Man pages for CAMAN
Finite Mixture Models and Meta-Analysis Tools - Based on C.A.MAN

anova.CAMAN.objectANOVA for finite mixture models
aspirinAspirin use and breast cancer risk
betaplasmaDeterminants of Beta-Carotene Levels
bivariate.EMEM-algorithm for bivariate normally distributed data
bivariate.mixalgEM algorithm and classification for univariate data, for...
bivariate.VEMVEM algorithm for univariate data, for bivariate data and for...
bootParametric bootstrap
CTMeta-anaysis: noninvasive coronary angiography using computed...
getFDRCompute false discovery rates and related statistics
golubMergeData from the Golub et al (1999) Paper
heageNortheast Thailand malnourishment data.
hepabHepatitis B data from Schlattmann and B\"ohning (1993).
hist.CAMAN.objectHistograms for finite mixture models
leukDatChildhood leukemia in the former GDR
mixalgFitting Finite Mixture Models
mixalg.bootbootstrap replication / validation of finite mixture models
mixalg.EMEM algorithm
mixalg.VEMVEM algorithm
mixcovFitting mixture models with covariates
NoPAmes test data: Mutagenicity of 4NoP
PCTProcalcitonin as diagnostic marker for sepsis
plotsPlot ellipses
rs12363681Gene calling
thai_cohortCohort study in north east Thailand
vem_gradVEM algorithm for univariate data, for bivariate data and for...
vitaminMeta-analysis if vitamin A supplementation of childhood...
CAMAN documentation built on Sept. 22, 2023, 5:12 p.m.