Man pages for BoneProfileR
Tools to Study Bone Compactness

BoneProfileR-packageA Model for Bone Compactness.
BPRun a shiny application to fit bone section
BP_AutoFitFit model automatically
BP_ChooseBackgroundLet the use to choose the background color of an image
BP_ChooseCenterLet the user to choose the center of the bone
BP_ChooseForegroundLet the user to choose the foreground color of an image
BP_DetectBackgroundDetects the background color of an image
BP_DetectCentersDetect the centers of an image
BP_DetectForegroundDetects the foreground color of an image
BP_DuplicateAnalysisDuplicates an analysis stored in an object
BP_EstimateCompactnessEstimation of the compactness of a bone section
BP_FitBayesianCompactnessEstimation of Bayesian model of a bone section
BP_FitMLCompactnessEstimation of the likelihood of a bone section
BP_FitMLRadialCompactnessEstimation of the likelihood of a bone section
BP_GetFittedParametersReturn the fitted parameters
BP_ListAnalysesList the analyses stored in an object
BP_LnLCompactnessEstimation of the likelihood of a bone section
BP_OpenImageOpen an image
BP_ReportGenerate a pdf report for the analyzed bone
Erinaceus_europaeusExample of hedgehog femur
plot.BoneProfileRPlot a bone section
summary.BoneProfileRPlot a bone section
BoneProfileR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:07 p.m.