
Defines functions fcovSTI fnewybTBT sartLBFGS fLTBT_NPL foptimTBT_NPL foptimRE_TBT fybtbit fcovSTC fgradvecTobit foptimTobit0 foptimTobit fyTobit foptimSAR0_RE foptimSAR_RE fybsar fSARjac foptimSAR fySar fhomobetap fhomobeta updategparms2 updategparms1 fmusum fdatar fdummies fcovCDI2 cdnetLBFGSrho fL_NPLncond22 foptimREM_NPLncond22 fL_NPLncond12 foptimREM_NPLncond12 fnewyb2 fL_NPL2 foptimREM_NPL2 foptimREMncond12 foptimREM2 fmeffects2 fy2 fybncond2 fyb2 fLncond2 fL2 fcovCDI cdnetLBFGS flogintphi fL_NPLncond2 foptimREM_NPLncond2 fL_NPLncond1 foptimREM_NPLncond1 fnewyb fL_NPL foptimREM_NPL foptimREMncond1 foptimREM fmeffects fy fybncond fyb fLncond fL

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

fL <- function(ZtLambda, delta, Rbar, n) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fL`, ZtLambda, delta, Rbar, n)

fLncond <- function(ZtLambda, delta, Rbar, n, nsimu) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fLncond`, ZtLambda, delta, Rbar, n, nsimu)

fyb <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, n, Rbar, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fyb`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, n, Rbar, tol, maxit)

fybncond <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, n, nsimu, Rbar, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fybncond`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, n, nsimu, Rbar, tol, maxit)

fy <- function(yst, maxyst, delta, n, Rbar) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fy`, yst, maxyst, delta, n, Rbar)

fmeffects <- function(n, delta, Rbar, ZtLambda, lbeta) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fmeffects`, n, delta, Rbar, ZtLambda, lbeta)

foptimREM <- function(yb, Gyb, theta, X, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol = 1e-13, maxit = 1e3L) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM`, yb, Gyb, theta, X, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol, maxit)

foptimREMncond1 <- function(yb, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol = 1e-13, maxit = 1e3L) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREMncond1`, yb, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol, maxit)

foptimREM_NPL <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPL`, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPL <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPL`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n))

fnewyb <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n, tol, maxit) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fnewyb`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n, tol, maxit))

foptimREM_NPLncond1 <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPLncond1`, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPLncond1 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPLncond1`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, K, n))

foptimREM_NPLncond2 <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPLncond2`, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPLncond2 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPLncond2`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, K, n))

flogintphi <- function(n, S, a, b, Mean, simu, igroup, ngroup) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_flogintphi`, n, S, a, b, Mean, simu, igroup, ngroup)

cdnetLBFGS <- function(par, Gyb, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y, maxit = 300L, eps_f = 1e-13, eps_g = 1e-13, print = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_cdnetLBFGS`, par, Gyb, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y, maxit, eps_f, eps_g, print)

fcovCDI <- function(n, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, K, S, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fcovCDI`, n, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, K, S, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov)

fL2 <- function(ZtLambda, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, n) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fL2`, ZtLambda, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, n)

fLncond2 <- function(ZtLambda, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, n, nsimu) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fLncond2`, ZtLambda, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, n, nsimu)

fyb2 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, Rbar, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fyb2`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, Rbar, tol, maxit)

fybncond2 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, nsimu, Rbar, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fybncond2`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, nsimu, Rbar, tol, maxit)

fy2 <- function(yst, maxyst, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, Rbar) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fy2`, yst, maxyst, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, n, Rbar)

fmeffects2 <- function(n, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, ZtLambda, lbeta) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fmeffects2`, n, lambda, delta, bdelta, rho, Rbar, ZtLambda, lbeta)

foptimREM2 <- function(yb, Gyb, theta, X, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol = 1e-13, maxit = 1e3L) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM2`, yb, Gyb, theta, X, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol, maxit)

foptimREMncond12 <- function(yb, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol = 1e-13, maxit = 1e3L) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREMncond12`, yb, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, G, igroup, ngroup, K, n, Rbar, y, maxy, tol, maxit)

foptimREM_NPL2 <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPL2`, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPL2 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPL2`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n))

fnewyb2 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n, tol, maxit) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fnewyb2`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Rbar, K, n, tol, maxit))

foptimREM_NPLncond12 <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPLncond12`, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPLncond12 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPLncond12`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, nsimu, Rbar, K, n))

foptimREM_NPLncond22 <- function(Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimREM_NPLncond22`, Gyb, theta, X, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y)

fL_NPLncond22 <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, K, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fL_NPLncond22`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, Simu1, Simu2, nsimu, Rbar, K, n))

cdnetLBFGSrho <- function(par, Gyb, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y, maxit = 300L, eps_f = 1e-13, eps_g = 1e-13, print = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_cdnetLBFGSrho`, par, Gyb, X, Rbar, maxy, K, n, y, maxit, eps_f, eps_g, print)

fcovCDI2 <- function(n, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, K, S, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fcovCDI2`, n, Gyb, theta, X, Rbar, K, S, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov)

fdummies <- function(out, limit, M, n) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fdummies`, out, limit, M, n))

fdatar <- function(X, ftovar, nvar, K) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fdatar`, X, ftovar, nvar, K)

