
Defines functions LatexOff LatexOn ViewOff ViewOn GoNovice GoAdvanced GoBlind GoSighted SetSigLevel SetPValDigits SetPaperWidth SetPaperHeight SetMakeUpper SetLanguage SetBRLPointSize SetAuthor ChooseStyle ChooseSlideStyle ChooseEmbosser ResetDefaults

Documented in ChooseEmbosser ChooseSlideStyle ChooseStyle GoAdvanced GoBlind GoNovice GoSighted LatexOff LatexOn ResetDefaults SetAuthor SetBRLPointSize SetLanguage SetMakeUpper SetPaperHeight SetPaperWidth SetPValDigits SetSigLevel ViewOff ViewOn

# functions for setting the package options as easily as possible. Most do not have arguments.

# these ones do have arguments

ResetDefaults =
    function(Local = interactive()) {
      if (interactive()) {
        DefSettings = system.file("BrailleROptions", package = "BrailleR")
        PrefSettings =
            file.path(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
        file.copy(DefSettings, PrefSettings, overwrite = TRUE)
        if (Local) file.remove("BrailleROptions")
      } else {

ChooseEmbosser =
        Embosser = "none", Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      if (is.character(Embosser)) {
        options(BrailleR.Embosser = Embosser)
        .OptionUpdated("Embosser", Embosser)
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Embosser = Embosser
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Embosser = Embosser
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

ChooseSlideStyle =
    function(css = "JGSlides.css", Permanent = interactive(),
             Local = interactive()) {
      if (is.character(css)) {
        options(BrailleR.SlideStyle = css)
        if (system.file("css", css, package = "BrailleR") == "") {
              "The file", css,
              "is not in the css folder of the BrailleR package.\nPlease put it there before re-issuing this command.\n")
        } else {
          .OptionUpdated("SlideStyle", css)
          if (Permanent) {
            Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
            OpSet$BrailleR.SlideStyle = css
            write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
          if (Local) {
            Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
            if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
              OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
            OpSet$BrailleR.SlideStyle = css
            write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

ChooseStyle =
    function(css = "BrailleR.css", Permanent = interactive(),
             Local = interactive()) {
      if (is.character(css)) {
        options(BrailleR.Style = css)
        if (system.file("css", css, package = "BrailleR") == "") {
              "The file", css,
              "is not in the css folder of the BrailleR package.\nPlease put it there before re-issuing this command.\n")
        } else {
          .OptionUpdated("Style", css)
          if (Permanent) {
            Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
            OpSet$BrailleR.Style = css
            write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
          if (Local) {
            Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
            if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
              OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
            OpSet$BrailleR.Style = css
            write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

SetAuthor =
        name = "BrailleR", Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      if (is.character(name)) {
        options(BrailleR.Author = name)
        .OptionUpdated("Author", name)
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Author = name
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Author = name
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

SetBRLPointSize =
    function(pt, Permanent = FALSE, Local = interactive()) {
      if ((10 < pt) & (pt < 40)) {
        options(BrailleR.BRLPointSize = pt)
        .OptionUpdated("BRLPointSize (for the braille font)", paste0(pt, " inches"))
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.BRLPointSize = pt
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.BRLPointSize = pt
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {
        .NoChangeWarning("The point size must be between 10 and 40 .")

SetLanguage =
        Language = "en_us", Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      if (is.character(Language)) {
        options(BrailleR.Language = Language)
        .OptionUpdated("Language", Language)
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Language = Language
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.Language = Language
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

SetMakeUpper =
    function(Upper, Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      Upper = as.logical(Upper)
      if (is.logical(Upper)) {
        options(BrailleR.MakeUpper = Upper)
        .UpdatedSettingMSG(What="BrailleR.MakeUpper option for capitalising the initial letter of variable names", To=Upper) 

        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.MakeUpper = Upper
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.MakeUpper = Upper
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {

SetPaperHeight =
    function(Inches, Permanent = FALSE, Local = interactive()) {
      if ((5 < Inches) & (Inches < 14)) {
        options(BrailleR.PaperHeight = Inches)
        .UpdatedSettingMSG(What = "BrailleR.PaperHeight option for the height of the embossed images", To=paste(Inches, "inches"))
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PaperHeight = Inches
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PaperHeight = Inches
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {
        .NoChangeWarning("The height must be between 5 and 14 inches.")

SetPaperWidth =
    function(Inches, Permanent = FALSE, Local = interactive()) {
      if ((5 < Inches) & (Inches < 14)) {
        options(BrailleR.PaperWidth = Inches)
        .UpdatedSettingMSG(What="BrailleR.PaperWidth option for the width of the embossed images", To=paste(Inches, "inches"))
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PaperWidth = Inches
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PaperWidth = Inches
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {
        .NoChangeWarning("The width must be between 5 and 14 inches.")

SetPValDigits =
    function(digits, Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      digits = as.integer(digits)
      if (digits > 1) {
        options(BrailleR.PValDigits = digits)
        .UpdatedSettingMSG(What="BrailleR.PValDigits option for the number of decimal places to display for p values", To=digits)
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PValDigits = digits
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.PValDigits = digits
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {
        .NoChangeWarning("The number of digits must be an integer greater than one")

SetSigLevel =
    function(alpha, Permanent = interactive(), Local = interactive()) {
      if ((0 < alpha) & (alpha < 1)) {
        options(BrailleR.SigLevel = alpha)
        .UpdatedSettingMSG("BrailleR.SigLevel option for the level of alpha",To=alpha)
        if (Permanent) {
          Prefs = paste0(getOption("BrailleR.Folder"), "BrailleROptions")
          OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.SigLevel = alpha
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
        if (Local) {
          Prefs = "BrailleROptions"
          if (file.exists(Prefs)) {
            OpSet = as.data.frame(read.dcf(Prefs, all = TRUE))
          OpSet$BrailleR.SigLevel = alpha
          write.dcf(OpSet, file = Prefs)
      } else {
        .NoChangeWarning("The level of alpha must be between 0 and 1.")

# functions below this point have no arguments. (yet)

GoSighted =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.VI = FALSE)

GoBlind =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.VI = TRUE)

GoAdvanced =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.Advanced = TRUE)

GoNovice =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.Advanced = FALSE)

ViewOn = function() {
           options(BrailleR.View = TRUE)

ViewOff =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.View = FALSE)

LatexOn =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.Latex = TRUE)

LatexOff =
    function() {
      options(BrailleR.Latex = FALSE)

Try the BrailleR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BrailleR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.