSq = sigmaSqSample, sigma = sigmaSample)
    } else {
        results.df = data.frame(tau = tauSample, psi = psiSample, mu = muSample, sigmaSq = sigmaSqSample,
            sigma = sigmaSample)


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