BP_DetectCenters: Detect the centers of an image

View source: R/BP_DetectCenters.R

BP_DetectCentersR Documentation

Detect the centers of an image


Detects the centers of an image. Note that this function must not be used with partial bone section.
The method Fast works well with the convex bone section while if the section is concave, Accurate is slower but works well in all circonstances.
Fast method is maintained here only for compatibility with versions <3.1 of BoneProfileR.
If the section is concave, the methods FastConvex and AccurateConvex return a minimum convex section.


BP_DetectCenters(bone, analysis = 1, show.plot = TRUE, method = "Accurate")



The bone image to be used


The name or rank of analysis


should plot is shown ?


Can be Fast, Accurate, FastConvex, or AccurateConvex


BP_DetectCenters detects the centers of an image


The orignial bone object with a new attribute for centers


Marc Girondot marc.girondot@gmail.com

See Also

Other BoneProfileR: BP_AutoFit(), BP_ChooseBackground(), BP_ChooseCenter(), BP_ChooseForeground(), BP_DetectBackground(), BP_DetectForeground(), BP_DuplicateAnalysis(), BP_EstimateCompactness(), BP_FitBayesianCompactness(), BP_FitMLCompactness(), BP_FitMLRadialCompactness(), BP_GetFittedParameters(), BP_ListAnalyses(), BP_LnLCompactness(), BP_OpenImage(), BP_Report(), Erinaceus_europaeus, plot.BoneProfileR(), summary.BoneProfileR()


## Not run: 
# Not run:
 bone <- BP_OpenImage()
 # or 
path_Hedgehog <- system.file("extdata", "Erinaceus_europaeus_fem_2-1_small.png", 
                             package = "BoneProfileR")
 bone <- BP_OpenImage(file=path_Hedgehog)
 bone <- BP_DetectBackground(bone=bone)
 bone <- BP_DetectForeground(bone=bone)
 bone <- BP_DetectCenters(bone=bone)
 plot(bone, type="mineralized", show.grid=FALSE)
 plot(bone, type="unmineralized", show.grid=FALSE)
 plot(bone, type="section", show.grid=FALSE)
 # Note that some parts of the section are concave but it does not give problems in the analysis
 # For section with very strong concavity, it could be safer to use:
 bone <- BP_DetectCenters(bone=bone, analysis="logistic", method="AccurateConvex")
 plot(bone, type="mineralized", show.grid=FALSE)
 plot(bone, type="unmineralized", show.grid=FALSE)
 plot(bone, type="section", show.grid=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

BoneProfileR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:07 p.m.