fmusum <- function(mu, nu, index, indexgr, M, N) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fmusum`, mu, nu, index, indexgr, M, N)

updategparms1 <- function(a, dx, invdxdx, beta0, mu0, nu0, smu20, snu20, rho0, index, indexgr, INDEXgr, nfix, N, M, K, Kx, nvec, n, iteration) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_updategparms1`, a, dx, invdxdx, beta0, mu0, nu0, smu20, snu20, rho0, index, indexgr, INDEXgr, nfix, N, M, K, Kx, nvec, n, iteration)

updategparms2 <- function(a, dx, invdxdx, beta0, mu0, nu0, smu20, snu20, rho0, index, indexgr, INDEXgr, nfix, N, M, K, Kx, nvec, n, iteration) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_updategparms2`, a, dx, invdxdx, beta0, mu0, nu0, smu20, snu20, rho0, index, indexgr, INDEXgr, nfix, N, M, K, Kx, nvec, n, iteration)

fhomobeta <- function(theta, a, dx, nvec, index, indexgr, M, maxit = 300L, eps_f = 1e-6, eps_g = 1e-5) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fhomobeta`, theta, a, dx, nvec, index, indexgr, M, maxit, eps_f, eps_g)

fhomobetap <- function(theta, a, dx, nvec, index, indexgr, M, maxit = 300L, eps_f = 1e-15, eps_g = 1e-15) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fhomobetap`, theta, a, dx, nvec, index, indexgr, M, maxit, eps_f, eps_g)

fySar <- function(y, Gy, G, eps, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fySar`, y, Gy, G, eps, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda))

foptimSAR <- function(alphatilde, X, invXX, G, I, n, y, Gy, ngroup, FE, print) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimSAR`, alphatilde, X, invXX, G, I, n, y, Gy, ngroup, FE, print)

fSARjac <- function(lambda, s2, X, XX, Xbeta, G, I, igroup, ngroup, n, K, FE) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fSARjac`, lambda, s2, X, XX, Xbeta, G, I, igroup, ngroup, n, K, FE)

fybsar <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fybsar`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda))

foptimSAR_RE <- function(alphatilde, X, G, I, y, Gy, igroup, ngroup, n, K) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimSAR_RE`, alphatilde, X, G, I, y, Gy, igroup, ngroup, n, K)

foptimSAR0_RE <- function(alphatilde, X, G, I, y, Gy, igroup, ngroup, n, K) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimSAR0_RE`, alphatilde, X, G, I, y, Gy, igroup, ngroup, n, K)

fyTobit <- function(yst, y, Gy, Ztlamda, G, eps, igroup, ngroup, psi, n, lambda, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fyTobit`, yst, y, Gy, Ztlamda, G, eps, igroup, ngroup, psi, n, lambda, tol, maxit)

foptimTobit <- function(theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, npos, ngroup, I, W, n, igroup) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimTobit`, theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, npos, ngroup, I, W, n, igroup)

foptimTobit0 <- function(theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, npos, ngroup, I, W, n, igroup) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimTobit0`, theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, npos, ngroup, I, W, n, igroup)

fgradvecTobit <- function(theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, ngroup, I, W, n, indzero, indpos, igroup) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fgradvecTobit`, theta, X, logdetA2, alphatilde, G2, I2, K, y, Gy, idpos, idzero, ngroup, I, W, n, indzero, indpos, igroup)

fcovSTC <- function(theta, X, G2, I, W, K, n, y, Gy, indzero, indpos, igroup, ngroup, ccov) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fcovSTC`, theta, X, G2, I, W, K, n, y, Gy, indzero, indpos, igroup, ngroup, ccov)

fybtbit <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, sigma, n, tol, maxit) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fybtbit`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, psi, lambda, sigma, n, tol, maxit)

foptimRE_TBT <- function(yb, Gyb, theta, yidpos, X, G, igroup, ngroup, npos, idpos, idzero, K, n, tol = 1e-13, maxit = 1e3L) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimRE_TBT`, yb, Gyb, theta, yidpos, X, G, igroup, ngroup, npos, idpos, idzero, K, n, tol, maxit)

foptimTBT_NPL <- function(yidpos, Gyb, X, theta, npos, idpos, idzero, K) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_foptimTBT_NPL`, yidpos, Gyb, X, theta, npos, idpos, idzero, K)

fLTBT_NPL <- function(yb, Gyb, G, X, theta, igroup, ngroup, n, K) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fLTBT_NPL`, yb, Gyb, G, X, theta, igroup, ngroup, n, K))

sartLBFGS <- function(par, yidpos, Gyb, X, npos, idpos, idzero, K, maxit = 300L, eps_f = 1e-6, eps_g = 1e-5, print = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_sartLBFGS`, par, yidpos, Gyb, X, npos, idpos, idzero, K, maxit, eps_f, eps_g, print)

fnewybTBT <- function(yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, K, n, tol, maxit) {
    invisible(.Call(`_CDatanet_fnewybTBT`, yb, Gyb, G, igroup, ngroup, X, theta, K, n, tol, maxit))

fcovSTI <- function(n, Gyb, theta, X, K, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov) {
    .Call(`_CDatanet_fcovSTI`, n, Gyb, theta, X, K, G, igroup, ngroup, ccov)

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