
# Load default settings for CHNOSZ

info <- "CGL species with NA volume produces reasonable results"
# 20171006: After rewriting much of the code in cgl(), melanterite and hydronium jarosite
# disappeared from the example diagram after Majzlan et al., 2006.
# Because the volumes are NA, the integral properties became NA,
# but it makes more sense to set them to zero.
ispecies <- info("melanterite")
expect_equal(info(ispecies)$V, NA_real_, info = info)
sout <- subcrt(ispecies, T = c(25, 25, 100, 100), P = c(1, 100, 1, 100))$out[[1]]
expect_false(any($H)), info = info)
# For melanterite, which is listed in the database with zero heat capacity,
# all Cp and V integrals evaluate to zero
expect_true(length(unique(sout$H)) == 1, info = info)

info <- "gfun() gives expected results"
# Calculate values of g and its derivatives up to350 degrees C at Psat
Tc <- c(0, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
# Get the required properties of water
w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta", "Psat"), T = convert(Tc, "K"), P = "Psat")
# Calculate g and its derivatives
gfun.Psat <- CHNOSZ:::gfun(w$rho/1000, Tc, w$Psat, w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)
# Up to 450 degrees C at 500 bar
Tc <- c(Tc, 400, 450)
w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta"), T = convert(Tc, "K"), P = 500)
gfun.500 <- CHNOSZ:::gfun(w$rho/1000, Tc, rep(500, length(Tc)), w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)
# Up to 600 degrees C at 1000 bar
Tc <- c(Tc, 500, 550, 600)
w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta"), T = convert(Tc, "K"), P = 1000)
gfun.1000 <- CHNOSZ:::gfun(w$rho/1000, Tc, rep(1000, length(Tc)), w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)
# Up to 1000 degrees C at 4000 bar
Tc <- c(Tc, 700, 800, 900, 1000)
w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta"), T = convert(Tc, "K"), P = 4000)
gfun.4000 <- CHNOSZ:::gfun(w$rho/1000, Tc, rep(4000, length(Tc)), w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)

# Values from table 5 of Shock et al., 1992
g.Psat.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.09, -1.40, -8.05, -35.23, -192.05)
g.500.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.02, -0.43, -3.55, -16.81, -56.78, -287.16, -1079.75)
g.1000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.12, -1.49, -8.44, -30.59, -85.09, -201.70, -427.17, -803.53, -1312.67)
g.4000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01, -0.20, -1.14, -3.52, -7.84, -14.19, -22.21, -40.15, -54.28, -59.35, -55.17)
# Compare the calculations with the reference values
# Note: tolerance is set as low as possible (order of magnitude) for successful tests
expect_equal(gfun.Psat$g * 1e4, g.Psat.ref, tolerance = 1e-4, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.500$g  * 1e4, g.500.ref,  tolerance = 1e-4, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.1000$g * 1e4, g.1000.ref, tolerance = 1e-5, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.4000$g * 1e4, g.4000.ref, tolerance = 1e-4, info = info)

# Values from table 6 of Shock et al., 1992
dgdT.Psat.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, -0.01, -0.62, -6.13, -25.33, -123.20, -1230.59)
dgdT.500.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.13, -2.21, -12.54, -46.50, -110.45, -734.92, -2691.41)
dgdT.1000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.02, -0.75, -6.12, -24.83, -69.29, -158.38, -324.13, -594.43, -904.41, -1107.84)
dgdT.4000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.08, -0.89, -3.09, -6.60, -10.72, -14.55, -17.29, -17.26, -10.06, -0.08, 7.82)
expect_equal(gfun.Psat$dgdT * 1e6, dgdT.Psat.ref, tolerance = 1e-2, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.500$dgdT  * 1e6, dgdT.500.ref,  tolerance = 1e-2, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.1000$dgdT * 1e6, dgdT.1000.ref, tolerance = 1e-5, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.4000$dgdT * 1e6, dgdT.4000.ref, tolerance = 1e-3, info = info)

# Values from table 7 of Shock et al., 1992
d2gdT2.Psat.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, -0.1, -3.7, -20.7, -74.3, -527.8, -15210.4)
d2gdT2.500.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -9.3, -36.8, -109.4, -26.3, -2043.5, -4063.1)
d2gdT2.1000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.2, -4.0, -20.5, -58.4, -125.4, -241.8, -433.9, -628.0, -550.0, -265.2)
d2gdT2.4000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.6, -2.9, -5.9, -7.9, -8.2, -6.8, -3.9, 4.0, 9.5, 9.6, 5.9)
expect_equal(gfun.Psat$d2gdT2 * 1e8, d2gdT2.Psat.ref, tolerance = 1e-5, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.500$d2gdT2  * 1e8, d2gdT2.500.ref,  tolerance = 1e-4, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.1000$d2gdT2 * 1e8, d2gdT2.1000.ref, tolerance = 1e-4, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.4000$d2gdT2 * 1e8, d2gdT2.4000.ref, tolerance = 1e-2, info = info)

# Values from table 8 of Shock et al., 1992
dgdP.Psat.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03, 0.36, 1.92, 12.27, 227.21)
dgdP.500.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.53, 1.75, 5.69, 107.61, 704.88, 1110.20)
dgdP.1000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03, 0.31, 1.50, 5.25, 15.53, 4.78, 101.39, 202.25, 313.90)
dgdP.4000.ref <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.18, 0.46, 0.91, 1.54, 2.34, 4.26, 6.12, 7.29, 7.47)
expect_equal(gfun.Psat$dgdP * 1e6, dgdP.Psat.ref, tolerance = 1e-0, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.500$dgdP  * 1e6, dgdP.500.ref,  tolerance = 1e+1, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.1000$dgdP * 1e6, dgdP.1000.ref, tolerance = 1e-1, info = info)
expect_equal(gfun.4000$dgdP * 1e6, dgdP.4000.ref, tolerance = 1e-3, info = info)

info <- "hkf() and subcrt() give consistent values for non-solvation volume"
# Added on 20220326 to check usage of subcrt() with omega = 0
# in demo/DEW.R (b/c hkf() is no longer exported)
# Load SiO2 and Si2O4 data taken from DEW spreadsheet
iSi <- add.OBIGT("DEW", c("SiO2", "Si2O4"))
# Override check for DEW water model 20220920
mod.OBIGT(iSi, model = rep("HKF", 2))
Vn1 <- Vn2 <- numeric()
species <- c("CO3-2", "BO2-", "MgCl+", "SiO2", "HCO3-", "Si2O4")
# First method: use hkf() function
for(i in 1:length(species)) {
  # Get HKF parameters
  par <- info(info(species[i]), = FALSE)
  # Get the nonsolvation volume from hkf()
  Vn1 <- c(Vn1, CHNOSZ:::hkf("V", par, contrib="n")$aq[[1]]$V)
# In CHNOSZ 2.0.0, hkf() assumes the parameters are Joules,
# but we gave it calorie-based parameters, so we need to convert to Joules
Vn1 <- convert(Vn1, "J")
# Second method: subcrt() with omega = 0
for(i in 1:length(species)) {
  mod.OBIGT(species[i], omega = 0)
  Vn2 <- c(Vn2, subcrt(species[i], T = 25)$out[[1]]$V)
expect_equal(Vn1, Vn2, info = info)

# Reference

# Shock, E. L., Oelkers, E. H., Johnson, J. W., Sverjensky, D. A. and Helgeson, H. C. (1992) 
#   Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: 
#   Effective electrostatic radii, dissociation constants and standard partial molal properties to 1000 degrees C and 5 kbar. 
#   J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 88, 803--826.

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